The Third Reich

Chapter 1404: Bomb railway bridge

"Comrades, our task tonight is to blow up the bridge. As long as the railway bridge here is blown up, the German railway will be paralyzed, and we will be able to fight for our frontline soldiers to breathe." The major said: "Is there a problem?"

"No." Everyone replied in unison.

The plane had already flown away. Several people pushed the plane to re-align the space. After starting the engine, they quickly got up and flew away. At the same time, they also took away a wounded person.

Now, the rest of the people are full of energy and have supplies from the rear. What are they afraid of? Keep fighting!

In fact, the plan to blow up the railway bridge has already existed, but they have never had the appropriate equipment. After all, it is very difficult to obtain equipment behind enemy lines.

However, recently, according to the spirit of Moscow, Comrade Stalin personally proposed to attach importance to guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, calling on the broad masses of the people to launch guerrilla warfare in the enemy-occupied areas. At the same time, the People’s Committee of the Interior and the party and regiment organizations of the Soviet Union began to call on parties in various places. The group members joined the guerrillas.

There was a guerrilla warfare behind the enemy line, and it started like this. If categorized, the Soviet guerrillas are mainly composed of annihilation battalions organized by the Ministry of the Interior, guerrillas spontaneously organized by the Soviet local government, and disbanded Red Army officers and soldiers.

Among them, the annihilation battalion is an irregular army composed of local Communists, workers, Red Army reserve soldiers and volunteers. And behind enemy lines, there are a large number of guerrillas formed by party organizations at all levels. Most of their members are middle-aged and elderly civilians, and they often form relatively loose guerrillas with regional party organizations as the core.

Such guerrillas generally have a size of about dozens of people, and their leaders are usually local party leaders, border guards, and leaders of collective enterprises. They cut off telephone lines, destroyed ammunition and fuel depots, blasted railways, and attacked individual or scattered German vehicles.

And now, under the leadership of the major, their guerrilla group is advancing towards the German railway line.

In order to carry out trade cooperation with the Soviet Union, Germany built this railway specifically to unify the standards. Like Germany, it is narrow gauge.

(Europe is a narrow gauge, and the Soviet Union is a wide gauge. It seems to be wrong, sorry.)

At that time, the Germans said that it was for the convenience of transportation, but now it seems that the Germans have been preparing for the invasion of the Soviets. This railway was specially made by the Germans to transport strategic materials.

No matter how strong Germany's road transport capacity is, the huge army and material movements still rely on railways. If you leave the railway, it will be difficult to move.

Especially the roads in the Soviet Union were still very bad, almost all rely on railways.

The night was silent, and the guerrillas continued to walk along the forest. At midnight, they came to the vicinity of the railway bridge.

The moonlight is quiet, and you can see the railway bridge reflecting the shadow in the river below. Almost every three minutes, a train full of supplies roars past.

"We have been investigating here for several days. The Germans have a company of about one force nearby, and they patrol the railway bridge about every half an hour." Nekhtyaev said: "We just have to wait for them to patrol the past. , You can do it."

A company? Labannock suddenly remembered something: "If the Germans are stationed in this way, where would their troops fight on the front?"

The Soviet territory is vast. This is why the Soviets are not easy to conquer. Even if only one infantry squad is stationed in each town and only one company is left in each communication line, the huge German army disappears into the vast expanse. It's on the ground, just like throwing sand into the sea.

Rabanok's words made Nekhtyaev's face unsightly: "Yes, so almost all the patrols now are puppet troops."

What a small soldier could think of, Cyric had thought of it a long time ago. After capturing so many Soviet soldiers, Cyric did not let them waste it.

Those stubborn people have gone to labor reform. Germany is extremely lack of labor. Speer will give them the opportunity to work. As for those who are willing to give up the secret, they can be reorganized into the Belarusian Liberation Army and stationed in the rear area.

As long as a small number of army chiefs are appointed, the Belarusian Liberation Army can be used to maintain order. The main force of the German army will continue to fight on the front lines.

The Germans solved the problem in this way. Think about those who defected, how can they not make people angry!

"Shhh!" At this moment, the major turned around and made a move. Everyone stopped there and stopped talking.

They were quiet, only the wind blew across the bushes by the river, making a rustling sound.

A patrol team appeared in front of them. The patrol team was wearing the uniform of the puppet army. The black **** logo on the arm looked so conspicuous.

They were carrying the same Mosin Nagan rifles and walking along the railway.

"Woo, woo!" A train drove over. On the front of the train, the patrol was illuminated by bright lights. They stood aside and waved to the train. When the train passed, they continued on.

Finally, the figure disappeared.

"Come on!" the major shouted.

Following Nekhodyaev, Labanok also rushed forward, each of them carrying a pack of explosives, about a dozen of them, and they jumped out.

The rest of the people were all here, and picked up their rifles. The only turntable machine gun was held by the major, aiming at the direction where the patrol team left.

Time passed by little by little.

More than a dozen people ran up to the bridge and ran to the middle of the bridge. Then Nekhodyaev took the lead and climbed down first.

Rabanok was the second one. Following Nekhtyaev, he placed the explosive package on the bridge pier, and then continuously took the explosive package handed down from above, put it together neatly, and plugged the detonator. .

"Hurry back!" Nekhtyaev shouted.

The people above ran back together, Nekhodyaev and Labanok were behind. When the two of them put the detonating wire and returned to the bridge head, there was a train over there, coming booming. Up.

Their movements are so fast, the time is just right.

"It happened that even this train blew it up, and it was covered with German military supplies." Nekhodyaev connected the line to the detonator and shouted to the major.

"Okay, detonate immediately." The major said, the action tonight was simply too easy.

"Wait." Rabanov suddenly remembered something: "Are there any of us on the train?"

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