The Third Reich

Chapter 1405: Pregnant with iron and blood

"It is no longer our compatriots who serve the Germans." The major said plainly.

Now, as Germany has occupied a vast expanse of Soviet territory, German rule has begun here, and some people have begun to serve Germany.

Such a person is no longer a compatriot of the Soviets, but an enemy! The major has a clear idea of ​​right and wrong.

For example, on the train, the German military train needs a lot of personnel. On this railway, many former railway workers were serving Germany. Some former train drivers and some coal loaders were also working. Serving the Germans. Since such a person has served Germany, he is a traitor and a traitor!

At this time, the car was already rumbling and roaring.


Nekhodyaev twisted the detonator, and the current flowed through the wire into the detonator.

"Boom!" The electric detonator successfully detonated, detonating the explosives below, and suddenly a violent explosion occurred.

The light of fire shone in everyone's retina. In their eyes, a large fireball with a radius of several tens of meters formed from under the bridge. Under the huge impact, the bridge surface immediately flew.

Above the bridge deck, the moving train was also blown up. The middle carriages immediately flew up, while the ones behind were still crashing forward due to inertia. Together, a terrible scene was formed.

"Boom!" At this moment, the second explosion sounded, and the ammunition carried on the train was detonated!

This explosion was even more terrifying. As far as the line of sight was, there were huge flames. The air wave even hit the bridge. At this moment, everyone bowed their heads, feeling the breath coming from with countless pieces. Lang, even some unfortunate people were hit.

"Retreat!" said the major. They were very successful this time. The bridge here was completely collapsed. It was more enjoyable than they were blowing up the bridge alone!

And once this bridge is broken, trains will be inaccessible for at least half a month, and military supplies that the Germans urgently need cannot be transported to the front lines.

Everyone is very excited.

Although Rabanov was still a bit contradictory when talking about the people in the car, but now looking at the brilliant results, he also showed a triumphant smile. Their attack was a success!

This night was an extraordinary night. The bombing of the railway bridge this time indicated that the guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines would go on vigorously.

Wolf den.

The bombing of the railway bridge is not a major event, but behind this incident, there are many things reflected. When the news reached Cyric's eyes, Cyric knew that he had to take it seriously.

Unlike other European countries, the Soviet Union is a country that is difficult to conquer.

The Soviet Union has a vast territory. If there are constant guerrillas to make trouble, then Germany will be exhausted, and against the guerrillas, Germany's powerful mechanized forces cannot be used.

"Without the support of personnel from nearby villages, these guerrillas cannot be hidden. I suggest that the nearby villages where the guerrillas may be hidden should be searched. As long as the guerillas are found, the entire village will be slaughtered immediately. , You have to raise the butcher knife." Scherner said: "Stalin killed so many people in order to accumulate his authority, and we are absolutely not stingy to kill."

What Scherner said is reasonable. Even if they have secret support from the rear, the assistance cannot be 100% timely. They can operate in Belarus with ease and rely on the local people. Of course, they must be killed.

To Lao Maozi, killing was too normal. In the days of serfdom, killing a person was no different from killing an animal. Later, when the Soviet Red Army encircled and suppressed the white bandits, blood flowed, and all the landlords and nobles were killed.

During the Great Purge, Stalin killed everyone even more. No one dared not listen to Stalin's words. Those who were opposed were killed.

Now, Scherner’s opinion is also killing!

But Cyric shook his head: "Barbarism and killing cannot solve all the problems. We have to kill when it is time to kill. For example, whoever supports the guerrillas, then kill him, but expand to the entire village, then not It's necessary."

Killing is a method, but it is not the most perfect method. The best plan is of course to let the people of the Soviet Union support themselves from the heart.

Why did the Soviets support the Soviet regime? It was because the Soviets liberated them from their serf status and became free men, so they were grateful to the Soviet power.

What if Germany can make them live a better life?

No one spoke. Everyone now has a blind trust in Cyric, especially in terms of strategy. Cyric is simply a god, and his opinion is not wrong.

"We need to improve Belarus's backward infrastructure." Cyrek said: "We, the European Central Bank, will provide funding to build several high-grade highways in Belarus. At the same time, we will hire a large number of local Belarusians to participate. Construction."

Cyric’s plan is almost the same as it was when Germany was revitalized. The people’s pockets were swollen through infrastructure construction, and to get rich through labor, to eat and drink. Who would make trouble?

You know, these locals have had a poor life under Soviet rule. If Germany allows them to live a good life, what choice would they make?

At the same time, built a road, which also facilitates the movement and transportation of materials. It is still very dangerous to rely solely on railways.

"What if someone makes trouble?" Scherner asked.

Road construction is destined to not be smooth sailing, and there will definitely be various problems.

"On the one hand, the imperial propaganda department will carry out vigorous propaganda. On the other hand, the people of Reinhardt will closely monitor, catch them together, and deal with them severely." Cyric said: "As for the other hand, I decided to carry out A large-scale population migration."

The war against the Soviet Union is now in full swing, and Cyric’s eyes are not only on the military. After the war is over, how to rule this vast territory is also a problem that must be resolved.

Population migration is also a plan that Cyric has been brewing. For the safety of the empire, it is normal to sacrifice some people who do not know good or bad, such as Poland.

Cyric’s words will make everyone’s eyes shine bright. If only Huairou, it will make some people feel that the German authorities are bullied, and they want to get an inch. In addition to Huairou, there must be iron-blooded means. The best solution to rule.

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