The Third Reich

Chapter 1487: Sudden encounter

In the early days of World War II, the U.S. Marine Corps was still a very undervalued arm.

Just look at the weapons. In 1933, the U.S. Army had fully replaced the M1917A4 air-cooled heavy machine gun. Throughout World War II, the output of this machine gun was extremely huge. How big can it be? When charging, the manpower was all right.

With such a huge output, the U.S. Marine Corps actually used the old M1917A1 heavy machine gun with a water-cooled barrel, which was extremely heavy.

The Marine Corps was not taken seriously. It was not until World War II had to cross the sea to land before it carried out a large-scale expansion, and then, under the conspiracy of the Army, it was almost merged into the Army.

Now, the main guards of Iceland are the US Marine Corps.

For the United States, Iceland is not for guarding. Iceland is just a springboard. It is their mission to land on English, land on the European continent and restore peace in the old world through Iceland.

Under this strategy, the Marine Corps is the first unit to bear the brunt. They open up the landing field, and they attack forward, so that the army behind can move up calmly.

Now the guards of Iceland are mainly the 1st Marine Division and the 3rd Marine Division.

The 1st Marine Division was originally a team of the Marine Corps. It was the first elite unit in the United States to conduct special training for landing warfare. Their combat effectiveness was the strongest. The backbone of the 2nd and 3rd Marine Divisions formed.

At present, the members of the 1st Marine Division are mostly recruits who have just joined the army, and their combat effectiveness is no longer comparable to that of the old 1st Division.

Major General Alexander is also a major general in the Marine Corps.

"Order the 1st Marine Division to go to Keflavik immediately and defeat the Germans there!" Lieutenant General Alexander said.

He didn't dare to send all the troops out, at least half of them had to shed to guard the capital. Moreover, the situation is now chaotic. The Germans landed across the sea. How many troops can be delivered in one go?

What if the Germans pretend to attack there, the real target of the attack is their own?

In the rush, the resident of the 1st Marine Division was also in a mess.

They were originally recruits. They came to Iceland to garrison and train at the same time. In a non-combat state, many soldiers were not in the army. They used their vacation time to fight fiercely with the women near the station.

Now, the entire base has sounded the horn of emergency assembly. The commander, Major General Vandegrift, stood on top of a truck, holding a horn, and shouting to his troops: "Quickly, get in the car nearby, be quick! "

The Marine Corps does not have heavy weapons in its equipment. On the one hand, it is because the U.S. domestic tanks and other weapons are given priority to the Army. On the other hand, their mission is to take landing craft for beach landings. Those heavy equipment are Can't come up with the landing craft.

When Germany has equipped a series of landing equipment, the US Marine Corps equipment is still very backward. After all, the United States has not yet reached the counterattack time, they can keep it good.

There are no tanks, only light weapons. At the same time, cars are still fully equipped for them. When the American war machine is activated, their industrial strength is extremely powerful, and the output of cars is quite huge.

Many soldiers could not find their direct officers in the panic, and the organization of the troops would be disrupted, but Major General Van der Greft did not have so much time.

As the Marine Corps, he knew well that in the early days of landing, it was the weakest time. Once he defended the beachhead and advanced inland, it would be difficult to beat them back.

Now is to grab time!

As a result, a large number of soldiers were dragged into the car like dumplings. When they were full, they drove away. Behind them, there were sleepy soldiers, some of whom didn't even have a gun!

If you were still in your previous team, you would be ready for everything now! Major General Van der Greft was quite upset in his heart.

At this moment, in the car that had already started, Colonel Hunter was sitting in the front car, holding a submachine gun in his hand, and looking forward anxiously.

As the commander of the 5th Marine Regiment, he took the lead. At this time, they must fight bravely!

His face was full of anxiety, and the situation was obviously not optimistic.

The engine of the IWC truck made a rumbling noise, and the car was bumping on the road. To their right, you could see the waves beating against the coast, and the moist air blew on Colonel Hunter's face.

Soon we arrived at the Cape Recha peninsula. There was a small arc on the road ahead. The road turned to the north and went straight to Keflavík.

Just after turning this corner, Colonel Hunter saw countless black smoke rising up, and his expression instantly changed: "Hurry up, stop, and immediately set up a position!"

The black smoke that rose was so obvious that it was the German tanks, which came out when the diesel engine was working. The Germans came so fast, they had already organized a huge tank army!

Generally speaking, the first batch of soldiers to land on the coast will be infantry. Who knows that tank troops are now appearing. At this time, everyone's hearts are tense.

What tank is coming? If it is a German amphibious tank, don't be too scared. Facts have proved that in order to have the ability to float on water, the armor of that tank is quite weak. You can kill it with your own anti-tank gun!

The cars on the road had no time to escape and could only stay here. The soldiers behind quickly jumped down to the left and hurriedly arranged a line of defense.

There is no way to arrange it on the right, because the right is the beach. Blocking German tanks on the beach is almost the same as looking for death. At the same time, German tanks do not come along the beach very much. Although the tanks are tracked, they are also afraid of softness. ground.

On the left, there is already a mountain not far away. If the situation is not good, they can drill into the mountain.

And now, what they need is to organize a line of defense!

The tall John Baslon ran behind a stone on the side of the road, where he quickly prepared his Boyce anti-tank gun.

If it is the U.S. Army, all kinds of artillery can be pushed out, but the Marine Corps has not yet. They have only flesh and blood. The only artillery is fixed on the coast of Reykjavik as a fire point, ready to stop at any time. The Germans landed on the beach.

If anti-tank guns fail to work, they can only use anti-tank grenades, which means they have to pay a huge price of casualties!

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