The Third Reich

Chapter 1488: Battlefield veteran

The black smoke was getting closer and closer, and when everyone saw the opposite tank, their hearts sank in an instant.

Tiger tank, Tiger tank!

This is Germany's most advanced tank. On the Soviet battlefield, it is almost invincible. There is no weapon to penetrate it from the front. You can only think of a way from the side or the back.

This kind of own anti-tank gun cannot pose any threat to it.

Who would have thought that the German landing troops would be Tiger tanks? This is simply impossible!

A company of tiger tanks is enough to crush the entire infantry division, and just the momentum when it comes over will bring tremendous pressure to people.

When seeing the Tiger tank, even Colonel Hunter was stunned. He had enough courage, but he couldn't let his troops fall into a desperate battle. After all, the gap between the enemy and ourselves was too big.

From this perspective, he should retreat, or retreat to the mountain on the left, and save himself first.

But in that case, Reykjavík in the rear is dangerous. This is the only place that can stop the Germans from moving forward. Once the Germans are allowed to rush to Reykjavík, Iceland will change hands. Iceland's strategy in the United States The status in China is self-evident.

If the United States has mastered Iceland, it can use Iceland as a springboard to land in Europe. If Germany has mastered Iceland, it can also use Iceland as a springboard to land in the United States. The United States will face the danger of domestic invasion!

No refund, absolutely no refund!

"Prepare anti-tank grenades and blow up its tracks!" Colonel Hunter shouted: "Its tracks are the most vulnerable. We must defeat the German tanks!"

At this moment, the opponent is getting closer and closer, and you can clearly see behind the opponent.

There are not many tiger tanks. The Panther tank is behind, followed by the infantry fighting vehicle. When he saw this, Colonel Hunter had set the battle plan in his mind.

After a short resistance, let go of these tiger tanks, and then hit the ones behind them!

"Boom!" At this moment, the tank on the opposite side had already opened fire, and the other side actually shot while on the move! The high quality of German tankers shocked everyone.

Without the help of any electronic equipment, firing while on the move is similar to hitting mosquitoes with a rifle. However, the flying shells accurately hit the truck they were blocking on the road. In an instant, the truck burned.

The ground was trembling, the tanks were roaring, and the newly enlisted soldiers had fear in their hearts.

This mood is normal for the first time on the battlefield.

Basilon is a veteran.

When the German tank came at high speed, he was not afraid, he aimed motionlessly, waiting for the opportunity.

The United States did not pay much attention to tanks. Looking at the tanks of the United States in the early stage of World War II, there is nothing famous. Sherman is not famous by performance, but by production and assembly line.

This anti-tank gun is not American, but developed by Britain.

As early as October 1934, the British proposed relevant technical specifications and parameters in order to develop a new type of anti-tank gun. Its total weight will not exceed 16 kg, and it will be able to penetrate a 25 mm thick steel plate 200 meters away.

The designer of this anti-tank gun was Captain Boyce, who died after the gun was manufactured, so the weapon was named after him and officially adopted at the end of 1937.

At the same time, it can use WMark1 steel core armor piercing bullet or WMark2 tungsten core armor piercing bullet, and its performance has reached the design requirements.

When it first appeared, there was no problem dealing with the tanks of the time, but the Tiger tank had a frontal armor thickness of more than one hundred millimeters, hitting it on it, and it was almost tickle.

Destroying is impossible, but it can still pose a threat!

Its front sight, the driver's observation hole, etc. are all weak, and hitting it can also prevent the opponent from moving forward!

The tank continued to rush up rumblingly, getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, and when it was almost a hundred meters, Baslong pulled the trigger.


The gun was flared, and the caliber reached 13.97 mm. When it was launched, it was more like the sound of a cannon. As the bullet flew out, the huge recoil hit Baslon's shoulder.

Although there is a muzzle brake that offsets part of the recoil, the remaining recoil is still quite large. In this case, Baslong’s entire body seems to tremble suddenly. The internal organs in the entire abdominal cavity are all Was shocked.

Basilon didn't care. After he finished shooting, he immediately held his gun and quickly moved to the side.

When I first shot, the movement was too loud, and the target must have been exposed.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Tiger tank had stopped, and the muzzle turned towards the place where he had just shot. Then, a black smoke came out of the muzzle. The location was in ruins.

If Basilon had been slow for a second, he would have been bombed into the sky. After the explosion, he picked up his gun again.

The German tank did not move.

The driver was killed in action.

The bullet actually penetrated through the observation hole, smashed the narrow bulletproof glass in front, and hit the driver’s head. The driver’s head burst immediately, and the white brain and red blood flowed. Everywhere.

"Damn it!" In the turret behind, Haldgen could not help but cursed, and then shouted: "Radioman, inform the whole army, and turn into battle formation!"

Just now they rushed all the way, along the highway next to the coastline in a long snake formation, this is the fastest way.

After discovering the American army didn't care. According to his assumption, the Americans should retreat after seeing their own tanks.

The opponent will fall apart, and you will be able to chase to Reykjavik all the way.

Who knows, they actually set up a defensive position and killed their pilots.

However, this also shows that the opponent does not have effective and reliable anti-tank weapons. What he will face is anti-tank guns, anti-tank grenades, and anti-tank Molotov cocktails.

To deal with this kind of weapon, it is necessary to turn into a combat formation and rush over under the protection of infantry.

At the same time, he can only stop and wait for the end of the battle, because his driver is gone and no one is moving the tank.

"Did you see? Our anti-tank guns can effectively stop the German tanks!" Colonel Hunter shouted to his subordinates, encouraging confidence, and when he finished shouting, he saw the Germans start to change their formation. Up.


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