The Third Reich

Chapter 1491: Worst ending

Colonel Hunter watched the Germans quickly set up the attack queue and knew that the situation was developing in the worst direction. At this time, their infantry could not stop it.

"Quickly, call the headquarters, send a plane over and blow up the German troops!"

In Reykjavík, there is also an airport. As the capital of Iceland, it was once a landing point for planes travelling between Europe and America for a while.

And now, a certain number of P-40 fighters are also deployed here.

In the early days of World War II, the P-40 fighter was simply notorious, and it was horribly beaten by the Zero fighter, but it also had certain advantages.

For example, its wing load is very low, and it has good performance in mid-to-low-altitude fighting. As long as it is used correctly, it can still become a good fighter.

At the same time, this is because they have no choice.

All services demand money, and the navy burns even more. It is really impossible to equip too many aircraft. And these P-40s were originally made for France.

As a result, the French Air Force surrendered before it received it. So, it happened to be taken over by the United States itself, and to catch up with the tension in the European battlefield, it deployed to Iceland.

In addition to being used in air combat, it can also carry two 500-pound bombs for ground attacks.

In fact, without the call from the ground forces, just after receiving the forced landing of the Keflavík base by Germany, the base here also received the order.

"Hurry up, hang up the bomb!" The base is busy. The fighters here are all fighting against the air. Only the bullets are pressed in the machine guns. Now they are going to attack the ground. Only machine guns are obviously insufficient. Bombs are necessary.

The ground crew hurriedly pushed the bomb out of the ammunition depot with a trolley and ran towards the tarmac. Almost at this time, the sharp air defense sirens sounded.

Before Germany formulated its attack operations, it was very strict. Of course, they would not miss their aviation base. A large number of HS-129 sweepers have already flown there!

Every time the nose is down, a violent 40mm cannonball will be swept toward the ground, and the bomb on the ground will be exploded.

"Boom, boom!" There were explosions everywhere and fires everywhere. The aviation troops here were also second-line troops, almost rookies who had just graduated from aviation school. Before they took off, the entire base was already a sea of ​​flames.

If they are skilled enough, they should at least take off a few air superior fighters to protect the sky above them, but now, when the German planes fly away, it is already terrible.

The Germans are hateful, they flew from the east.

Reykjavík is a coastal city, the west is the sea, and there is also a possible attack direction for the Germans. Therefore, the coastal defense artillery and antiaircraft artillery are all arranged on the west side. As a result, the Germans circled around. Coming from the east!

The Germans crossed the mountains and boldly interspersed from the peaks, almost immediately after coming out of the mountain, they immediately attacked, without giving the Americans any time to react.

The ground forces don’t have to imagine getting air support anymore.

The tiger tank was moving rumblingly, with Panther tanks on both wings, followed by infantry, step by step towards the defense line of the 5th Continental Pavilion.

"Grenadier, go!" Colonel Kate shouted.

Following his orders, the soldiers with cluster grenades ran forward one by one. On the flat ground, they had almost nothing to cover. They could only run the S-shaped bullet avoidance route. Rely on speed and maneuverability to avoid the opponent's blow.

Just run a few dozen meters forward.

And these tens of meters is their place of death.

"Chichichichi." The German tank made a sound like a chainsaw. In front of the tank, the radio operator operated the MG machine gun and fired violently. The 7.92 mm bullets were spilled pouringly.

The rate of fire is too fast, as long as it is shot, it is definitely not one, but many!

When the bullet hit the person, there were several holes at once. Under the impact of the bullet, they fell backward.

The tank's field of vision is limited, and it is impossible to take care of all the places. In the gap of the tank, the infantry behind, holding the assault rifle in his hand, adjusted to the burst mode, making a click.

"The machine gun fired!" Colonel Kate exclaimed.

Here, the water-cooled M1917A1 water-cooled heavy machine gun roared.

The bullet chain rattled, and the yellow-orange-orange bullets were stuffed into the barrel, flew out of the muzzle with terrible speed, and fired toward the gap of the German tank. Machine guns cannot deal with tanks, but they can hit infantry next to the tank.

In the sound of tweeting, several soldiers were swept away.

At this time, the tank moved again.

"Boom!" The 88mm tank gun roared. Amid the black smoke, a grenade accurately hit the opponent's machine gun position. In an instant, the entire machine gun position flew.

The combination of tanks and infantry is a perfect match. Tanks are used to charge, infantry protects the tank's blind area, and tanks hit the opponent's bunker to protect their infantry. Germany has long been proficient in this forward tactic.

Colonel Hunter watched the opponent keep advancing, and his heart was quite anxious.

"The regiment commander, the division commander told us to resist. They are setting up a minefield in the rear." At this moment, a radio soldier shouted to him.

Contact with the German army ahead! After learning about it, Major General Van der Greft, the commander behind, immediately made a decision to get off the car and immediately plant a landmine!

They can't stop the German tanks from attacking, but they can use the minefields to block the Germans' actions. The faster the attack, the better for the landing troops. The longer the delay, the easier it is for the defenders to organize effective resistance.

Now, one's own side has to stand up, and even the whole group has to sacrifice here!

Colonel Hunter looked at the approaching tanks and said, "Attention, everyone must prepare anti-tank grenades!"

The approach of the Germans is unstoppable. When they get close to a certain, they can throw a lot of grenades out without rushing forward.

Baslong was holding his anti-tank gun and aimed again at a Tiger tank. When his gun went off, the tank stopped!

I hit it again!

And almost at the same time, countless flying bullets shot at him. Although Basilon was running fast, he still felt a pain in his ankle, like a mosquito sting. is blood.

He felt that his gun was so heavy that he could no longer hold it, and his body fell.

"Basilon!" By his side, two recruits crawled over, dragged his body, and dragged him back behind a stone.

In the battle of Guadalcanal, the brave and brave American hero who killed more than 3,000 island soldiers with the assistance of two wounded comrades. Here, only a few shots were fired and he was injured.

Even so, his record is already outstanding. He actually used an anti-tank gun to prevent the attack of two Tiger tanks! If he was given a better weapon, he would definitely be able to do better!

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