The Third Reich

Chapter 1492: Third Air Assault Regiment

"No, our speed is too slow!" Haldgen couldn't help complaining. He wanted to rush to Reykjavik in one go, who knew he was blocked by the Americans here.

This was the first head-on confrontation between German ground forces and American ground forces.

On the whole, Germany is definitely an advantage. They have tanks, they are attacking, and they have taken advantage of the surprise attack.

The Americans were a second-line force and were rushed to fight.

However, objective conditions restricted Hardergen's input of troops. Their offensive surface was not so wide that the American infantry could stop them. At the same time, behind, the Americans were still laying mine positions in an attempt to delay the German attack!

As far as the German army is concerned, it was originally intended to maintain a crushing situation. Once a tug of war is fought, it will be too damaging to self-esteem. You must know that this reflects the excellent combat effectiveness of the German Navy, which absolutely cannot be compared by the army Up!

At this moment, on the sea a hundred kilometers away, Lieutenant General Marshal's expression was firm.

Some recent local conflicts on the sea were commanded by Marshal Zhongfu. Although his personality is a bit different, he is definitely the strongest in the entire navy in terms of command ability. Even the capital of Cyric Yuan is against him. Favor is added, and the future is unlimited.

And now, the first landing troops have encountered obstacles. Next, how should one fight back?

Well, it's time to use the new drill tactics!

"Dispatch the 3rd Air Assault Regiment of the 1st Marine Corps and use the leapfrog tactics to land directly at Habnafjordur!" Lieutenant General Marshal finally issued a new order.

Hearing his order, the people under his team were excited. They thought they could not see this type of landing this time. After all, it is the latest one and has not been tested. Who knows, the American defenders on Iceland don’t know. Life and death, let them see the new landing methods of the German Navy!

Lieutenant General Marshal's order was quickly transmitted to the four Goethe-class **** carriers in the formation.

With the integration of the entire European industry in Germany, productivity has taken a leap, and the **** aircraft carrier has been groundwater one after another. Up to now, the German Navy has more than 50 such aircraft carriers.

They can also be modified. These four **** aircraft carriers are very different from the previous ones.

It is no longer used to take off and land fixed-wing aircraft, the catapult is removed, and there is no blocking cable behind it. The equipment it carries has become an aircraft that can take off and land without taxiing, a helicopter!

After Cyric’s prompt, Dr. Anton-Flett suddenly realized that the problem that had troubled him for many years was solved easily. Since then, there are no more maneuverability defects, and the Hummingbird helicopter has also begun to develop in strides.

In almost a short period of one month, two helicopters were finalized, Hummingbird 2 and Hummingbird 3.

Among them, Hummingbird 2 is a general-purpose helicopter for the Navy. This helicopter uses the same 2000 horsepower star air-cooled engine as the FW190, with an empty weight of 5 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 7.5 tons.

It is an all-rounder of the navy, can perform a series of tasks such as maritime reconnaissance, naval gun calibration, throwing deep bombs and anti-submarine, at the same time, it can also transport personnel.

It has a large crew cabin at the rear, which can hold 15 crew members. The overall level is similar to that of the Soviet Mi-4 helicopter.

As for the Hummingbird 3, it was developed for the Army.

During the war, everything could be simplified. After the finalization was completed, the German Navy immediately placed an advance order for 200 aircraft for production in the modified helicopter factories in France and Britain.

Because the output of the engine is insufficient, part of the production in the UK uses the engine produced in the UK, the power is similar, but it is changed to water cooling.

This is only an advance order, and at least a thousand additional orders will be added later.

When the helicopter entered the German Navy, it was immediately welcomed by the captains. In the future, there will be no need to recover the carrier-based aircraft at sea. When it comes back with a crane, this aircraft can land directly on its own deck!

At the same time, under Cyric's suggestion, the Marine Corps also received hundreds of helicopters to create an air assault regiment of the Marine Corps.

In the process of landing, the German Navy can not only have regular beach landings, hovercraft landings, but also helicopters three-dimensional landings!

While transforming this regiment, several Goethe-class aircraft carriers were also simultaneously transformed into amphibious assault ships, mainly equipped with helicopters, with Marine Corps cabins on them.

There was no plan to use it this time. The first batch of troops rushed to Reykjavík, and later troops could land from Keflavík port one after another, even if the battle was over.

Who would have thought that they would be blocked by the Americans and delayed in action. Let the Americans taste their own new ways!

The 10,000-ton Goethe-class was floating on the sea. At this time, on the deck, ten helicopters were preparing for takeoff.

The deck is not large enough to release all 20 helicopters at once. After the first batch of helicopters fly into the sky, the second batch will be lifted from the hangar via a lift, and then followed.

"Quick, quick, board the plane immediately!" Captain Lucas shouted loudly. He was wearing the same Marine Corps uniform as everyone else, holding the same 6.8mm rifle, and ran to the helicopter.

At this time, the helicopter had started to start, and the entire deck made a humming sound. With the rotation of the propeller, a stream of air flow was flying on the deck.

They have been quite familiar with this, and they conducted several exercises on the way to come. Treat exercises as actual combat and actual combat as exercises.

Lucas jumped into the helicopter and sat on the Maza-like bench inside. Next to him was a telegraph soldier carrying a small radio.

The big machine gunner Phillips, the last one came up, did not sit inside at all, but sat on the cabin door all at once.

The doors on both sides are open and they are relatively unobstructed. Sitting like this, he can stretch his legs. At the same time, he hangs the armed belt around his waist to the safety belt, so he doesn't have to worry about falling off halfway.

"Take off, take off!"

With the order, the engine roared louder, and the propeller on the top made a whining sound. In the huge air current, the helicopter rose from the ground and flew directly from the deck!

(The real helicopter technology was developed after World War II. It was already quite mature in the 1950s. The originator of the helicopter came from Germany. Now it has the protagonist's journey through, and it was developed in advance. It is completely in the technical field. Right.)

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