The Third Reich

Chapter 1494: Was actually surrounded by landing troops

"Chichichichi." The MG light machine gun made a chainsaw-like sound, and the bullets roared past like a storm, and shot at the American convoy.

"Papa." The glass of the car shattered instantly, countless bullet holes passed through, and the car soldier in the cab fell on it.

A German soldier was lying halfway down, carrying a unique thing on his shoulder, aiming, and pulling the trigger.

A flame burst out from the trumpet behind, and at the same time, a warhead flew forward.

"Boom!" It accurately hit a car, and the car was burning in the explosion.

The logistics units are all second-line, not field troops at all. After being attacked, they all hurriedly left their cars and ran back.

A small confrontation ended in this way, and the shock to the Americans was unparalleled.

Major General Van der Greft is commanding the battle ahead in the temporary headquarters.

"Boom!" A cannonball exploded nearby, shaking the soil on the roof of his headquarters to the ground. He didn't care at all and continued to say.

"What's the matter with the 7th regiment? Just got up and got down?"

"Commander, the 7th regiment lacks backbones, almost all recruits."

"So what? The battlefield does not care whether you are a recruit or not. On the battlefield, only victory, tell the 7th regiment commander, organize the manpower, and stand for an hour. After the minefield on our side is set up, he can retreat!"

"Commander, commander, it's okay!" At this moment, a soldier of the transport unit who ran back with a sullen head shouted loudly: "Behind us in Habnafjordur, a large number of German soldiers suddenly appeared. !"

When he heard the news, Major General Van der Greft subconsciously said: "Today is not April Fools' Day!"

What's a joke, I made a huge sacrifice. The 5th regiment was nearly half killed in the battle, just to stop the Germans and buy time for the rear. Now, suddenly I say that there are Germans behind my side, so my sacrifice here What's the point!

If the Germans bypassed one's side, it could only be from the nearby mountainous area. In this case, it is definitely not a tank unit, because tanks cannot pass through there. It can only be ordinary infantry and will not carry heavy vehicles. The number of weapons will not be large.

Therefore, it is enough to send an ordinary combat unit over to open up the transportation line at the rear again, so as to save yourself from the situation of poor supplies.

Thinking of this, Major General Van der Grift said: "Order the 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment, to go to the rear to clean up these Germans!"

It should be enough to send a battalion to deal with the few enemies who destroy one's own way. Even Major General Van der Grift can think that after his troops arrive, maybe the Germans have fled, they are destroying one's own side. It's just a small army of traffic lines.

After receiving the order, the 3rd Battalion immediately stopped from the mission of burying the mines, rode in the car, and went to the rear.

"Germans, it's better not to run away, let us kill them all!" Battalion Commander Chris said, sitting in an ordinary ten-wheel Ford truck, looking at the sea on the side of the road.

"Look, what's that?" Just then, a soldier shouted loudly, and they saw a strange flying machine appearing in the sky.

That thing, without wings, actually has a big propeller on the top!

"Quick, quick, concealed!" Although he didn't know what it was, after seeing this kind of thing, Chris knew that it was definitely not a good thing. The **** cross on the side looked so scary.

It is a big killer that the Germans have never exposed!

As Chris shouted, that kind of thing flew over, and it slowly hovered over the side of the road, and stopped outside the firepower coverage of their light weapons!

At this time, the car also stopped, and the soldiers above jumped from the car with all hands and feet. At this moment, I saw the terrible thing flying, and flames appeared on both sides. In the flames, one rocket after another, shot towards them.

Huh, huh!

The rocket flew, screamed terribly, and exploded on the car.

"Boom!" The soldier who had not had time to jump out of the car screamed, and was lifted into the sky in the explosion of the rocket.

The soldier who was lucky enough to jump down hid beside the road, looking at the terrible flying object in the sky, his eyes were full of fear, it could actually hover in the air!

An airplane that can hover is terrible.

An ordinary airplane needs to have enough speed to make the airplane generate lift. While the plane is in flight, it must have a certain amount of advance to shoot the ground.

In this way, the hit rate will not be high.

But if you hover, it's different. If you listen steadily in the air and hit the target on the ground, it's just a handy catch, and the hit rate is terribly high!

If they have anti-aircraft machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, they can pose a threat to the aircraft, but now they have nothing, they are completely beaten!

The helicopter hovered, aiming slowly, firing, one after another, and the entire highway became a sea of ​​flames.

When they did not see the German ground forces, they had already suffered heavy losses. When the helicopter flew away, these horrified American soldiers continued to walk on the highway and walked for several kilometers, and finally saw the German line of defense.

What is only a small group of troops, they have actually established a line of defense that is three kilometers wide from the beach to the nearby hillside!

It was the main force of the Germans who came, with at least one regiment, and our side was surrounded!

Chris's face was quite ugly. He didn't even have the courage to rush to fight a battle. He shouted loudly: "Reporter, the main force of the Germans is behind us. We are surrounded!"

Today is not April Fool's Day. Today is the day when the 1st Marine Division is facing life and death!

How much energy did the Germans have? They could land so many troops in a short time, and they also opened up multiple landing points. For a time, Major General Van der Greft immediately realized that he was in great trouble.

If you were surrounded by German tanks on land, then forget it. As an island guard, was actually surrounded by other landing troops?

This is unbelievable.

Now, the situation deteriorated instantly.

In front of him, the German armored forces were on a violent attack. It was obviously a cross-sea landing force that had brought all the tanks over. It is really hard to believe that these infantry soldiers can only delay their attack by relying on anti-tank mines. The rear was originally safe, but suddenly new troops appeared.

Is it that the only way left for me is to drill in the mountains?

No, of course not. Once in the mountains, they won't have any effect. Their task was to block the German landing forces and buy time for the defense of the capital Reykjavik, rather than fleeing into the mountains.

What can you do in the mountains?

Guerrilla? For the regular army, fighting guerrilla is a shame.

He didn't know that his hesitation caused even the last chance to be lost. The entire 1st Marine Division became the first unit to be wiped out by Germany.

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