The Third Reich

Chapter 1495: Back up

"I finally waited for you." On the pier in Keflavík, cargo ships approached.

Although the Marine Corps has a landing ship, it is a small number after all. A large amount of equipment still needs to be transported by cargo ships. After occupying Keflavík, the cargo ships are also slow at the Keflavík pier. They drove over slowly, and they spent a full five hours from more than a hundred kilometers away.

The wharf is not large, and only four ships can be unloaded at the same time. As the ship docked, the equipment on the cargo ship began to unload.

This was on the ro-ro ship. At this time, on the paved bridge deck, trucks were driven down. They were converted from ordinary ten-wheel off-road trucks. At the back, there was a neat Cyric organ.

"Hurry up, we are all moving up, we are about to set off." The commander of the multiple rocket launcher shouted: "The front is calling us."

The landing has been going on for more than five hours. The prime time of this landing was originally enough to rush to Reykjavik, but it fell into a stalemate more than 70 kilometers east of the landing site. The 6th Marine Division is still with the forefront. American troops are fighting.

There is no way, they can't rush over directly, because they have already got the news that the Americans have arranged a large number of anti-tank minefields in the back. If they pass now, they will just hit the trap of the Americans.

Tanks are not omnipotent. Tracks are one of the most fragile parts.

If it is on the vast Soviet land, the minefield is not very useful. It is found that the Soviets have arranged the minefield, and it is a big deal to take a detour, but it is different in Iceland, which is full of mountainous areas. Tank troops pass through the only road.

Success cannot be replicated. In the battle to invade France, the German army cleverly walked the Ardennes Forest. It was a planned route in advance, but it was different in Iceland.

The outside world knows very little about Iceland, and there is no particularly detailed map of Iceland. Without actual surveys, the tank troops would drill into the mountains, which would be miserable.

What to do then? Of course it is waiting, like now, waiting for the rear to transport new equipment.

The battle line still moved forward. The driver of Hardegen’s car was dragged out and replaced with a new driver, but he hadn’t planned to set off yet. The sound of fighting in the distance made him a little helpless. .

The Americans have a strong will to fight, unlike the French and the British. Probably the Americans already know that this war is doomed to life and death. If the United States fails again, it is inevitable that Germany will rule the world.

Therefore, although the Americans were not equipped, they were still using their lives to obstruct the passage of the German troops. In order to avoid too much casualties, Haldgen did not allow his troops to attack at all costs.

If it hits it, it will be a minefield, but it can't be caught by the Americans.

At this moment, a rumbling voice came from behind. He watched his reinforcements come up, and his face was suddenly full of smiles: "Quickly, stand up and hit me hard!"

The Americans on the opposite side did not have artillery, and they were all light infantry, not to mention howitzers. Besides, even if they had it, it was useless, as long as they opened fire, they would be blown up by their own attack aircraft.

And now, with the arrival of reinforcements, the end of the Americans is officially here!

"Set your ground and prepare to fire!"

Cyric organs were laid out behind each other. There were hundreds of them. As they set up the hydraulic outriggers, the shooter began to count the shots.

"Can we retreat our tanks a bit?" the commander shouted, "We are not 100% sure."

Tiger tanks, Panther tanks, these most powerful tanks in Germany, have actually begun to retreat!

Colonel Hunter looked around him, there were dead bodies everywhere, and the air was full of gunpowder smoke.

They deployed three lines of defense, all of which were broken by the Germans. There were only less than a hundred people left in the whole regiment. They held hand grenades and planned to die with the Germans when they came up.

They did not shame the US Marine Corps. They relied on their own light weapons, relied on grenades, relied on their own flesh and blood, and just blocked the German tank troops for five hours!

The 7th regiment came up, fought side by side with them, and was defeated in one shock.

When it's critical, look at them!

Now, watching the German tanks recede like a tide, they actually felt like they were left behind.

"Pop." Colonel Hunter toggled the lighter, lit the last cigarette, and took a hard breath: "Come on, one bite for one person."

The smoke was passed on continuously, no matter whether it was smoked or not, they took a sip, their faces filled with satisfaction.

This battle brought out their style!

At this moment, Colonel Hunter suddenly felt something was wrong. It was impossible. How could the Germans suddenly go down?

At this moment, in the distant sky, if there is a dense rain of arrows, one after another rockets will fly, the rocket engine has already burned out, and only the projectile is flying quickly, Hunter The colonel felt every hair on his back stand up.

No wonder the Germans went down because the German artillery support came up!

There is a limit on the number of hovercraft, and there is also a limit on the number of landing ships. In order to use these equipment to the blade, the tank can only be sent up.

But tanks are not omnipotent. For example, at this time, strong artillery support is more important.

Recruits are afraid of artillery, veterans are afraid of machine guns, but no matter whether they are recruits or veterans, they are afraid of this kind of multiple rocket launchers. Because this is a weapon of face-to-face damage, there is no place to hide. Apart from shouting God bless, there is only resignation. Up.

"Attention, rocket attack!" Just after he finished shouting, one rocket after another, with a fierce roar, fell from the sky, covering their entire position.

There were explosions everywhere, black smoke rising everywhere, and there was nothing to see in the black smoke.

At this moment, suddenly, a louder explosion sounded, and the whole earth seemed to be trembling, and the minefield behind was detonated!

How to deal with minefields is a big problem faced by tank troops. Engineers are too slow to clear mines, and there is a risk of exploding mines directly. At the same time, the speed is slow. If rockets are used to cover the minefields to detonate, they must Much faster and more efficient at the same time.

The Americans bent over to dig a hole for several hours and buried a large number of landmines, densely packed from the beach to the root of the mountain, enough to stop the Germans from advancing, but now, they have done nothing.

Germany does not need to clear all mines, just open a wide enough passage in the middle. In fact, if the minefield is dense enough, the explosion is enough to cause a chain reaction and detonate all nearby mines.

This bombing even destroyed the 1st Marine Division.

"Commander, commander, the German shelling is too fierce!" In the headquarters, a regiment commander shouted: "Our minefields have all been detonated!"

Major General Van der Grift looked ugly. He smelled the smoke in the air and said, "Gather our troops and prepare to retreat!"

I can't fight anymore. The German artillery fired this place and the minefield is gone. No wonder the Germans didn't attack with all their strength just now. They were waiting for the rear support artillery fire!

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