The Third Reich

Chapter 1496: Easy battle


Major General Van der Greft made the decision to retreat, and when the German rockets flew towards his position, he knew that everything was too late.

If they are not the Marine Corps lacking equipment, but the main infantry division of the United States, if they have a certain number of tanks, maybe they can save the situation and drive the Germans to the sea.

But they did not, they were just a group of infantry. They only have light weapons. Relying on their flesh and blood, they blocked the Germans for a while, which is already their greatest ability, and now they can only retreat.

To withdraw!

Many people have fallen asleep here, and the living have begun to retreat to the rear.

Major General Van der Greft made the last mistake of his military command career. If he ordered his troops to drill into the mountains, he would be able to save the remaining troops, but he did not, he just ordered everyone. Retreat back. Although he knew that a German was blocking his way, he still tried to make an impact, maybe he rushed away all at once.

Moreover, until now, it is still unknown how many people will be behind.

Only the soldiers of the logistics transport team were contacted. The troops he sent to the rear to be cleared out suffered heavy losses by planes in the sky, and later did not rush to the so-called rear German positions.

Maybe, as he inferred, there are only small units behind.

In this way, with the remaining people, he embarked on a road of no return.

At this time, the soldiers of the 3rd Air Assault Regiment have completed the deployment of the entire fortification. They are digging for two-sided defensive fortifications. They have to face the enemy retreating in the west and the possibility of coming from the capital in the northeast. Reinforcements.

Many machine guns were set up, and rocket launchers were carried one by one. When they were standing by, the Americans rushed over.

"Attention, shoot close, don't shoot at a distance of less than 300 meters!"

At this time, the sun had already slipped to the west, and it was going to be dark. If the Americans charged again after dark, they might be able to run back part of it. But now, they have every opportunity.

"Quick, quick, the defenders of Reykjavik will come out to meet us. As long as we pass the front, we can see our army!"

Everyone ran along together, even Major General Van der Grift. The coverage of the rocket bombs just blasted their cars almost to the point. Those lucky enough were still intact. The car was also unable to move because of potholes in the road.

They could only rush back. At this time, the damaged transport team cars appeared in front of them.

"Master, there may be an ambush ahead." An assistant said by Van der Greft's side.

Is there an ambush?

Van der Greft took out his binoculars and looked into the distance. As far as he could see, he didn't seem to see any surprises.

The German line of defense was so cleverly arranged that it was hard to see from a distance, and it was getting dark.

What's more frightening is that there are German tanks chasing behind them. If they are slow and are caught up by the German tanks, it will be troublesome.

"It's okay, go ahead."

A well-known American soldier trot all the way with a sullen head, carrying his rifle, and they kept approaching the German defense line, and then approached.

Where are the Germans?

It must be just a small group of troops, it may have been parachuted over, nothing more.

At this moment, all of a sudden, terrible sounds rang around.

In the front position, there was the sound of a chainsaw, and a handful of machine guns fired a violent rain of bullets, which poured down on the American soldiers.

In an instant, the soldiers running ahead screamed and fell. They escaped from the German artillery fire, but now they were shot by the German machine gun.

The soldier at the back immediately got down, and Van der Greft hid behind a stone, raised his binoculars, and looked ahead.

A long line of defense just appeared in his eyes. Sure enough, the logistics unit did not lie. There were at least a thousand troops on the opposite side. It was very difficult for our side to rush over. They were all automatic firepower.

At this moment, suddenly, among the mountains in the east, there was a rumbling sound, and a strange report of planes flew out.

What are the advantages of helicopters? Of course, they can hover, take off and land vertically. When there is no fighting, they simply stop behind the mountain and hide themselves perfectly. Now, when the battle begins, they start immediately, and then pounce from the sky. Come here.

A helicopter, like a falcon preying on food, flew over.

These helicopters are equipped by the Marine Corps, which greatly improves the convenience for them.

In the past, they had to call for air support. There was a set of procedures, and the planes in the air couldn't always be here. However, their helicopters were directly assigned to them and they were there on call.

It is incomparable with later armed helicopters. The fire control system is quite backward and primitive. There are no anti-tank missiles, only a small number of rockets, and poor maneuverability.

At the same time, some of the helicopters had already emptied the rockets, leaving only a machine gun mounted on the side of the fuselage.

Different from the ground attack aircraft such as professional HS129, etc., they are equipped with fixed cannons, which adjust the direction according to the movements of the fuselage.

But the helicopter is not good. Helicopters are often hovering and shooting directly. This requires the turret to be able to rotate. Although Germany has adopted the form of a remote-controlled turret on the B-29, it is too complicated and has not yet been integrated. task.

On the contrary, it is quite easy to install an MG machine gun directly on the side of the cabin. At this time, the machine gunner Phillips has completed the conversion of his duties. He is standing on the cabin door and tied his body with a seat belt. Then he installed his machine gun on the shelf that had already been prepared, and came along with the helicopter.

"Chichichichi!" As he pulled the trigger, the muzzle of the machine gun burst into flames, and the bullets of 7.92 mm shot towards the ground. For him, everyone on the ground was uncovered.

Wherever the bullet went, there was a mess. A famous soldier trembled, and snow came out one after another and fell.

The American soldiers on the ground instantly panicked and jumped terribly. The bullets flying above their heads could wipe out all of them! In this way, it seems rather overbearing.

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