The Third Reich

Chapter 1511: Anti-tank weapons for infantry

Soon, the warhead of the rocket came into close contact with the front armor of the Panther 3 tank.

On the battlefield, not many times can hit the front armor of the car body. Generally speaking, the hits are the turret armor.

This is because in a normal firefight, the two sides are almost at the same height. When shooting at the other side, taking into account the bending of the ballistic caused by gravity and other factors, the probability of the shell hitting the front of the turret is the highest.

Therefore, all tanks have the thickest armor on the front of the turret. The main armor thickness of the Panther 3 here has reached 130 mm, all of which are made of the best nickel alloy steel. In this way, the Panther 3 tank can withstand enough. The frontal attack of the 85mm tank gun.

Even if it is an 85mm shell, it is not afraid, but now, the caliber of Bazuka is only 60mm, but the penetration depth cannot be calculated like that.

It uses the principle of a shaped energy warhead to penetrate the opponent through a metal jet.

Moreover, Aiken was aiming in the shell crater, almost only half of his body was exposed. The rocket launcher was less than half a meter high from the ground, so he almost shot upwards with his head up. When the shell hit the car, it happened to hit the car in front of him. On the body armor, close contact occurred almost from the position between the radio operator and the driver.

The armor here is only 100 mm thick.

When the warhead hits the armor, the huge pressure caused by the collision immediately triggered the mechanical fuze in front of the warhead. Inside the copper drug cover, the explosives exploded, forming a strong heat, and the front of the drug The cover melted, and then formed a hot metal flow with a temperature exceeding thousands of degrees, rushing violently toward the armor in front, as if a high-pressure water gun could easily blow through the mud. In front of it, the metal seemed to be Soft bread can be broken as long as it is struck with a fork.

The heat flow of the metal quickly impacts toward the front. In fact, it is not straight. The heat flow has a deflection angle of about ten degrees, which makes its impact distance longer. During the impact, the heat flow is constantly cooling and decelerating. The head-to-head of the armor-piercing projectile is similar.

If the armor of the opponent can be penetrated before the energy of the metal heat flow is exhausted, then the armor will be broken. If the armor still has a thickness after exhaustion, it will not penetrate.

This silent contest only lasted for a short while, and this heat flow successfully penetrated the excellent nickel alloy armor of the German football, and then passed to the back.

The temperature of the metal heat flow is still five or six hundred degrees. When it penetrated, a huge flame emerged from the small hole and swept the entire tank.

Under this heat, no one could live. The tankers inside instantly turned into barbecues. At the same time, the flame ignited the shells inside. "boom!"

This tank exploded. The huge explosive energy of the ammunition emerged from the pressure relief plate at the back. Thick smoke rose from the rear of the entire tank. Due to the timely pressure relief, the turret of the tank was not overturned. But it has also lost its combat capability.

The power of the rocket launcher is very powerful. Just take the historical data. The German Tekken 30 has a range of 30m and a penetration depth of 140mm; Tekken 60 has a range of 60m and a penetration depth of 200mm; and Tekken 100 has a range of 100m and a penetration depth. 220mm.

It can be seen that no tank can block the shooting of this individual weapon, even the mouse tank, the frontal gun shield is only 180 mm.

As for the bazooka, there are two versions, one is the thickness of the vertical armor piercing is 127 mm, and the other is the thickness of the armor piercing 76 mm when the incident angle is 60 degrees. (Maybe it is a stat after conversion.) In short, the body of Bazuka hitting the Panther 3 can be penetrated, except for the frontal gun shield, other places can not withstand the blow of Bazuka!

(Of course, there are many sayings, some say that this thing is tasteless. In history, even the leopard-style main armor could not be penetrated, nor could it beat the T-34-85. Now, according to Huadongzhixiong, it is set Just penetrate the front hull armor of the Panther 3! Think of it as the improved bazooka later.)

At the beginning, Cyric had concerns about making a rocket launcher. It was from this perspective that it was simple, effective, and the infantry anti-tank weapon was not good for Germany.

Destroyed, destroyed head-on, this was the first time in the entire Soviet-German battlefield. Infantrymen used their weapons to destroy a terrible and ferocious tank!

When I saw this scene, all the Soviet defenders on the back ground were boiling.

They could see clearly that the American reinforcements, the groundhogs, were in ambush in front of their position. They watched as they fired with a round tube-like weapon, and a fiery flame came out from the tail. Then they watched The tank on the opposite side was destroyed.

If they had this weapon in their hands, they would never have to be afraid of German tanks anymore!

"Awesome!" Glevich exclaimed: "You are simply our saviors!"

"What kind of weapon is this? It's too powerful, and we need it too!"

Hayashi said in a very quick tone: "Bazooka, we are all used to calling it bazooka."

The name Bazuka quickly spread throughout the defense line. At this time, there was no pessimism on the ground. They mustered up the courage again and they would definitely be able to defeat the Germans on the opposite side.

When they discovered that infantry could destroy their tanks, did they dare to charge like this?

Of course dare!

At this moment, Battalion Commander Westhagen found the location where the target was hiding, only 50 meters away from him. At this moment, he issued an order: "Fifty meters ahead, firepower coverage!"

One of their own Panther 3 tanks was actually destroyed, which made the German tank soldiers present anger. No one thought of retreating. They wanted revenge and they wanted to kill the enemy in front!

On the right side of the triangular queue, the remaining four Panther 3 tanks immediately poured a dense rain of bullets over.

They move quickly. At this distance, tank guns cannot fire due to the limitation of the depression angle, so they can only use machine guns to kill each other!

There was almost no time wasting. Just when they found the flames, they turned the At the same time as their tank was destroyed, the dense bullets had been shot past.


As the bullet flew away, before he lowered his body, Aiken felt that countless bullets had hit his body. Under the impact of the bullet, his body fell backwards, and he staggered backwards. After a few steps, the body retreated to the back of the crater.

The blood gurgled out from his body, and his life was only the last few seconds left.

"Aiken!" Seeing him like this, Carl shouted loudly: "You can't die, I'll take you back and find a doctor to save you!"

"Pig head that speaks bad English." By this time, Aiken still used this familiar mantra: "I'm so stupid at home, I am out of help. I killed a tank, I killed five German devils, I You have earned it, now it's your turn, don't shame you guys from Hawaii."

After speaking, Aiken's head finally tilted to the side, and he stopped breathing.

The bazooka in his hand was still carrying blood. Carl wiped away his tears and picked up the bazooka.

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