The Third Reich

Chapter 1512: Suffer

Kill one and earn!

Infantry anti-tank is dangerous. This is the same as riding a motorcycle. The tankers in a tank have at least thick armor protection and a metal tomb belonging to them. However, the infantry has only flesh and blood.

They have to use their flesh and blood to compete with the tank, and what awaits them is the machine gun of the tank, as well as the infantry behind the tank!

After realizing that there was danger ahead, the infantry behind the tank immediately jumped one by one from the Mercedes-Benz infantry fighting vehicle. As soon as their army boots stepped on the ground, they ran forward quickly.

They have 6.8mm rifles with drums in their hands. They want to help the infantry eliminate any threats!

Here, this scene was also discovered in the Soviet position. In an instant, the commander on the position shouted loudly: "Fire, fire immediately!"

They have to cover their own anti-tank fighters so that they have another chance to launch.

"Da da da da." The water-cooled Maxine heavy machine gun, just lifted out of the mud flying from the shell cover, reached the machine gun position and opened fire.

The dense bullets flew into the triangular array of German tanks on the opposite side. They were not to hit the tank, but to force the infantry behind, so that they would not dare to come out from the side of the tank. As long as they did not stick out, they would Unable to protect the flanks of the tank, unable to deal with the infantry in front. The machine gun was shooting violently, completely suppressing the German infantry. Several infantrymen screamed and fell. The infantry behind could only squat and hide behind their own tank.

At this time, although the tanks on the left side of the triangle formation were temporarily empty, they were blocked from firing. Two of the tanks on the right turned the turrets. Well-trained tank soldiers, in three seconds, Fired.

"Boom!" As the 88mm tank gun fired, a grenade flew past. It was almost instantaneous at a distance of about 100 meters. The German tank was very accurate at this distance. During the explosion, the machine gun position flew into the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Karl in the crater finally caught the opportunity. He suddenly carried Bazuka and came out of the crater.

At this moment, two machine guns were shooting at him. He felt the bullets whizzing past his ears, and he was not afraid.

Many of those bullets are too high. As Japanese, they are short in stature, but they have an advantage at this time.

Almost after leaning out of his body, he aimed skillfully, fired, and then dived back.

When he got down, he reloaded quickly. There was no time to see the result. If he hits, there will be smoke on the opposite side.

As long as no sound is heard, there is no hit.

The bazooka is the most suitable for two people. One is carrying the shooting and the other is fast loading. Now, he is the only one left. He needs to put the bazooka down and stuff the grenades from the front, which will waste time.

During this time, the Germans were not idle.

The infantry fighting vehicle quickly left its formation and rushed up here.

The tank did not continue to advance. There was danger here. The closer you got, the easier it was to be hit. Just now, the opponent fired again, but fortunately, it missed.

And the infantry fighting vehicle is not afraid.

The opponent's machine gun can't penetrate, the opponent's anti-tank gun? Don't think about it so much now.

Infantry chariots rumbled up, intensive bullets fired at it, and the tanks in the triangular formation were quickly knocking off the opponent's machine gun. Three infantry fighting vehicles, braving the intensive bullets of the Soviets, drove in. The distance of 50 meters was almost a matter of a kick.

When the infantry fighting vehicle drove to the side of the crater, it did not stop, but went around and stopped behind the crater.

The rear hatch opened and the soldiers jumped off quickly.

This is exquisite.

The infantry fighting vehicle can block bullets, and the door is opened from the back, just using the car body to continue to block the bullets. At this time, the machine guns on the opposite side are almost dumb, only the sound of bolting the rifle and shooting shots, they risked this degree The blows from the car rushed to the edge of the crater one by one, using the car body and the open tailgate as a block.

At this time, in the crater, Karl had just stuffed the rocket into the rocket launcher, carried it to his shoulder, and was about to leaning out to make another shot. Behind him, there was a German shout: "Raise your hand, do not move!"

This is the first time that German soldiers have seen American bazookas. This cylindrical equipment is a weapon for Americans to fight tanks. The people in the crater wear American military uniforms, are short in stature and have yellow skin.

More than a dozen people pointed their guns at him, as long as he moved slightly, he could die immediately.

Carl slowly turned his body and moved his cylindrical object downwards, as if it were a match.

When his cylindrical thing was almost upright, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. This smile was very strange. Suddenly, the German squad leader shouted: "Quick, avoid!"

Then, the assault rifle in his hand fired, and a 6.8mm bullet was shot from the muzzle. Unfortunately, it was still too late.

The moment Carl smiled, when the cylindrical tube was erected, the bell was down, and then he pulled the trigger.

"Whoo!" The rocket came out from the front and flew into the sky, and at this moment, a violent flame emerged from the tail.

The operation of the rocket launcher is subject to strict implementation procedures. The rocket is ignited by a rocket engine to push the warhead forward. In this process, a large amount of flame will emerge, all of which are ejected backward through the horn.

Therefore, when operating the bazooka, no one can be in a certain area behind it, otherwise the consequences will be tragic.

It is for this reason that when Aiken was shooting, he had to expose his body and let the flame leave the crater. It was also because of this flame that their target was exposed.

Now, Carl is taking advantage of this flame.

He brought a total of five rockets, now in the crater, and the last one. When he pulled the trigger, the whole crater was filled with hot flames.

In an instant, Carl wailed, as if being put on a charcoal fire for barbecue. At the same time, the rocket was also detonated.


There was a huge explosion, and the crater doubled again. Many German soldiers next to the crater were also recruited.

Even if it is dead, do not surrender, even if it is dead, you have to pull a few backs. The two soldiers of the 442 regiment used their own lives to interpret what is tough and give them the name of the Nissi.

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