The Third Reich

Chapter 1517: Spitfire Tank

Amidst the flames, a rocket flew out of Bazuka and headed towards a Panther 3 tank in front.

Since he dug various traffic trenches and preset anti-tank sniper points in advance, his shooting angle is quite good this time, and he fired towards the side of the opponent, which makes it easier to penetrate the opponent. At the same time, when hitting the side , The hit rate is also the largest, because the tank has the largest side projection area.

With this certainty, he dared to fire at a distance of one hundred meters. The Germans did not learn the lesson and did not know that the infantry was behind him.

For anti-tank fighters, the enemy’s infantry is the greatest threat, and the enemy’s machine guns do not matter, because they can quickly run away along the traffic trenches.

Once the fire is over, run away immediately.

He didn't know, he miscalculated this time.

The moment he opened fire, the flames of Bazuka's tail exposed his target, and his figure was immediately noticed by a tank on the side of the triangular attack formation.

Triangular formation, the entire attack array becomes a triangle, like a tenon, splitting the enemy's position forward. This attack formation can aim the front of the tank at the most threatening place, and it can also exert all the firepower. Come, and behind the triangle, it is easier to accommodate infantry fighting vehicles.

At the same time, its observation area has also expanded.

In the past, the attacking tanks were almost always aiming at the front, and they rarely took care of the side. Now, they have completely changed their tactics. Each tank in the triangular formation has its own observation area. Find out this part. The enemy's anti-tank fighter in the area.

In this way, they can perfectly take into account the enemies in the entire front hemisphere.

For example, now, the captain of the third tank on the left side of the formation keenly spotted the target, and immediately shouted: "Attention, at eleven o'clock, fire!"


After the gun commander got the order, he stepped on the button with his foot, and the hydraulically driven turret quickly turned to the left. When he saw that the fire from the rocket had not been eliminated, he pressed it hard. Fire the button.

The ultra-high pressure oil pump made a sound like a turbine, and instantly agitated a powerful pressure exceeding 2 MPa. This pressure pushed the mixed light fuel and sprayed out from the fuel injection port. All of a sudden, it was injected. 100 meters away.

A strong scent of gasoline, kerosene and heavy oil wafted away.

Yes, this is the Spitfire tank. The exterior is camouflaged, and it looks no different from other tanks, but its millimeter gun is just pretend, and the ammunition compartment is almost occupied by two fuel tanks with a total volume of more than one thousand liters. .

In the past, for example, during the period when Poland was just hit, Germany had already produced fire-breathing tanks that used the Panther 3 chassis, but they had always been equipped with a small number of them. With the technology at the time, it was already possible to shoot to 0 meters. The limit.

And now, the technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Only the development of jets has led to the development and progress of a large number of related technologies. Because the pressure of the air compressor is the largest and the light fuel is used at the same time, this kind of fire tank The range began to increase again, and now, if there is no wind, it can steadily spray a distance of nearly 50 meters.

Just as the viscous fuel was sprayed out like a fire hose, the fuel was ignited, and the water hose quickly turned into a fire dragon, heading towards the hidden anti-tank fighter's position in the distance.

"Ah..." Hukes let out a terrible cry.

He was already fast enough. After finishing the fight, he immediately ran away. When the fire dragon struck, he had left his launching position neatly and entered the traffic trench behind.

If it was a machine gun or something, he would definitely not be able to hit him. He was out of danger, but the fire tank was different.

This fire dragon formed a curve in the air and perfectly entered the launching position he had just been in. At the same time, when the flame was ignited, a large amount of flames rushed along the traffic trench, suddenly, hot flames. Surrounded him.

The clothes on his body were ignited quickly, and his whole body was ignited at this moment. The fire scorched his body, and the smell of barbecue drifted to his reloading dozens of meters away. Hand there.

The loader felt his body trembling, and his companion must be finished. At the same time, it gave him a huge shock. This scene lingered, appeared in his dreams every day, and awakened him from it.

too frightening.

No one wants to be burned to death. This is a warning. In the future, no matter who it is, as long as they want to use this weapon against German tanks, they must have the consciousness of being burned to death.

This is the German counterattack method.

The best weapon against tanks is tanks. Infantry anti-tank is destined to be associated with heroism. There is no worst, only worse.

Almost at the same time, the rocket fired by the burnt Hughes had already flown over. It was just right that the target it aimed at was actually this fire-breathing tank.

When Hukes launched, he didn’t know that the tank was camouflaged. He was just hitting the best target. Now, as if to avenge Hukes, the rocket fired at the moment when the fire-breathing tank was breathing. He rushed forward.

The place where it flew was still on the hull, not the turret.

Since the turret of the Spitfire tank was turned around, the strongest front was facing the direction of the rocket. Even without any protection, the rocket could not penetrate it. It was too thick.

But the car body is different.

If this shell hits the car body directly, at the upper end of the road wheels, even if the car body is inclined, it can easily hit the car body, get in, and spread the hot metal heat into the tank.

Ordinary tanks will cause ammunition to explode, and this fire-breathing tank will quickly become a huge torch, and the tank crew inside will be more miserable than Hukes.

However, such a thing does not happen.

Because outside the car body, there is already that terrible fence, which is quite dense.

The flying rocket has a caliber of 60 mm, and the gap between the fences is less than 20 mm, so if you want to move forward, it must pass through this fence.

Whether it can block this rocket depends on the effectiveness of the fence.

If it is an ordinary armor-piercing projectile, which is killed by kinetic energy, this fence has almost no effect. It is just like paper and will be penetrated in an instant, but the rocket projectile is different.

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