The Third Reich

Chapter 1518: Successfully blocked

The speed of the rocket is low.

The energy of the rocket propellant is not large, and a considerable part of this energy is lost from the rear horn. The flames are all energy!

Advanced anti-tank guns or tank guns can fire shells at a speed close to one thousand meters per second. They rely solely on speed and kinetic energy to kill and pierce armor head-on.

But the rocket is not. When it flies out, the speed is only more than 100 meters, at most more than 200 meters per second. This speed is quite low, and it is greatly affected by the wind during the flight.

And now, after this 60mm rocket flew onto the grille armor, it happened that the tip of its warhead avoided the grille.

If unfortunately, the tip of the warhead hits the grille armor directly, then it will be detonated immediately, and all the metal jets will penetrate the grille and then shoot into the air ahead, causing huge waste.

Now, it did not happen, but it is still unfortunate.

Then it got stuck.

It's true that the rocket that only flew at 200 meters per second, after the pointed tip passed through the grille, was immediately blocked by the rear part. At this moment, the grille armor was activated.

What is the principle of grille armor that can block the ammunition attack of the energy-concentrating warhead? Of course, there are cases where the warhead is directly blocked and the warhead is detonated, but this is quite rare.

It can be calculated by probability, and it will never exceed 10%.

Most rockets will pass through the dense grid.

In later generations, the general energy-concentrating warheads used piezoelectric fuzes, which were made of piezoelectric ceramic sheets, which were quite sensitive and greatly reduced the possibility of duds compared to mechanical fuzes.

The grille armor is mainly used to prevent this kind of warhead. If it hits directly, it must be triggered. If it happens to be stuck in the middle of the grille armor grid, although it will not trigger the fuze, it will be triggered by the impact. It will be shorted to the shell and cannot detonate the rocket, and this probability is about 60%.

The claim that the later generation grille armor can only defend 60% is also from here.

Although it can only prevent 60%, but the rest, some hit the grille and detonate early, and some tens of millimeters between the grille and the car body will reduce the rocket’s power before facing the car body. Armor greatly reduces the possibility of breakdown.

But the fuze in this era is still an ordinary mechanical fuze.

The principle of this fuze is extremely simple. The firing pin body is usually separated from the detonator by an isolation spring and fixed by a steel wire safety pin. The safety pin is drawn out before launch. When the rocket hits the target, the projectile slows down and the firing pin body is due to inertia. Compress the isolation spring, fire the detonator and detonate the main charge.

Yes, the basic principle of firing this kind of rocket is to decelerate the projectile body. When the warhead hits the tank, the projectile body will decelerate. Now, the projectile body is stuck on the grille armor. Similarly, it will also decelerate. !

At the moment when the projectile was jammed, its originally unpleasant speed was reduced for an instant. Under this overload, the firing needle could no longer bear it. Under the action of inertia, it rushed out and hit the front. The isolation spring was on, and then the detonator was fired.

"Boom." With a soft sound, the inner detonator detonated the main charge, and under the action of the energy-accumulating hood in front, the thin metal heat flow sprayed forward.

Under normal circumstances, the main armor is in front of it, and it immediately begins to attack the main armor, burning out a hole in the armor like a laser.

But what is in front of it now?

It's air.

The grille armor is welded to the outside of the tank. In order to have a good protective effect, the grille on the car body has extended about half a meter to the outside. Now, the metal jet ejected from the rocket is facing forward. Air, in this half-meter air layer, it is rapidly cooling.

The metal jet finally touched the main armor. The side armor of the car body was not thick, but the rapidly cooling metal jet could no longer penetrate it. It only left a small pit ten centimeters deep in the armor. , It has exhausted the last strength.


Under the instruction of the head of Cyric, the grid armor was used to block the rockets of the energy-forming warhead, and it was a success!

The anti-tank weapons carefully crafted by the Americans failed in front of this layer of ordinary grille armor, not only for tanks, but even infantry fighting vehicles, the weak armor layer, can also be enhanced with grille armor. Protection.

"Go ahead, keep going!" Westhagen shouted loudly in the tank in front: "Let their anti-tank fighters know how good we are!"

As soon as his voice fell, a rocket flew again, and then the fire-breathing tank scorched him.

This rocket did not hit at all.

One, two, the entire tank formation rushed forward to 30 meters from the opponent’s forward position, and was attacked by more than 20 rockets on the way. Under this circumstance, they did not experience a breakdown once. , Properly blocked all.

If it were not for lack of troops, they would really want to rush across the opponent's line of defense in one Now, their experiment has been successful.

The tank was in reverse gear and slowly moved back, leaving the Soviets and Nissi on the ground full of horror.

If you want to rely on Bazooka to deal with German tanks, don't dream!

When the Soviets were full of hope, they would pour cold water on them again. The combination of grille armor and fire-breathing tanks perfectly protected the entire formation. This small attack gave the Soviets too much shock. .

When the experiment is successful, this experience will be spread throughout the army.

Is bazooka good? It's just a fire stick.

"Our attack time needs to be postponed for a few days. After all the tanks are modified according to the grille armor, the attack will be launched." In the wolf lair, Cyric got the previous report.

From strategy to tactics, Cyric will almost dabble. After all, his small idea will make his subordinates take a lot of detours, and the simple grille armor will make Bazooka invalid.

At the same time, the frontline commander grouped the Spitfire tanks in, which was also beyond his expectation. This has a better effect.

"It's just that our rocket launcher has just been installed. Now, if we use the rocket launcher to hit the Soviet tanks, they will do the same." Keitel said.

Needless to say, the rocket launcher has just been installed on its own side, and it will soon lose its effect.

"This is not necessarily true. After all, the rocket launcher is used as a single-soldier artillery. In addition to being used to fight tanks, it can also be used for bunker and firepower. When the infantry is too late to summon the tank, the rocket launcher has a great effect." Cyric said: "More , Our bazooka is far more powerful than Americans."

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