The Third Reich

Chapter 1535: Battle on the river bank

Hayashi's body was full of river water. When he came up, he was blown by the cold wind, and almost trembling all over his body.

Originally, they planned to organize fortifications on the spot after the bridge was blown up. They had howitzers and a considerable number of rocket launchers, and they could continue to fight.

However, think about the terrible fighting power of the Germans, think about the invulnerability of the Tiger tank, think about the fact that the opponent has also made a fence like a fence to invalidate their own attack, they will know that if they switch to defense on the spot, even though they With the determination to die, I am afraid that there will be no great results. The Germans crush them as easily as a chicken.

At this moment, Hayashi suddenly thought that since it won't be too much to turn to defense on the spot, he simply put on a false impression.

As a result, they abandoned the howitzer, they let their car go west along the river bank, but the infantry among them all hid in the river.

They held the reed poles in their mouths, breathed, and persisted for several hours underwater. This perseverance is only available in the most elite army.

Sure enough, the Germans were fooled. They had no defense at all in the river. They just launched a large-scale search of the woods on the other side of the river bank. Of course, there was nothing in these woods, which would only exhaust the Germans. Exhausted.

And now, it is a good opportunity.

The German tanks stopped and even turned off. German infantrymen were all looking for them on the other side of the woods, while a famous Nissi soldier came up slowly from the river, just at the edge of the river bank, Entered the attack mode.

It is the dry season, and there is a **** over a meter high on the bank of the river, and this **** can be used as a shelter for them.


A soldier carried a rocket launcher and shot it towards the side of a tiger tank. Amidst a blaze, the rocket hit the side of the tank.

No matter how thick a tank is, the sides and back are always weak points of protection. If there is no outer fence, it will definitely be able to hit.

Now, the rocket was once again blocked by the fence and detonated ahead of time. The hot metal jet moved towards the air, wasting precious energy in vain.

The German tanks once again defended against the rockets, and at the same time, the German soldiers had reacted.

That's how the two sides shot at each other.

Although American-made rifles had semi-automatic firing capabilities and a very high rate of fire, they were simply cross-era weapons, but they were immediately suppressed by the counterattack of the German 8mm submachine gun.

For the Germans, this kind of gun can almost function as a machine gun. How brutal is the firepower of a machine gun?

One by one, 8mm bullets were fired at the river bank position where Nissi was hiding on the opposite side. A named Nissi was suppressed by the flying bullets so that he could not raise his head.

At the same time, the Nissi had already consumed their eight-particle ammunition under the rapid firing. This Garland rifle has many advantages. It is easy to disassemble and clean. The combination of its caliber, projectile speed and semi-automatic performance provides It has better firepower than other rifles. If the only drawback is that it is difficult to reload the magazine.

A famous Nissi retracted his body and quickly reloaded his rifle with bullets, which wasted their precious time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hades shouted loudly: "Get on the tank!"

Braving sporadic firepower on the opposite side, a famous tank soldier quickly climbed onto his tank, and some unlucky guys were unfortunately hit by stray bullets, but most tankers returned to their posts. .

"Long, rumble." The engine was started, and in a puff of black smoke, the two tracks of the Tiger tank reversed, and a center of the spot turned, with the muzzle facing the river bank.

"Fire!" Hades shouted over the radio.

The distance is too close, their tank guns have no firing angle at all, only the parallel machine guns on the turret and the radio operator's machine guns in front of the car body are firing violently. These machine guns of theirs have a faster rate of fire and are denser. The bullet flew to the opposite bank of the river. Now it was too difficult for the Nissi to raise their heads.

A Nissi leaned out bravely and wanted to shoot a rocket again. Just as he leaned out, the dense bullets hit him, and his body fell back and fell into it. In the river behind, a blood red spread.

"Proceed slowly." Hades continued to shout.

After successfully suppressing the Nissi on the river bank, the Tiger tank began to advance slowly, and at the same time, behind the Tiger tank, the infantry followed suit.

They hid behind the tank and moved forward with the tank.

If it were in the wilderness, the tank would have been able to rush past at full power, but not now. In a space of tens of meters wide, it would go too fast and would easily fall into the river.

The role of the tank is to act as a shelter for the infantry, protecting the infantry from going up, and then the infantry uses their own firepower to kill these nasty guys.

Even the tank machine gun is only for suppression. If the opponent hides under the river bank, the machine gun bullets will not pose an effective threat to them.

At this time, the best weapon is the Spitfire tank.

A fire dragon emerged from the spout of the fire-breathing tank, flew forward for tens of meters, and landed on the river bank.

In an instant, the Nissi machine gunner, who was still firing to death, was surrounded by a fire. He screamed in the fire and fell into the river behind.

The work of collecting corpses was gone, and the river behind them was soon dyed red.

The flame-throwing tank continued to jet flames forward and swept sideways, wherever it went, there would be no more live openings.

The German infantry followed behind, and continued to move forward, moving closer and closer to the river bank.

"Rush!" When the distance between the two sides was more than ten meters, Hayasi suddenly shouted, and he charged his Garland rifle with a bayonet.

They have no way to retreat. There is a river behind them. Now that the two sides are so close, the tank's machine gun has a reduced impact on them due to the issue of shooting boundaries, and the infantry hiding behind the tank has not yet appeared.

It is the best opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to rush forward and kill the Germans!

This is a battle between warriors and warriors, they will use bayonets to kill the enemy!

The general view is that the bayonet will only be used when there is no bullet. In fact, in some cases, it is because the bayonet is more flexible than a rifle. At close range, it may be too late to aim and fire, but the bayonet can be pierced at once.

As long as they are in hand-to-hand combat with the Germans, even if the Germans have a continuous automatic rifle in their hands, their firepower will not be able to play an advantage, because they have to worry about accidental injury.

In hand-to-hand combat, courage and skill contests, the bayonet sees red, endlessly dying.

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