The Third Reich

Chapter 1536: No way to fight bayonet

The damage caused by the bayonet often makes the enemy more frightened and desperate. When a party in the battle starts to rush up with the bayonet, the opponent will feel fear, fear, and even easily defeat the enemy.

Even in later generations, this situation will occur. For example, the most famous one, in May 2004, north of Basra, a patrol convoy of the Argyll Sutherland Heights consisted of about twenty people. After being ambushed by nearly a hundred Shiite armed forces, the bullets were all shot, and reinforcements have not yet come.

As a result, the British also stiffened the parliament, and they led the commander to order the bayonet to charge. The British soldiers rushed through an open field of more than 100 meters and challenged the opponent with a bayonet. As a result, more than a dozen of them were killed. The opponent immediately collapsed and retreated.

In World War II, there were no scenes of bayonet fights on the Western battlefield. Instead, bayonet fights often appeared on the Eastern battlefield. Unlike the dramas of later generations, every time bayonet fights, island soldiers would have an absolute advantage. This has a lot to do with their strict spur training.

Even though the Nissi had already become American citizenship, they still had that energy. At this moment, they rushed forward with bayonets.

In later generations, the British soldiers rushed a distance of more than 100 meters, and only a few injuries occurred. After all, a 100-meter race only took ten seconds. As for the current ten-meter and twenty-meter race, it is simply one. It happened in an instant.

They can rush over at once, and they can pick each other with a bayonet at once, which is simply too easy.

But they overlooked another thing.

The Germans have automatic weapons.

If the German soldiers had the magazine version in their hands, they would shoot a long shot and pull the trigger without letting go, and the bullets would run out. The time between changing magazines would be enough for the islanders to rush up.

But in the military equipment, almost no one likes to use the magazine version. They all use drums. They like to dump the bullets.

After Hayashi stood up, he rushed forward, with the bayonet shining in front of his rifle.

This distance was also a momentary matter. He spread his legs and ran forward.

The German tank is close at hand, and the bayonet cannot hit the tank, but the infantry behind the tank will be stabbed to death by them!

Just as he thought about it, he had already ran half of the distance, and on the opposite side, behind the tank, heads of people appeared.

The infantrymen of the Skeleton Division, armed with guns, quickly dispersed from behind the tank.

When he saw this scene, Hayashi was still excited, fighting the bayonet, he had an advantage!

Because the opponent's soldier has no bayonet on his rifle! For German soldiers, they don't like bayonets, and their guns are much shorter than their opponents.

In the process of fighting the bayonet, the side with the longer gun has the advantage. The length of the rifle of this era, plus the bayonet, is more than 1.5 meters in length, and even when erected, it is taller than a human.

However, the gun in the German hand is not. When the bayonet is not added, it is less than one meter long. When the **** is folded, it is even more than seventy centimeters. With the bayonet, it is only one meter long.

In this way, it definitely suffers when fighting bayonet. His bayonet could not poke the opponent at all, but the opponent could easily pick out his intestines with the bayonet.

There is no way, because Germany has achieved motorization and partial mechanization. Sitting in an infantry fighting vehicle, holding a gun that is more than one meter long, it can’t be used at all, just like a cavalry’s carbine. Infantry guns must also be short.

It is a disadvantage to fight with bayonet, but the German soldiers do not plan to fight with bayonet at all. Is the distance of ten meters close? Even if it is a distance of five meters, it is not afraid!

The Germans never intended to fight with bayonets. As early as World War I, bayonets were very common in trench battles, but how did the Germans solve them? Use a submachine gun!

The current 6.8 mm submachine gun has the same speed of fire and is even more powerful. When they discovered that the Nissi on the opposite side actually jumped out, they were overjoyed.

If the Nissi were hiding behind the riverbank, the German tanks could not continue to advance, and the infantry would have to brave the opponent’s firepower, and maybe jump down to solve the opponent. The casualties of the infantry would surely be huge, but now, the opponent is actually Rushed up to be shot!

This is of course to satisfy the other party.

As they flashed out from behind the tank, they adjusted their submachine guns to burst mode, and then they opened fire.

"Da da da da." The dense bullets blasted toward the opposite side, and flames emerged from the muzzle, and the 6.8 mm bullets flew away like raindrops in a torrential rain.

Hayashi's eyes widened, his pupils dilated, and an idea spread to his brain, damn, he gave a wrong order!

They have been on the battlefield for some time, and they have also learned about the equipment of the German However, for a long time, the German tank troops have been showing their strength, and the German infantry has followed the tanks. Cranky.

So, unknowingly, they all despised the German infantry in their hearts, thinking that once their infantry left the tank, they were nothing. Moreover, although the infantry had terrible automatic firepower in their hands, they did not pay much attention. To them, it seemed a little far away.

If the infantry of the two sides fought in an upright manner, oneself would be able to defeat them easily!

But now, when the German infantry fired violent bullets, Hayashi suddenly realized that not only the German tank troops were not easy to deal with, but the German infantry was also difficult to deal with. Their weapons and equipment were simply beyond the age.

He regretted it, but it was too late.

A few bullets came over and hit him. When the bullets entered his body, there was no pain, only a moment of numbness. The bullets rolled inside his body, stirring various organs, when they flew behind him. When I went out, a big hole was torn open.

His body was about to fall backwards, but he did not fall. At the last moment of life, he used his right hand to force a shot, using his rifle as a cane, and leaning on the ground, his muscles were tight and he could no longer relax. , His legs fell on his knees, his hands leaning on the rifle, his upper body still standing.

His eyes were glaring forward and his mouth opened wide, as if he had something to say, but he was already speechless.

In two seconds, in another two seconds, his bayonet can pierce the enemy's chest.

Coward, come and fight Laozi with a bayonet.

Hayashi didn't close his eyes. He did not stare at him. Before his consciousness finally disappeared, he was still surrounded by endless sound of the opponent's rifle shooting, and what entered his nostrils was the smell of endless gunpowder smoke.

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