The Third Reich

Chapter 1537: Not afraid of death

"Kill!" A Nissi rushed to the front of the Skeleton Division's soldiers, almost only one meter away. He exhausted his whole body strength and pushed his bayonet forward, preparing to kill the opponent.

However, the opponent's muzzle had been turned, and the opponent's face was serious, and he pulled the trigger at him.

"Da da da." The 6.8 mm bullet swept towards the body of this Nissi. At this time, the bayonet was only ten centimeters away from the skeleton division soldier, and the tip of the knife had reached the front of the skeleton division soldier, but , He was still shaking backwards helplessly, and his body fell backwards under the impact of the bullet.

This was simply a unilateral massacre. A famous Nissi wanted to rush up and kill the opponent with a bayonet, but it was useless. The soldiers of the Skeleton Division just greeted them with bullets.

of course there are exceptions.

Several Nissi rushed to a skeletal division fighter. The soldier was not afraid, holding his submachine gun, and shot the bullets at these Nissi, sweeping them down.

Then, his gun was dumb.

No, it's stuck.

The way of drum feeding provides a considerable capacity. However, there is a special situation for drum feeding. In extreme cases, the bullet will be pushed by the spring inside and jammed.

At this moment, he stopped shooting, trying to remove the drum and replace it with a new one. At this moment, the last Nissi, already holding his rifle, rushed up fiercely.

As if the cavalry was relying on the impact of a horse, he rushed forward quickly, piercing the soldiers of the skeleton division with a bright bayonet.

Time is running out!

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division held up their guns sideways and blocked them forcefully. The long spear with the bayonet collided with his submachine gun and his hands were numb. At the same time, there was a sharp pain in his shoulders.

He blocked it, the bayonet did not pierce his chest, but while blocking upwards, the bayonet had picked up his shoulder, and a deep wound was taken out of his shoulder.

Blood poured out from inside, and the soldiers of the Skeleton Division smelled the blood, but their faces wore a grinning smile.


The soldiers of the Skeleton Division are never afraid of death!

The opponent missed a hit and took a half step back. Then, he handed the spear over again and pierced the opponent's abdomen forcefully. This time it depends on how you block it!

The soldier of the skeleton division tilted his body to one side and threw away his gun. At the same time, he grabbed the gun body of the opponent with both hands, and then pushed hard to the side.

The bayonet slid down the side of his body again, grazing it on the left side of his stomach, and made another cut.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he turned his body sideways and was in the same direction as the opponent. At this time, he held the front end of the rifle in his hand and clamped the rifle in his arm. The Nissi soldier was holding the rear end of the rifle, and both sides wanted to grab the rifle.

Nissi pulled back vigorously. Finally, he pulled his rifle out again. He panted heavily, trying to poke it again, wait, where's his bayonet?

The bayonet was already in the hands of the soldiers of the Skeleton Division. He quickly removed the bayonet after he pulled the gun body. It was precisely because his hand was used to unload the bayonet that the gun body was taken by the opponent. Pull it out.

At this time, a bayonet of more than 30 centimeters was held in the hands of the Skeleton Division soldier. The bayonet was carried with blood. It brushed his body twice, with his blood on it. He licked the blood on it with his tongue. Suddenly, both eyes were cold.

Nissi on the opposite side was already scared.

In hand-to-hand combat, someone who is more courageous and courageous, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division will definitely not fall behind in this confrontation.

"Kill!" Nissi carried a rifle without a bayonet, and continued to rush over. Without a bayonet, he can also fight hand-to-hand. You can hit it with the handle of the gun, and you can use the gun body to press the opponent's throat to strangle the opponent.

At this time, you cannot go back.

"Da da da da." At this moment, a gunshot sounded from the side, and the soldiers of the nearby skeleton division had arrived and knocked him down.

Even in hand-to-hand combat, a large number of people will always have the advantage. In the intensive bullet shooting, only a small part of them can come over. They are the targets of the besieged.

Ike is hiding behind his tank. Just now, when his tank started to charge, Ike also retreated behind his tank. He was not afraid, but because he knew his responsibilities. For a senior commander , It’s not their task to fight on the front line, otherwise he would not be worthy of being a division commander, only a battalion commander.

He is calmly observing and analyzing.

This group of reinforcements from the United States is simply a typical example of not being afraid of death. Its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of its own skeleton division. When facing disadvantages, they still think about how to fight.

As opponents they are worthy of respect, and the best way to respect your opponents is to kill them.

"Don't leave one, kill all the opponents." Ike said.

At this time, those Soviet troops on the rear positions were also wiped out. The battle here was already the last one in the outskirts of Kalinin. Kill them all and there will be no more enemy troops outside.

The gunshots became sparser.

Finally, the gunfire stopped.

Hades opened the turret and got out of it. Standing on the turret, he could clearly see the entire battlefield.

There were piles of corpses everywhere, blood and death everywhere. The blood flowing from under their bodies merged into a stream and flowed into the nearby river, the surface of which had become scarlet.

He saw a guy, a guy with the rank of battalion commander on his shoulders, dead, but his body refused to fall. He was leaning on a gun to support him.

So Hades walked slowly over.

The wind blew across the river bank, the reeds on the bank clashed, and the smell of blood in the air was too strong.

"You are wearing an American military uniform, even if you are an orthodox Yankee." Hades said to the dead guy: "Yankee, wait, one day we will go to America, our tank , Will appear in New York, Washington, and the White House, let you know that the Third Reich is the master of this world, what a free world, shit."

Hades spit on the dead Hayashi, and then lit a cigarette. These Yankees ran to the Soviet Union to fight with them and let them die. This is the best ending.

The battle here has ended, and in the urban area of ​​Kalinin, the rapidly advancing 18th Army has arrived outside the headquarters of the Kalinin Front.

The high-ranking officials of the military area are all blocked inside.

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