The Third Reich

Chapter 1542: Won't leave the capital


During this period of time, Stalin had hardly slept well. He was wearing a military coat and there was a small bed next door. When he was sleepy, he would lie down on the bed and rest for a while.

However, most of the time, Stalin almost stopped in front of a large-scale map, while meditating on the map, while silently smoking a cigarette pot, the whole room was enveloped in smoke.

Only while smoking, he can think well. Now, the German three-way army is marching towards Moscow, and the defense of Moscow is about to start.

Now, it’s May 31, 1941, the last day of the month. From March 28, Germany flagrantly invaded the Soviet Union, and only two months have passed since the Germans once again displayed the terrible power of their blitzkrieg. In just two months, he reached Moscow. The nearest striker of the Northern Route Army was only a hundred kilometers away from Moscow.

Perhaps, within a week, the battle of Moscow will begin.

The Soviets have lost all of Europe's land, a large number of people, and millions of troops have disappeared. Can it really wait until the cold winter comes and then counterattack?

This thought suddenly flashed in Stalin's head, and was suppressed by Stalin again, even if it was the loss of Moscow? No one has ever conquered this great land.

Stalin was determined.

"We use the peripheral troops to block layers, and we can still delay the Germans' attack time. Especially, our military factory has begun to produce bazooka." At this moment, Zhukov's message came from behind him. Voice: "Our military personnel have also increased the caliber of the bazooka. The fence armor of the Germans may not be able to block our new bazooka."

After the sea transportation was restricted, when the Germans would hit Moscow, the Americans were of course anxious. The technical mystery of the bazooka weapon was told to the Soviet Union intact. Anyway, the technical difficulty Not big, the Soviet Union's own military factory can also produce it.

However, in the last Kalinin battle, the Germans used simple grille armor to block Bazooka's attack. How to deal with this situation, Soviet military personnel have always been simple and rude.

Brush the caliber! The Soviet Union's favorite is to brush the caliber, which is a simple and effective solution.

The specific effect is only known on the battlefield. In short, the Soviets will never compromise.

"After that, we will fight a vigorous street battle. In the street battle, it will be delayed until the arrival of the severe winter." Zhukov said: "We believe that victory still belongs to the Soviets."

Stalin nodded: "The evil Germany will definitely be defeated by us, and the Soviets will never be conquered. After this war, we will be stronger."

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, now, I have a request." Zhukov said: "In order to better command this Great Patriotic War, please retreat to the east of the Ural Mountains."

When Zhukov finished saying these words, the whole scene became silent, and everyone held their breath, waiting for Stalin's response.

Only Zhukov dared to say that. For anyone else, I am afraid that Stalin would be shot on the spot.

What do you mean by that, do you want Lao Tzu to be a deserter?

Stalin's hand was placed on the smoking pot. At this moment, his hand stopped, his head turned, and he looked at Zhukov with sharp eyes.

If someone else is stared at by such gazes, they will probably pee their pants. People in high positions have a kind of dignity that is not angered or prestigious.

Zhukov was not afraid. He faced Stalin’s gaze and said: “Soon, Moscow will become a war zone. Comrade Stalin, as long as you are there, even if Moscow falls, we will re-attack. You are ours. The backbone is the beacon of our Soviets and the great helmsman, so please follow my advice and leave Moscow. Please rest assured that we will use our lives to surround Moscow."

Stalin shook his head: "This topic will stop here. Don't talk about it anymore. I will not leave Moscow. As the leader of the Soviets, I will fight in Moscow until the last minute. Molotov, through radio Of this decision to inform the entire Soviet."

If we tell the whole Soviet through the radio, then Stalin will never retreat. If he leaves, he will become a laughing stock.

Stalin didn't leave himself behind.

"Why?" Zhukov asked loudly, "Comrade Stalin, don't you think from a higher level? As long as you are there, the Soviets will not perish."

Zhukov was almost about to quarrel with Stalin. If someone else, they would be dragged away and shot by the guards who rushed in. However, in the face of his beloved general, Stalin was not Of course Stalin knew that Zhukov This was done for his own safety, for the entire Soviet Union, Zhukov never cared about his life, because he had dedicated his life to the Soviets.

In this case, Zhukov strongly recommended that he look at the problem from another angle, but it is a pity that Stalin would not agree to this suggestion.

So many retreating generals were shot and strict military regulations were issued. Even Pavlov was shot by Stalin. At this time, it's his turn to retreat?

Stalin would not agree to retreat. His face was not that thick. Of course, more importantly, he knew the meaning of the defense of Moscow. As long as he was there, there was Moscow.

If he retreats, then Moscow will absolutely not be able to defend it, and once Moscow falls, it means the Soviet’s defeat.

Retreating to the east of the Ural Mountains is the last step. There is a large area and sparsely populated area. The most densely populated part of the Soviets is Europe. They are still waiting for Moscow's orders.

Once Moscow falls, the Germans will quickly push a puppet to power and rule the Soviet Union in a legal name, and the Soviet Union will quickly fall.

Just look at Europe now. Paris has fallen. Free France in exile is just a small organization. London has fallen. Churchill’s government is now almost forgotten by the British people.

Stalin's arrogance made him absolutely unable to leave his capital. Even if he died in this building upright, he would not surrender!

(History is always embarrassing. At the moment of national crisis, the top talents in World War II chose to stay in the capital and coexist and die with the country. This is what Stalin did, Hitler did, but the old Jiang did not do it. So, Lao Jiang will not be able to keep his name in the history of World War II.)

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