The Third Reich

Chapter 1543: Facing encirclement

Stalin is firm. He will not leave Moscow. He will live and die with Moscow. If Moscow is beaten down, his life will no longer be meaningful to Stalin.

Stalin was quite firm.

"Comrade Stalin, we have got good news. At the Gromov Flight Test Institute, the plan to use alcohol to replace gasoline has been completed. Now the nearby winery is stepping up the production of this fuel alcohol. Our fighter jets can all take off. At this moment, Stalin received a message that made him happy.

As long as the air power is still there, the defense of Moscow will be smoother. The battles of our own ground forces are often due to the enemy's air superiority and cause heavy losses to our side.

Now as long as the air force can recover, it can delay the German offensive.

"Let the Gromov Flight Test Institute immediately move to the rear." Stalin said: "Beria, you are responsible. We are about to carry out a great defense of Moscow. Our precious technicians, industry, and university students will all The migration to the rear is completed as soon as possible. Ordinary citizens of Moscow, organize them to join the militia team."

Some people need to retreat. These retreats are to maintain the technology and industry of the Soviet development. Ordinary citizens, like soldiers, must defend Moscow.

Now it has entered a state of war, even if civilians do not obey orders and take the initiative to retreat, they will be arrested and shot.

Everyone must fight to defend Moscow!

"Yes." Beria nodded. Now, Moscow's retreat is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Except for the big problems encountered by the university students' retreat, everything else can be completed in the plan.

When Stalin made arrangements, Zhukov was still constantly directing the battle on the front line. Phone calls came in one by one, Zhukov was very busy.

In his busy schedule, Zhukov took time out and said to Stalin: "Now, our north is very strange."

The German army in the north was originally the closest to Moscow. After taking down Kalinin, it is supposed that the German army should continue to advance to the south, but now they are quiet again.

What do Germans want? Are you planning to advance several legions together? Or is there any other conspiracy? Zhukov was a little uneasy, after all, he had too few reserves.

Stalin turned his head, looked at the map, and thought about it. He knew Zhukov's concern.

"Comrade Stalin, General Zhukov, it's not good." At this moment, an adjutant walked in and said: "Our investigation found that the German Northern Army Corps, after occupying Kalinin, did not continue to the south. Attack, they, they went to the east!"

The German North Route Army, leaving Moscow close at hand without fighting, actually headed east? When they heard this news, Zhukov, Stalin and others changed their faces.

Sure enough, the same as they have been worried about.

The Germans not only want to win the battle in Moscow, but also to win beautifully. The Germans want to block their own way back!

For this Moscow battle, Germany has been preparing for a long time. They want to win beautifully, encircle and wipe out the battle like before!

What’s more frightening is that this of course hit the weakness of the Soviet Union. In order to cope with the huge German offensive queue, Moscow did not even let a third-line unit nearby, sent to the front line, and behind them, it was indeed The army is empty. Once the Germans have stolen their way, the siege that has already taken place on the Soviet land many times will be staged again!

The winding Volga River, in the lower reaches of Kalinin, converges into the Ivankov Reservoir. This reservoir grows in strips and distributes from east to west. To the east of the reservoir is Dubna. If you look at the location, it should belong to It is true north of Moscow, but due to the problem of the German offensive route, it can be regarded as the absolute rear.

Therefore, there was only one infantry battalion stationed in Dubna. When the German tank unit was found, the Soviet soldiers of the infantry battalion resisted stubbornly. In only half an hour, they were completely wiped out. The caterpillar crushed their bodies and entered the city of Dubna. On the seat of government in the city, the flag of the sickle and hammer was lowered, and the flag of the Third Reich was raised.

The residents of the small town were silent, listening to the groups of German soldiers outside, their eyes filled with tears.

After leaving a unit to garrison Dubna, the powerful tank unit once again swooped towards Alexandrov southeast of Dubna.

If you look at the map, you can know Dubna, Alexandrov, are not big cities, but they are all on the railway line, the vast Soviet, the railway is the main The transportation situation, and after taking control of the railway hub, Moscow’s support can be successfully cut off.

At this time, the Northern Army Corps was alone in deepening, but they were not afraid, because the Soviets' rear was really empty. The Soviets made similar mistakes time and time again, but they never made up for this mistake.

It's not that they don't want to make up for it, but because they are incapable, because they lack strength.

For example, now, when he learned that the German Northern Army Corps was rushing into his own back, Zhukov suddenly realized that he could not find strong enough troops to fight back!

The reinforcements must be strong, strong enough to deal with the entire Northern Army Corps. They are less going and will only be eaten by the Germans in one bite. They hurried over, and when they were exhausted, they were ambushed by the Germans along the way. Kill.

But where to find this powerful enough force?

The Germans once again proved their toughness with their superb tactics. Moscow, already in a precarious manner, is about to fall.

And when everyone turned their attention to the north, when the Germans might bypass the semi-circular Moscow defense line and plan to close the door to the back of Moscow to fight dogs, no one noticed that in the south of Moscow, Tula, one The battle has already begun.

Since the German army wants to use the previous encirclement tactics, of course it will not only start from the north. When the north army has begun to circle the back of Moscow, the south army will of course also circle to the east of Moscow to finally achieve a successful encirclement!

Germany has this strength, because the South Route Army and the South Route Army, which completed the Battle of Kiev, have already moved in.

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