The Third Reich

Chapter 1544: Moved to Moscow

Tula Oblast, an administrative state close to Moscow.

Tula, the administrative center of Tula Oblast, is located 193 kilometers south of Moscow.

It can be said that Kalinin is the gate to the northwest of Moscow, and Tula is the south gate of Moscow. Therefore, in history, Tula has always occupied an important military strategic position. At the same time, Tula has been from the Tsarist era to the present. The most important light weapons production base of the Soviets can be regarded as the "Arsenal" of the Soviets.

Compared with history, Germany's military capacity is even more prosperous. Historically, the North Route Army was trapped in Petersburg, the South Route Army was in Kharkov, and the Stalingrad generation fought fiercely. It was only the Central Route Army that was the main force in Moscow.

But now it’s different. The North Route Army rushes forward like a tiger. At the same time, the South Route Army, in addition to branching out to advance to Kharkov, mostly marches from the north of Kiev to the northeast, together with the reinforcements from the center. , Moved towards Moscow.

They attacked the city all the way, cooperated with the Central Army, and completed the Battle of Bryansk-Orel, once again annihilated hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops. The rest of the Soviet army retreated to the front line east of Belev, Mtzensk, and Orel. , Hurriedly switched to a new defense.

Otraquinkis, train station.

The air still seemed to smell of gunpowder smoke, a special army column, braving black smoke, stopped.

At this time, the sky was already dusk.

The flatbed truck on the army column dragged the tom cloth, and the soldiers in the stuffed tank wagon filed out and began to unload the truck. When they took off the tom cloth, they revealed huge bodies.

Now, the most common German tanks are the Tiger and Leopard tanks. This tank is one lap larger than the Tiger. No, two laps. It has been replaced with narrow tracks and is still half a meter wide. Yes, it has to be more than one meter wide. This flatbed truck is specially made.

Now, they are carefully unloading the tank from the flatbed truck. When they started the engine, the tank did not make the sound of a normal diesel engine. It was like an airplane engine with the supercharger screaming. .

The tank started to move. When it moved, the engine was hard to hear, but there was more stimulating sound of electric current.

Electric drive, mouse tank, this is the most secret weapon of the empire, and this unit is the 502 heavy tank battalion that once fought fiercely in Osad.

When the Osad battle was over, it entered a trimming period.

For them, repairing is the most boring. Their tanks entered the repair shop, one by one the craters were filled, and the damaged structures were repaired. At the same time, they could only lie in the grass outside the repair shop. Chewing grass roots in his mouth, looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

Fortunately, they weren't allowed to wait long, almost half a month's time, and their order came again, and the order this time made them extremely excited.

Head to Moscow!

Moscow, the capital of the Soviets, occupied Moscow and destroyed the Soviets. Every soldier wanted to participate in this war. Now, the 502nd heavy tank battalion finally has a chance.

At the same time, what makes them even more happy is that a new batch of equipment is coming.

Although it was called a heavy tank battalion, their tank unit originally had only six rat tanks, but when they were pulling out, they received six rat tanks.

In this way, each of the three companies has four terrible mouse tanks, especially the third company, which originally did not have mouse tanks, so under the leadership of Hans, they had to grab a batch of tigers from the factory. tank.

Now, they have also been assigned a brand-new four-mouse, and they can finally do it!

As for Hans, because of his outstanding performance last time, when he got a new mouse tank for 2 consecutive points, Hans became the commander of the mouse tank with honor.

At this moment, Hans was standing on the platform, looking at his mouse tank, slowly turning from the flatbed and driving off.

"Be careful, be careful." Hans shouted loudly. This tank was his baby bump. When he first received it, Hans lay on the wide steel plate behind the tank to sleep almost every day.

However, his luck was very bad.

The driver Schmidt came from the same mouse tank with him. It is supposed to be an experienced driver. However, when the mouse turned ninety degrees on the flatbed and was about to drive down, Suddenly, the flatbed truck below tilted up.

"Brake, brake now," Hans shouted loudly.

"Boom!" It was no use. Hans watched the flatbed truck tilt up. Then, the huge body of the mouse tank rolled over to the side.

The mouse tank was too heavy, the flatbed truck couldn't bear the terrible weight of its huge body, and then it overturned it! "Hans watched the driver crawl out of the inside, and couldn't help cursing: "Now we can't keep up." "

His tank was on the last flatbed truck, and the roadbed was still uneven, and he was accidentally recruited. The tank tipped over, and it was not easy to lift it up. At least three cranes must be used to lift it together.

But the maintenance crane of the 502 heavy tank battalion is still in the next train, and they can only wait for the time being.

"Company commander, let's go first." Hans looked at the second company commander Rip who came to check, and said to him angrily.

At this time, you can still hear the sound of a rumble in the distance. After the German army has taken down Orel, it is still moving forward and fighting fiercely with the retreating Soviet army.

Hans couldn't take part in the first battle that was mobilized, and of course he was in a bad mood at this time.

And, how come you feel a little moist? Hans raised his head. In the sky, there was a drizzle, but it was raining?

"The order has been issued, and the superiors demanded that we proceed to Mtzensk immediately." Battalion Commander Richard Mark said.

There is no time. They are in the northern part of this small city, which is Mtzensk. The battle ahead is fierce. Now that the new force of the rat tank has arrived, their orders have arrived.

One after another mouse tanks drove from the station, only Hans was left.

Hans's crew, hiding on the platform to avoid the rain, looked at the overturned mouse tank, their faces were quite unwilling.

"This **** rain, when can it stop?" Schmidt couldn't help but let out a grumble: "If the rain keeps falling like this, it will be troublesome."

Even if the mouse tank has a wide track, it is unwilling to advance in the mud, that is a nightmare for all tank soldiers.

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