The Third Reich

Chapter 1545: Meet

Whatever you are afraid of.

The light rain stayed all night, until the follow-up maintenance platoon arrived and lifted the overturned mouse tank. The light rain still did not stop.

If it was heavy rain, it would be even more terrifying, but now even if it is light rain, it has been raining all night, and the ground has already fallen through.

The tracks of the tank rolled on the soft ground and moved forward.

They want to catch up with their company.

The 1800-horsepower aero engine at the rear screamed loudly. The huge power was converted into electricity, and then the two-day high-power electric motor on the side was driven by the current. The most convenient way of this kind of electric drive scheme is that it does not require a complicated layout. The transmission, at the same time, the torque of the motor is quite against the sky.

Tracks more than one meter wide are crushing the ground, and the ruts in front are still very clear.

Sticking his head out of the cab, Schmidt felt the drizzle and frowned as he looked at the smoke-like vision ahead.

Can't see clearly!

The domestic infrastructure in Germany is quite good. High-grade highways are everywhere. Even in later generations, many highways in Germany were built before World War II. This shows how good the German highways are.

Europe is inferior to Germany, and the road conditions in the Soviet Union are even worse. There are few hardened roads and most of them are dirt roads. Once it rains, traffic is quite inconvenient.

This is also the German road construction movement immediately after the occupation of Belarus, just to meet the needs of Germany, after all, besides railway, road transportation is also a very important method.

In other places, there is no such condition. Moscow, as the capital of the Soviet Union, has very poor traffic conditions in several states near Moscow.

Outer Jinkis, the northern city of Orel, outside this small city, the road has become muddy.

Especially, the light rain made the surrounding area foggy. At a three-way intersection, Schmidt barely hesitated and walked along the road. He couldn't see the sun and couldn't figure out the position. Schmidt didn't know, he went wrong. Way off.

Turn left is Mtzensk, now after going straight, the road slowly turns to the right, all the way towards Zinoli.

"No. 108 calls the battalion headquarters, and No. 108 calls the battalion headquarters." In the turret, Hans shouted with a radio microphone in his hand.

But there is nothing in it except radio noise.

"What's the matter?" Hans said, "Could it be the **** rain that caused our radio to fail?"

The reliability of radio stations made of transistors is already quite high, but accidents still occur. Now, their radio communication is not smooth.

"Go on." Hans said, "I'll talk about the troops who caught up with us."

Since you can't get in touch, let's catch up.

At the same time, Hans was also a little puzzled. Ordinarily, as he got closer to the front line, the sound of guns should be getting louder and louder. Now, why can't I hear anything? Is it because it is raining, so there is no war?

This is not in line with our own style or the character of the Soviets. This rainy day should be more favorable to the Soviet Union.

It was drizzling and they continued to move forward. Suddenly, amidst the hazy rain and fog, tanks emerged.

When Schmidt saw these tanks, he was first excited: "Okay, I finally met our companions."

Those tanks are a bit strange. The turrets are sharp and angular, like their own tanks. After all, most of the Soviet cast turrets are flattened spherical, but how come there are bright red five-pointed stars on the turret?

In an instant, he felt the hairs on his back stand up: "Tanks, Soviet tanks! Only thirty meters away from us!"

In the drizzle, it can be seen that thirty meters away is already the limit. When these tanks came through the rain and fog, Schmidt never dreamed that they were actually Soviets.

The long-awaited battle just came, and it came so quickly that Hans was too happy.

"Secondary gun, load armor-piercing shells, fast!" Hans shouted loudly. Amidst the bumps, the loader picked up a 75mm armor-piercing shell and stuffed it into the barrel.

"The filling is complete."

"Ready to crash!"

It was too late. Just after they were loaded, the distance between the two sides was close to within ten meters. The Soviet tanker on the opposite side was even more short-sighted. At this time, he found a behemoth moving.

It's too late to aim, so hit it first.

When the mouse tank slammed into it, the Soviet tanks here realized that the situation was not good. They braked anxiously and tried to avoid it, but it was useless.

The 1800-horsepower aero engine was roaring, and the crawler slew and stirred up countless soil Then, Schmidt discovered a surprising phenomenon, the opponent's turret could not turn.

Yes, the opponent has a fixed turret, which means it is not a tank, but a self-propelled artillery. At the same time, the thick barrel looks quite powerful. This is a new equipment that you have not seen before!

If the turret can be rotated, the opponent can avoid the impact, but now, the thick barrel of the opponent's self-propelled artillery first hit the tall hull armor of the mouse tank.

In the violent impact sound, the barrel was hit and bent instantly, and thanks to the barrel being buffered, the impact force of the car body was greatly reduced.

Even so, the violent impact made the Soviet soldiers in the car feel trembling all over, and their ears kept ringing.

"Fire!" Although the situation appeared suddenly, the Soviet armored soldiers in the car were still not afraid, reloaded quickly, and then pressed the launch button.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded from the body of the car. In the sound of the explosion, thick smoke came out of the whole car body, and the flames rose more than ten meters high.

This scene makes the mouse tank soldiers on the opposite side startled. What are the Soviets doing? Isn't this self-harm? Knowing that your barrel was bent and firing, is there any other result besides blasting the chamber?

At the moment of blasting, the backfire detonated the ammunition in the car, forming such a spectacular scene.

At the same time, this ignited fire also allowed the tank soldiers to see more clearly. There were more than a dozen vehicles of the same model coming in front of them. This is a company size, but now, when the narrow road meets, the opponent has an absolute advantage in number!

"Kill it!" Here, Yakov, the company commander of the SU-152 self-propelled anti-tank battery, shouted loudly. The radio of the tube works well at close range, so that everyone in the company can hear: "Rush up, go around and hit it!"

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