The Third Reich

Chapter 1555: Public opinion attack

"Comrade Stalin, the latest news." Beria hurried over with a large stack of newspapers.

During the war, reading the other party’s newspaper seems to be a very low-level way, but it is quite effective. By studying the other party’s newspaper, you can still find useful information. For example, nowadays, German newspapers almost all report on the front lines. Favorable situation, the North Route Army liberated Kalinin, the South Route Army has arrived under Tula, and so on.

Although it may be misleading, it is still useful after screening, especially in the early days of the Great Patriotic War. Stalin’s troops were in a mess. Stalin wanted to know where his troops were. The best way was to find Germans. Read the newspaper and see the Germans arrogantly saying which troops they have captured again, and they directly cross out which troops on their own map.

And now, the newspapers in front of him are not only German newspapers, but also other newspapers from countries occupied by Germany and those countries that have obeyed Germany. Now, almost all newspapers have the same headlines on their front pages. .

Katyn tragedy: Soviet crimes against humanity.

Moscow, please give the Poles an explanation.

My murderer father: Yakov’s own dictation said.

May the tragedy of the Katyn tragedy never happen again, and Stalin's son is repenting.

Stalin knew how serious the situation was just by looking at the title.

"Yakov was captured?" Stalin asked.

The situation on the front line is chaotic and we are verifying it, but there seems to be no doubt about it.

Newspapers, there are photos, there is no cosmetic surgery in this era, no PS surgery, photos are almost all real.

Most of the photos are endless mass graves, some are digging by Soviet prisoners, and others, Yakov's eyes are full of tears, watching the Poles weep bitterly.

Yakov, captured again, this time is more terrifying than last time, because the Germans actually used Yakov to attack Stalin!

"Publish a radio to tell the whole Soviet Union, the whole world, don't be fooled by the Germans." Stadt said: "This is clearly a trick of the Germans. They killed the Poles and blamed us, and, Those captives are even more hateful, especially Yakov!"

Stalin was angry. Yakov was captured and would be used by the Germans. He could think of all of these, but the Germans used the incidents of Yakov and Katyn Forest to make a fuss, and he could no longer bear it.

"We Soviets have only soldiers, only martyrs, and no captives! Those captured are no longer our Soviet warriors. What can't these defectors do to get the favor of the Germans? In view of Yakov's bad behavior , I now declare that I am separated from the father-son relationship with Yakov. Yakov is the enemy of our Soviets. Any army can rectify the law on the spot as long as it catches a prisoner!" Stalin almost roared.

Beria frowned.

Stalin’s order would obviously make the situation worse. His Soviet’s remarks that there were no prisoners would make the Soviet army fight to death on the one hand, but on the other hand, it would also cause the prisoners to change quickly, and the prisoners would become the German servants. When they turn around, they will be even more ruthless, because they know that they have no retreat.

Now, when Stalin did this, he was afraid that he would push Yakov to the German side. In this situation, Yakov made it clear that he was being used, but Stalin’s broadcast would really push Yakov. To the Germans.

This is a bad move, but it seems that there is no better choice.

"Yes." Beria said, he was thinking quickly as he walked out, now, the situation is really bad!

The Germans surrounded Moscow on three sides, and soon became surrounded on four sides. At this time, the Germans began to launch a propaganda offensive. This shows that they are about to pave the way. After they occupy Moscow, they will pave the way for the subsequent political structure. Stink the Stalin government!

Now, under the heavy attack of the Germans, even Beria feels that he has no bottom in his heart. I don't know if he can survive it. If he can't survive, how can he choose a back path?

Beria tried to put this idea behind his head. He was the knife in Stalin's hand. Others might be able to pass. He must be unable to do so. He made too many enemies.

Across the ocean.

"Germans, I really will seize the opportunity." Roosevelt looked at the flood of newspapers. Almost every newspaper was accusing the Soviets of atrocities in the Katyn Forest. Even Roosevelt was a bit big.

To say that the Germans blamed it, Roosevelt really didn't believe it, Stalin could do it.

However, at this time, it would be troublesome to disclose such information.

A lot of public opinion is directed at the United The Soviets are so frantic and anti-human. Why should the United States fund such a government?

"We cannot stop supporting the Soviet Union." Roosevelt said: "If the Soviets fall, then the Germans should turn around and deal with us."

The Germans suddenly seized Iceland and made the Americans look like a big enemy. Now it seems that the Germans were just a vain shot. After occupying Iceland, the Germans did not launch a larger battle, but continued to fight in the Soviet Union. Now, the Germans are moving towards Moscow. It is estimated that within a month, Moscow will be occupied by the Germans.

It's too clear what it means to occupy a country's capital. At this time, the German public opinion was hit too hard.

"Yes, we will actively maintain the image of the Soviet Union and publish Stalin's speech. This is a conspiracy of the Germans, and we must not let the conspiracy of the Germans succeed." Secretary of State Hull said.

"Of course, we also have to prepare for the worst." Roosevelt turned his head and asked Marshall: "How is our Atlantic defense going?"

The Soviet Union can sustain it, that is the best. If the Soviet Union cannot sustain it, then the United States will be ready to meet the challenge from the Germans. Now, the number one project of the United States is the Atlantic Defense Line.

Historically, the Atlantic defense line was owned by the Germans. In order to resist the invasion of the Allies, a 2,700-kilometer defense line was built forcibly. Facts have also proved that this passive defense is useless.

But now, the Americans have no choice. They are already on the east coast of the United States and have begun to build their own Atlantic defense line.

The German navy, the speed of the violent troops is too fast, integrated the power of the whole of Europe, the German aircraft carrier is groundwater one after another, their goal is definitely to land in the United States.

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