The Third Reich

Chapter 1556: Atlantic Line

The Germans must be aiming at the United States. The Germans will not only be satisfied with conquering the entire Europe. The goal of the Germans is to conquer the entire world. Therefore, under this setting, the United States must go all out.

Upon hearing Roosevelt's words, the main responsible General Ernst and Marshall both reported separately.

"Now, the five aircraft carriers we have rushed to build in the shipyard are now in the final outfitting stage. When these five attack aircraft carriers are completed and launched, we can take a sigh of relief. At the same time, there are more than 20 aircraft carriers behind. Construction is underway."

Ernst-Joseph-King, the five-star general of the U.S. Navy, the Secretary of the U.S. Navy Command and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet during World War II, and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Army. In these positions, he is the highest leader of the US Navy, directly responsible to the President, and directs the operations and strategy of the US Navy.

Now, although in the Pacific, the U.S. Navy is fighting the island navy, in fact, the U.S. Navy does not consider the navy of the island country. The navy is an arm of the country’s comprehensive national strength. The military industry of the island country cannot be supported at all. As long as the main warship of the island navy is killed in a decisive naval battle, the island navy will be abolished.

But Germany is different. Germany has integrated the entire Europe and has a shipbuilding industry that surpasses that of the United States. The speed of dumping dumplings on German warships is faster than that of the United States. The United States must pay attention to it.

The Atlantic Line of Defense is not just on the coastline. If it can win a decisive naval battle on the Atlantic, then the United States can protect its homeland security.

Therefore, the first is the growth of the Navy.

"Five, still not enough." Roosevelt couldn't help but said.

These five are real attack-type aircraft carriers, not **** aircraft carriers. The United States has also started to build a large number of **** aircraft carriers, but they all know the combat effectiveness of that aircraft carrier.

"If we stop supporting the Soviet Union and put all our forces in our country, we can greatly increase the output of our warships." Ernst said.

Reinforcing the Soviet Union also involves the energy of the United States itself.

Hearing what he said, Roosevelt's eyes flickered, and then it went black again. Stop supporting the Soviet Union? Then the Soviet Union collapsed immediately. The Soviet Union was buying more time for the United States to help the Soviet Union. It was helping the United States. Unfortunately, the German submarines were too powerful.

"We will set up our naval barriers in the North Atlantic. If the German fleet rushes to our coastline, it must be that our fleet is gone." Ernst continued.

The navy is determined to protect the continental United States. If the Germans want to attack the continental United States, they must first defeat the American Atlantic Fleet.

Roosevelt nodded, and the report of the Navy Department was temporarily finished, and then Marshall continued to speak.

"We are carrying out a huge project on the Atlantic Defense Line. The amount of this project is almost comparable to the Great Wall of China in China. We have built a coastal defense along the Atlantic coastline, mainly with 406 heavy artillery and 380 heavy artillery as the core. If the German fleet wants to land, it must risk heavy casualties."

Coastal defense artillery is still the main defense method of this era. If the opponent wants to land, he must have a landing ship. If you want to land on the beach, it is not that easy!

"At the same time, we will build a mobile defensive position every fifty kilometers, deploy the army's mixed tank unit, and rush wherever there is war."

Marshall eloquently recounted that this set of fortifications occupies the huge budget of the United States. Now everyone has a hunch that after the war is over, the United States will be poor, but as long as the United States still exists, it will be worth it!

What's more, if you really encounter a situation, you can still use the gold that exists in the United States in certain European countries!

The defense line that Marshall presided over seemed to be very similar, but General Eisenhower who was present could not help but frown.

"Marshall, have you studied the last time the German crossed the sea to land in Iceland?" Eisenhower couldn't help but speak.

"Of course." Marshall said.

"Then why do you take it for granted!" Eisenhower said: "The German landing methods have long been in the forefront of the times. They have the transportation hovercraft that can fly on the sea, and they will fly directly over our coastline. They also have vertical take-off and landing helicopters that can attack us."

"Even if you don't say this, the Germans also have a large number of aircraft carrier formations and a large number of bombers. The Germans' first round of strikes must be to dispatch their bombers to attack our shore defense artillery positions."

"Yes, so we will deploy enough anti-aircraft guns near our shore defense artillery position to keep them coming back and forth!"

The two quarreled. The others hadn't seen the way. What did Eisenhower want to say?

"The anti-aircraft artillery is useless. The Germans have guided bombs that can be thrown at high altitude and hit the top of our shore defense artillery accurately." Eisenhower said: "We spent a lot of money to build such a line of defense. use."

These words made Marshall blush. To build this line of defense, Marshall has tried his best, and even the following has been called out. This line of defense is called the Marshall Line of Defense, which can be said to be the proud work of his life. Once the war is over, Marshall will also be famous for this, and now, Eisenhower has said that it is worthless.

"Then you said, what should we do?" Marshall asked. You said my plan was not good, but you would come up with a better one!

"Use all resources to build aircraft." Eisenhower said: "We spent a lot of resources to make so many guns, which can only be easily destroyed by German bombers. The only way is to use fighter planes. When the Germans arrive. We used fighter jets like locusts to attack, we shot down their planes in the air, our attack planes and torpedo planes to blow up their warships, as long as we guard our sky, we guard our coastline."

At present, the US Air Force has not yet become independent. It belongs to the Army Air Corps. It is considered a unit of the Army. It is not surprising that Eisenhower is a general of the Army.

After entering the headquarter, Eisenhower has worked closely with Marshall in history, but now, for the benefit of the United States, he does not hesitate to engage in a debate with Marshall. At the risk of him being relegated and leaving the command headquarters, this meaningless project cannot be allowed to continue.

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