The Third Reich

Chapter 1558: Grab talent

The United States and the Soviet Union have different ideologies. Now it is only because they have a common enemy that they have to stand in the same trench. Even so, the two countries are not united. For example, the United States only provides weapons, supplies, and so on. Supported an army, but it was the Nissi.

The United States has to retain its own power to defend its homeland. The best outcome is that the Soviet Union is crippled and the United States wins. It happens that the United States can become the new world hegemon.

Under this kind of thinking, it is doomed that the United States needs to be vigilant against the Soviet Union.

The Manhattan Project is top-secret. Not only must the Germans not be known, but also the Soviets must not be known. If the Soviets knew, then nuclear weapons projects would definitely begin immediately. The Soviets have no money, but they have someone, it’s necessary. At that time, people can also save an atomic bomb.

The United States wants to be ahead of Germany and the Soviets. Now, Roosevelt actually said that he wanted to bring in Soviet nuclear physics experts? Didn't Roosevelt know what serious consequences this would bring?

"This is our only choice." Roosevelt said: "Of course we don't want to see the Soviets also develop nuclear technology, but we are even more afraid that the Germans will develop it first."

If the Germans do it first, then no one will play.

Roosevelt's words silenced the two of them. Although they knew this was an inevitable result, they still couldn't accept it.

"If something happens in the future, I will bear the responsibility." Roosevelt said: "Moreover, we will not necessarily cause a leak. As long as we choose a good time, we can still retain these scientists."

After speaking, Roosevelt expressed his idea: "Now, Moscow is definitely unable to defend. Under the powerful offensive of the Germans, Moscow will fall sooner or later, and all the industries of the Soviets will go eastward. The relocation, including those scientists, will also head east, and some of the experts will temporarily fall into the situation where there is no research institution. It happens that we can invite them to our United States for a research and investigation."

Of course Roosevelt would not be stupid enough to tell Stalin directly that I was studying the top-secret big bomb and there was not enough manpower. Send someone to join me!

In the name of the investigation, these old-fashioned nuclear experts were sent to the United States.

"First take them for a normal wandering around. We will conduct inspections in our country." Roosevelt said: "Then, after the fall of Moscow, tell them that the Soviet Union is gone. If you want to return home, we can send them back, but they do. A better choice is to join us and avenge the Soviet Union!"

Roosevelt's plan was quite thoughtful. The United States was originally a country of immigration. If these old-fashioned experts became American citizens, they would be Americans.

At that time, use various reasons to persuade that there will definitely be a group of experts who will stay and take them to a deserted base, so that they can immerse themselves in scientific research, revenge for the Soviet Union, and work hard to solve their own problems. The problem of insufficient technical staff.

Anyway, the Manhattan Project was originally a huge project. Ninety-nine percent of the people who participated in the project did not know what the ultimate goal was, as long as there were a few key experts.

By that time, the Soviet Union is gone. Those who do stay should stay at ease and use their smart brains to serve the United States.

"The CIA can also provide support, such as secretly bringing their family members to the United States, making it more convenient for them to serve us."

"Okay, we can try." Marshall said: "Now, we really need expert characters."

The Atlantic Line of Defense project cost a lot of money. In fact, a lot of money went to the Manhattan Project. Now, for the smooth progress of this project, Roosevelt has taken a bold step.

All this is to win this **** war. If you lose, then the whole world will enter the era of German rule, which is the darkest.

America, the Atlantic coast, Virginia's largest city and port Norfolk.

Here is the Norfolk Naval Port, a major base of the US Navy and the location of the US Navy’s Atlantic Fleet Command.

The Port of Norfolk is located at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay leading to the Atlantic Ocean, on the right bank of the Elizabeth River, and only 250 kilometers away from the capital Washington. Due to its good geographical location, the United States has developed rapidly after independence. It is the center of the shipbuilding industry and oil processing. , Automobile assembly, chemical industry, food industry and shipping industry are also very developed.

For example, in its vicinity, there is the most important large shipyard in the United States-Newport News Shipyard.

Now, under the dark clouds of war, the Norfolk Naval Base has been further expanded. In order to expand the scale, Crane Island on the west bank of the Elizabeth River has been assigned to the base, and the construction of the naval supply station has also been stepped up. The supply and support capabilities of the base have been greatly improved. The base is the largest in the United States and has become one of the most important naval bases in the United States and the largest in the world.

At this time, in a newly established aviation base next to the Norfolk Naval Base, a group of pilots recruited from the civilian population were on the runway, preparing for their first fighter flight.

Roy Fokker, wearing a brand-new aviation uniform, stood erect like everyone else, now he is in his thirties.

He was originally an instructor of the American Pilots Club, possessing superb flying skills, and taught a large number of students. Now, among these new pilots, he has been selected as the captain of the flight squadron.

At this moment, listening to the words of the flying captain in his ear, a figure always flashed in front of his eyes.

Rick Alcatel, Roy's most proud disciple in years of coaching in the flying club, the two are three years apart, and in many cases they are even friends.

Alcatel was a German. When Germany began to rise, Alcatel and his lover, Lisa Asitak, returned to Germany together. After that, there was no news. It was only heard that Alcatel joined the German Navy. Aviation soldiers participated in many battles.

The once close friends have stood in the hostile camp, and now Roy has responded to the call of the country and joined the army. Then, will one day meet Alcatel in the sky?

If you were shot down by Alcatel, would you regret taking him into the sky with one hand?

Roy shook his head and put this idea behind him. For him, it was before and now is now. If he meets Alcatel, he will use all his strength to shoot him down.

Thinking of this, he looked at his side, the latest F4U fighter of the US Navy, their landline plane.

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