The Third Reich

Chapter 1559: Soviet Nuclear Expert

Of course, the United States will not hand over their latest fighter jets to the Soviets. The P-39 is difficult to operate, which is something that the United States does not look up to. It only supports the Soviets. However, in addition to some aircraft in the early stage, the latter is because of the Germans. The submarine continued to make trouble at sea, resulting in very few supplies to be transported.

The U.S. Navy uses the latest fighter jet developed by Water for the Navy. At the beginning of its development, it was aimed at the German Navy’s F190.

This aircraft uses the high-horsepower Pratt & Whitney R-2800 with a power of 2000 horsepower. Even when needed, through an additional water injection device, the engine can output up to 2450 horsepower, which is extremely powerful.

At the same time, it is also the fastest fighter of the U.S. Navy, with a top speed exceeding 640 kilometers per hour. Its performance is comparable to that of the F190. In extreme cases, it can reach 700 kilometers per hour. It can be said that this aircraft is Aiming at the German coming.

In history, the U.S. Navy has another excellent carrier-based aircraft, the F6F Wildcat, but this aircraft mainly achieved results when fighting the island country’s zero-style battle. That is to say, it is a medium and low altitude aircraft. Fighter, and F4U pirate, is a fighter that values ​​high altitude.

The ceiling of the pirates is as high as 126,000, which is already the limit of the German bomber flight. The United States will never let the tragedy above the Soviets repeat itself on its own. At the same time, if it is further optimized, the flight of this fighter The height can be higher.

From the outside, the inverted seagull's wing is one of its outstanding features. This method can make the landing gear shorter and facilitate deployment on the aircraft carrier. At the same time, it also leads to the disadvantage that it is not easy for the pilot to see the landing gear.

Moreover, the nose of the machine is too long, and the forward vision will be greatly restricted. (I really don’t understand, how can a fighter jet with an air-cooled engine have such a long nose like a liquid-cooled engine?)

In any case, the armed forces of this fighter have greatly increased the confidence of the US Navy, as long as they have enough aircraft carriers to engage the Germans in the Atlantic.

"Today is our first day of flying." The flight captain said in front: "Everyone knows that the Germans are about to conquer Moscow and we are running out of time, even if the Germans have tens of thousands of warships moving over, we Don’t be afraid. God will bless our land. We firmly believe that justice will prevail!"

"Today, we will mainly conduct take-off and landing training. First, the squadron leader will fly first."

Roy, wearing a full navy flight suit, ran into his fighter plane. When the engine was started, his heart was also excited by the surging engine.

Anyone who loves flying will not resist the temptation of advanced aircraft to him. This is the reason why the elite pilots still remain in the fighter force even though the later generations will make money in civil aviation.

This is how Roy's naval aviation era began.


Moscow, Institute of Physics and Technology.

As the Germans approached, many institutions in Moscow began to relocate, moving in the direction of the Ural Mountains, where a large number of industries have gathered, such as the Aircraft Design Bureau, the Light Arms Design Bureau in Tula, and more importantly All of the tank factories have moved to the Ural Mountains and are now preparing for production.

The Institute of Physics and Technology, as early as a month ago, began planning to relocate to the Ural Mountains, but their relocation was not as fast as those of the weapons industry.

the reason is simple.

Those weapons manufacturing industries are related to whether the war can be won. Even if Moscow is lost, as long as the industry is still there and can continuously manufacture various weapons, there is still hope for the Soviets. If the industry is gone. , Can't make weapons, and unarmed soldiers, should they bite Germans with their teeth?

The load of railway transportation has reached its maximum, and every day there are countless trains shuttled across the vast Soviet land, transporting industrial equipment.

The Institute of Physics and Technology was dragged to the end.

A middle-aged man was standing on the window of the research institute, looking outside. At this time, his heart was full of anxiety.

Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, the leader of Soviet nuclear physics research, under his leadership in later generations, produced the first Soviet nuclear weapons.

Throughout the 1930s, nuclear physics was still in its infancy. Historically, in 1932, the German physicist Heisenberg revealed the principle that the nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. In 1938, German scientist Otto Hahn and his assistant Strassmann worked with the French scientist Joliot- On the basis of Madam Curie’s experiments, it was further discovered that when a neutron hits a uranium nucleus, a uranium nucleus can split into two lighter nuclei after absorbing a neutron. In the process, mass loss occurs, thus releasing huge energy. This is the world-famous nuclear fission reaction.

And now, because of Cyric’s journey, these discoveries have been made in the laboratory a few years At the same time, it has become an extremely confidential project, and the outside world does not know any nuclear physics. Progress.

However, in this case, Kurchatov started from scratch in 1934 and built a proton accelerator in his own research institute. This test played an important role in the construction of the Soviet Union's first cyclotron.

However, the overall situation was not good for him, and a vigorous purge began.

At the regular meeting of the Academy of Sciences two years ago, Kurchatov and one of his colleagues were inexplicably slammed. Officials accused him of squandering state funds on nuclear physics, which is "meaningless".

Had it not been for the asylum of his teacher, he would have been shot.

Just last year, Kurchatov, who continued to study under pressure, released the research results of chain nuclear reactions: nuclear fission can produce huge energy, and it will play an immeasurable effect on the development and destruction of the world.

Earlier this year, he published a report on the spontaneous fission of uranium, and at the same time he wrote to Stalin, explaining the necessity and prospects of studying the nucleus.

It is said that the above may have approved his report, but with the start of the Great Patriotic War, his research institute has not allocated money for a long time, and his research has been suspended.

When you think about it, you know, when the Great Patriotic War was most tense, how could the Soviet Union allocate funds to study such so-called nuclear weapons, which I don’t know when they will be realized?

In history, Kurchatov, at this time, could only shelve nuclear research and went to the Black Sea Fleet to degauss the ships.

At this time, standing in front of the window, Kurchatov was lonely. He didn't know that a brand new door had appeared in front of him. If he stepped past, he would become a man standing at the peak of nuclear physics.

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