The Third Reich

Chapter 1578: Find Munich

Time passed a little bit, and the upper Garnay at the nose of the bomber flying at a super low altitude was the most nervous at this time.

According to the speed of the plane, he kept marking on his aeronautical chart, and determined the voyage traveled according to time.

This is an error, and the biggest error comes from the speed of the airplane.

In this era, airplanes have begun to use airspeed tubes to measure speed. By comparing the static pressure and dynamic pressure in the tube, this airspeed tube has a big flaw, that is, it can only measure relative air speed.

If the air does not move, it is the velocity over the ground. If the air is flowing, the measurement can only be the velocity of the relative air. How do you know the velocity of the outside air?


This is also an important problem faced by bomber navigation, and Germany is now solving this problem. The solution is also very simple. The speed measurement radar directly measures the ground and obtains the ground speed.

The Tu-4 bomber does not have such a device yet, and their measurement is destined to be a measurement of air. In this case, there must be errors.

The previous error was calibrated once when passing through Prague. During the long flight, the error has accumulated more than 30 kilometers.

Now, new errors must continue to accumulate, especially, Upper Garnay feels a little strange.

Although there are no special big cities along the way, there should always be rural areas, right?

Now, the farms in Germany are also very advanced. In the peaceful villages, the lights should be on at ten o'clock. However, the Upper Garnay came all the way, and after entering the German airspace, there were no more See the light on the ground.

This makes their flight full of tension.

Flying at ultra-low altitudes originally tested the psychological quality of pilots and completely relied on instrument flight. Now, it is completely dark underneath, and there is no idea where the ground is, which invisibly puts them more pressure.

In this way, they kept flying forward and flying in the dark, and the corresponding line on the aeronautical chart in Garnay's hand was getting closer and closer to the end.

"It is expected to reach the target in five minutes." Shang Garnay said.

"It is expected to reach the target in five minutes and prepare to drop the bomb." Vassilzjege shouted on the radio: "After dropping the bomb, immediately accelerate the climb and turn to return according to the predetermined plan."

Five minutes to prepare!

After a long flight, everyone was tired, and now, seeing the sky above the target, they cheered up again.

It was a miracle that they flew all the way and encountered nothing. As long as they dropped the bomb, they could return home smoothly and complete this difficult mission.

Upper Garnay was still the most nervous. He had already started to bow his head and stared at his sight. The magnification was first adjusted up and then down, but there was nothing in the dark area below.

Time continued to move forward, four minutes, three minutes, and two minutes. The front was still pitch black. Shang Garnay shouted: "Leader, the target does not appear, and nothing can be seen."

It was pitch black below, and there was no target at all, and the aeronautical chart meticulously marked by myself was the front.

How to do?

Two options.

One is to lower the altitude and continue flying downwards, you may see clearly.

One is to fly higher. The higher you fly, the farther you can see. Now you can’t see clearly, you may see clearly when you fly high.

Wassertzje frowned, this was the worst.

I thought Munich was a big city with brilliant lights. Even at night, it was very bright. Who could have imagined that all the places below were dark?

Is your own route wrong?

So, he planned to pull up the plane and climb the altitude, and at this moment, the pilot Liber brother on the side already shouted: "There seems to be light ahead!"

At this time, they had actually flown over Munich, and they saw a faint light tens of kilometers away.

"Flying to the bright light, we may have a deviation from the course." Vassilzjege said.

The bright light represents the city on the ground, and hope is the goal you are looking for!

Still ahead?

Upper Garnay at the nose of the plane also saw bright spots in the distance. He looked at the aeronautical chart again, and if he followed his navigation data, he had already reached the edge of the dangerous Alps.

Could it be an error in the voyage?

Although Upper Garnay was very strange, he didn't think much about it. Since there are lights in front of him, then fly over and take a look.

The huge Tu-4 bomber continued to fly at an altitude of 500 meters above the ground. Time was still passing by, and it was getting closer and closer to the lights.

"Attention, prepare to drop the bomb." Vassilzje yelled over the radio.

Even if it wasn't Munich ahead, they had no choice. The flight was carefully planned and the fuel was just enough for the round trip. At the same time, it was too dangerous over Germany and they absolutely could not stay too much.

Finish the bombing and fly back safely!

A bomber is ready, the bomb bay door has been opened, as long as they fly over the target, they can drop bombs!

Upper Garnay is even more engrossed. His eyes are on the sight and he carefully adjusts the sight. At this moment, he has the commanding power of the whole plane, and he can fly as he wants.

His right hand is placed on the weapon throw button, and once he has finished aiming, he will start to throw bombs.

At this point, the time starts to be calculated in seconds.

On the nose of the aircraft Lieber and Wassertzerg were sitting side by side in the cabin. Lieber kept flying smoothly, creating good conditions for bomb dropping. At the same time, his right hand was also released. On the throttle stick, as long as you finish dropping the bomb, you have to drive off at full power. I heard that the bombs carried this time are quite powerful. If you drop the bomb at such a low height, you can easily injure yourself by accident.


"Ten, nine..." Just when the Upper Garnay was counted down to 5, suddenly, a tall mountain appeared in front of Brother Liber. In the darkness, this mountain was just exposed from the back of the night. , He had already let out a cold sweat.

His own bomber is hitting the mountain range at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, and the distance is probably only a few hundred meters!

"Attention, there is a mountain ahead, climb up right away!" Lieber shouted loudly, holding his control panel in his arms, and opening the throttle.

At this time, let alone the bombing, it is unknown whether they can avoid the risk of hitting the mountain.

And almost at the same time, on the ground, suddenly there were lights of searchlights!

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