The Third Reich

Chapter 1579: Burning fire

Here, only the second-line local garrison team, it is impossible to have the radar used by advanced artillery. They can maneuver for more than 20 kilometers in a hurry, rush here to deploy, and arrange their positions. It is already very good.

Ten 40mm Bofors antiaircraft guns are all their firepower. At this time, they are arranged at the foot of the mountain, lined up, aiming at the direction of the north, and when the opponent flies over, they will either hit the mountain. , Or pull it up, just to leave them the flat belly.

"Tom tom, tom tom tom!" Just after the light of the searchlight covered a bomber, several anti-aircraft guns were firing into the sky.

Up to now, the 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun has bloomed everywhere in German weapons and equipment, and is used everywhere. The biggest feature of this gun is of course its high rate of fire. Compared with the previous hand-pulled machine, this The burst of antiaircraft artillery fired is quite powerful.

In the dark, the muzzle of the anti-aircraft artillery on the ground emits shining fire, and 40 mm high-explosive shells fly into the sky, and a few tracer shells will be mixed in between, which can be seen clearly. The trajectory of the tracer was accurately interwoven to the place of the bomber in the sky.


This bomber was hit and exploded instantly.

When the bomber exploded, countless liquids began to spread out rapidly, and when they encountered a small amount of sparks, they burned violently. Therefore, the bomber's explosion formed a chain reaction. With the bomber as the center, the fireball was It quickly expanded outwards and turned into an even greater fireball. This fireball was extremely hot, extremely shiny, and the entire night sky was illuminated!

The night sky was like daylight, and the German high artillery on the ground had a foreboding feeling.

What is that stuff?

Even if a bomber full of fuel is hit, there will not be such a terrible scene, especially now that the opponent's flying altitude is very low, and the fireball is still spreading, and the radius has expanded to more than one kilometer!

Some people were blinded temporarily because of being too bright, and the soldiers who remained here saw even more terrifying sights.

chain reaction.

The bomber was hit and the resulting explosion was too terrible. When the fireball spread to more than one kilometer, the bomber behind it suddenly encountered a crisis.

"What's the matter?" The captain of the bomber behind shouted loudly. He looked at the dashboard in front of him. The four engines were all turned off with red lights!

how can that be? How could it turn off together?

At this moment, their altitude is too low. Once the engine stalls, there is almost no possibility of restarting. The pilot next to him is hurriedly restarting the engine.

The captain looked at the engine outside in horror, listening to the sizzling sound of the starter, and the engine was full of black smoke, thick black smoke, as if the fuel could not burn inside.

He didn't know that the oxygen concentration outside had dropped to a critical value. Thermobaric bombs, also called air incendiary bombs, were quite domineering.

At this time, he also began to feel a little depressed and out of breath.

The previous bombers all needed to wear oxygen masks. It was quite uncomfortable to wear oxygen masks for long-distance flights. Therefore, when the B-29 arrived, it was replaced with a pressurized cockpit. Although it was not as good as the ground pressure, it could Meet the needs of long-distance flights.

The principle of the pressurized cockpit is also very simple, that is, the cockpit is sealed, and the air compressor blasts the air to increase the internal pressure, so that the thin air at high altitude will not affect the interior.

In other words, although it is pressurized, it also needs to inhale air from the outside, but now, the oxygen content in the outside air has been greatly reduced.

His eyes began to darken slowly. At this time, the bomber had entered an uncontrolled state. Without power, the bomber fell to the ground.

"Boom!" When the bomber hit the ground, the plane burned and the fuze had been lifted. The bombs that had not had time to drop also exploded.

It is only a few hundred meters away from the antiaircraft artillery position.

"Boom!" In the sound of the huge explosion, the fire blazed, and it was almost exactly the same as the situation just now. During the explosion, the vaporized liquid began to spread out and burned wildly around the fireball at a speed visible to the naked eye. Expanded, and instantly jumped to the antiaircraft artillery position.

For the high artillery, it is not easy to shoot down the enemy aircraft. Some even fired for several years without a single shot down. Now, the brave German second-line high artillery fired for the first time and knocked the next one. At the same time, the other one fell down, and their results were already good.

At this time, the first leading bomber was facing life and death. There was a mountain in front of them. They had to climb and climb again!

At this time, the expressions on everyone’s faces were full of horror, especially the Upper Garnay in front. He was sitting on the nose of the plane, his eyes could almost see the mountains rushing towards his face, in panic. , His hand pressed **** the bomb button.

Just before the bomb was about to be dropped, Lieber discovered that there was a mountain in front of him and hurriedly climbed up. In fact, he had forgotten that it would be easier for them to escape if the bomb was thrown at that moment.

What a burden is a nine-ton bomb!

To throw bombs, you must fly smoothly. Now, the aircraft is climbing at a high angle of attack, and the attitude of throwing bombs is completely wrong.

The pylon was unlocked, and the big bomb just came down from the pylon. As a result, it collided with the tailgate of the bomb But according to the program, the bomb will explode after a delay. Therefore, in the collision, B-29 lost control and slammed into the hillside crookedly.

At the nose of the aircraft, Upper Garnay looked at the hillside oncoming, knowing that he could no longer hide, and closed his eyes in despair.

"Boom, wow." The nose of the machine collided, and the nose was squeezed in an instant. The Upper Garnay inside was also squeezed at this instant. His body became a meatloaf, covered with hillsides, everywhere. It is red blood.

Then came the nose. Almost within a second, several people in the nose had the same fate.

Then, under the huge impact, the fuselage was abruptly broken, and the trapped bomb also collided with the mountain.


Amid the sound of the huge explosion, a ball of fire emerged, and the fire blazed up, and the nearby forest also followed with billowing smoke.

The Alps are on fire!

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