The Third Reich

Chapter 1595: Retreat and stay

"Then the latter plan, Khrustalev, please protect Comrade Stalin's safety and let him sleep well." Zhukov said to Stalin's captain of the guard.

"Yes." Khrustalov faithfully executed the order, and took the chair where Stalin had lay on, and placed it in the next room.

When Stalin passed by, the remaining people suddenly came back to life. Shaboshnikov said: "Now, we cannot do without the commander-in-chief. I recommend Comrade Zhukov to lead everyone temporarily."

When Stalin wakes up, Zhukov must be dealt with first, and Zhukov will be pushed out as a shield, so that everyone is safe.

"Yes, yes, Comrade Zhukov was originally responsible for the defense of Moscow, and now everyone listens to you."

Everyone, you and I, Zhukov only feels the sadness in his heart. These people are just looking for a cushion. Under the current situation, they are still focusing on their own interests. The Soviets can still have a chance. ?

"Well, then I'm not welcome. During the time Comrade Stalin wakes up, I will be responsible for the defense of Moscow." Zhukov said: "Now prepare for the battle immediately. After dark, the fifth , 16th, 33rd, 43rd, the four armies, led by ten tank divisions, retreated along the eastern road towards the Gorky city. The final destination was to retreat to Kuibyshev."

Kuibyshev, a city located in the Ural Mountains, on the lower reaches of the Volga River, has been discussing Kuibyshev as the temporary capital of the Soviets.

However, Stalin did not talk about retreat, who would dare to retreat?

"Take out all the fuel." Zhukov continued: "All the vehicles are started, and our citizens are also safely withdrawn."

The eyes of all the people present were bright, and at the same time, they also knew how furious Stalin would be once he woke up. It was good to stay on guard in Moscow until the counterattack in winter, but now, Zhukov is single-handedly organizing Get up and retreat.

Everyone knows that under the current circumstances, Moscow's persistence has lost its meaning.

If it is an orthodox city offensive and defensive war, they can persevere, even if Moscow is besieged, they can persevere for several months. Historically, the Soviets were in Leningrad. From the beginning of the war to the counter-offensive, the Soviets had this determination and capable.

But now the Germans do not fight the Soviet Union, but directly use terrible weapons to razing Moscow to the ground.

Even if there are various means to survive the German bombing, underground fortifications and extra oxygen are used, but the outside buildings are gone. How long can you fight on the ruins?

Moreover, who can guarantee that the Germans will bombard a second time in pursuit of perfection?

Moscow can't hold it anymore. To defend Moscow at this time is a dead move.

Instead of consuming precious power in Moscow, it is better to withdraw and bring precious power to the Ural Mountains.

The mountain area is the natural enemy of the tank troops. The vast Soviet is not so easy to conquer. As long as the strength is saved now, the Soviet may come back.

It is a pity that it is impossible to withdraw all of the more than one million troops that have been mobilized. The several army groups that Zhukov is now issuing orders are all reserve teams.

The troops that have reached the front line cannot be withdrawn. This will alert the Germans, and in a short period of time, it is impossible to hide the troops from the Germans.

I can only keep these fires.

"I agree with Comrade Zhukov's suggestion." At this moment, Beria said: "I will stay here and hold on to the last moment."

For a long time, Beria has always felt gloomy. Wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, he looks weak, but he is definitely not reckless to kill. He relied on the determination and courage to execute Comrade Stalin in the Great Purge. Order, he won the trust of Stalin.

The great waves are scouring the sand, and when the Soviet building is about to fall, one can see the nobility of a person's spirit. Beria was willing to die for the Soviets.

Whoever stays in Moscow will stay in history, but will also sacrifice. This is almost doomed, and now Beria is willing.

Listening to Beria's words, everyone else bowed their heads, they didn't want to stay here.

Shaboshnikov was very impulsive and wanted to say what he would stay, but Zhukov went on to say it before he spoke.

"At the beginning, Comrade Stalin personally appointed me as the highest commander of the Moscow Military District, so I will stay until the end." Zhukov's gaze swept across the face of an individual. They were all senior Soviet leaders, but at this time , There is no need to stay and sacrifice all.

"Comrade Beria, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. You must continue to supervise the discipline of the troops and prevent the troops from surrendering. You are also in charge of the production of our military system. No one can replace your position. It is more important. Yes, you must protect the safety of Comrade Stalin."

Zhukov looked at Beria, and Beria nodded: "Okay, don't worry."

"Comrade Shaboshnikov, you are our chief of staff. The Red Army has suffered heavy losses in the past few months, but we still have hope. After retreating to the mountains, we will continue to insist on the war. At the same time, the Germans If we control too much land, we will definitely not be able to eat it. It will take a while to digest. This is exactly the moment for us to accumulate strength. We have to wait and be patient. When the Germans and the United States go to war, this is our opportunity."

Shaboshnikov also nodded.

The atmosphere on the scene became inexplicably desolate. This seems to be Zhukov's explanation.

Up to now Zhukov is still just a general, and several of those present are marshals, but at this time, they respect Zhukov.

After explaining one by one, Zhukov said: "Now go and prepare. No one will interfere with me in the future. I want to direct the defense of Moscow."

Zhukov's words made everyone feel inexplicably sad.

The remaining time in his life is calculated in hours.

Everyone walked out slowly, Beria was at the end. When Beria turned to leave, Zhukov said the last word to him.

"Thank you, Beria, you saved the lives of Moscow citizens."

Beria's figure was shocked immediately, he knew that he hadn't concealed Zhukov from what he did secretly.

(Although the thermobaric bomb exploded very coolly, but I always felt that such a Soviet capital was razed, a little too violent, I don’t know if it will attract a beast, so my hand trembles, I feel that I should stay, East China is courageous, I don’t know if you guys won’t complain. This is just right, and there will be a military parade in Moscow later.)

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