The Third Reich

Chapter 1596: Stalin is leaving?

Stalin, the leader of the Red Empire, once came from that era with Lenin and killed all his contemporaries. Through the Great Purge, he firmly grasped the power of the empire. Such a person cannot tolerate the slightest betrayal by his subordinates. of.

At the same time, it is impossible to faint just because both sons have changed. He is a steel warrior, and his faith has long been tempered to be extremely strong.

But now, Comrade Stalin actually fainted, and there must be a reason for it, and in the entire Soviet, only Beria was the only one who dared to do something with Stalin, or was able to do it.

With the progress of the Soviet war, the internal affairs department led by Beria quickly grew into a terrifying authority. It can supervise any officer to determine whether the opponent is treason, and can even be shot at critical times without reporting. other side.

If Jin Yiwei has a problem, who will supervise Jin Yiwei? This is almost a problem before all leaders, and this problem is almost insoluble, only leaders who believe in Jin Yiwei.

Beria is loyal, and he also knows that only Stalin can support this scene at this time, and no one else has enough experience. In this case, Stalin can't do anything.

When the defense of Moscow could not go on, he had to leave here, but Stalin was stubborn and he would not go, so he could only think of some special ways.

When this edifice was about to fall, there were still loyal people. Although they did disloyal to Stalin, it was for the entire Soviet.

It's very simple. As long as you use the water that Stalin drank to increase the content of certain elements in his blood, you can achieve your current goal. As for the person who did it, he will definitely die in the process of retreat, Bailey Ya does things, of course, is not leaking.

Unfortunately, he didn't know, Zhukov still guessed it.

Zhukov's words shocked Beria's body. He then turned around and showed a bleak smile: "Zhukov, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, very good, you go, the Soviet counterattack depends on you."

Those who stay here cannot survive. Although the citizens have been withdrawn and the state organs have been withdrawn, those who stayed still have to fight to the last minute, and write a tragic battle. A turbulent history.

So Beria said nothing, and continued to walk outside. When he reached the door, he paused again: "When the war is over, a monument to heroes will be built in Moscow, Zhukov, your name will be at the end. Above, if I am no longer, I will have my name engraved on your back."

In this kind of battle, no one can say that it is difficult to survive. Many times, those who want to live die, but those who want to die can survive.

Zhukov nodded: "My font should be one size bigger."

With the changes in the Kremlin, Moscow has once again entered a tense mobilization.

It is not so easy to evacuate the citizens of the city in an instant. At the beginning, various industries and universities in Moscow were retreating, but a considerable number of them remained. These people planned to take up arms. Those who defend their capital, and the trenches outside Moscow, require a lot of labor to dig.

Besides, every train is full, and there is not enough capacity to support them.

Night has fallen.

"No, we will not leave, we are going to stay and fight." At this time, in a block, a girl stubbornly shouted.

Her hair is short, she looks like a tomboy, her nose is high, she looks very stubborn, and beside her is a boy who is half a head taller than her.

"This is an order from the Kremlin. Everyone must evacuate and get in the car!" the soldier who came to maintain order shouted.

"Sister, let's go back and get things," the boy said, pulling his sister back, against the flow of people.

The girl’s name is Zoya, and the boy’s name is Shula. At this time, neither of them wanted to leave, especially Zoya. Since childhood, she had read a story about a heroine during the Civil War. The heroine named Danniang was in the White Bandit. In front of the army, she was brave and unyielding, refused to confess, and finally sacrificed heroically. Her image will never be forgotten in Zoya's heart.

Now that the country is in danger, the Germans are about to step into Moscow. How can they escape at this time?

In her eyes, this is escape!

Pulled by the younger brother, the two left the crowd and came to a secluded place.

"We want to stay here." Zoya said: "Fight to defend Moscow!"

"Yes, let's stay together!"

At this moment, several more people came over.

Krainov, Krubkov, and Kosmodmyanskaya, they are all classmates, and now they don't want to leave here.

Fight, fight bravely!

Now, the Soviets are almost all soldiers, and it is not difficult for them to obtain weapons.

This is a long night.

Wolf den.

"We have observed an unusual movement in Moscow. It looks like Moscow citizens are evacuating."

"Are they going to surrender to us?" Cyric asked.

"No, their direction is to the rear. We guess that it is possible that the Soviets have changed their minds and they want to let the citizens leave Moscow."

Hearing this, Cyric was very curious: "That Stalin, when did he care about the lives of ordinary people?"

As the helmsman of the Soviets, Stalin had to be ruthless and intimidate hundreds of thousands of Moscow citizens to be buried together. This kind of thing could definitely be done. Now, the Moscow citizens have to retreat in the dark?

If you want to retreat, why did you go early? Retreating now?

"Order the nearby armored units to copy their back roads and boldly intersperse to surround these citizens." Cyric said: "They have dug trenches for so long. It seems that they are still very energetic. Our mine still needs Manpower."

This is definitely a bad To retreat, we should retreat before Moscow faces encirclement. So many citizens want to withdraw now? Don't be kidding, this is simply for yourself.

"Yes." Hearing Cyric's words, Keitel on the side immediately arranged to mobilize several nearby armored units and prepare to dispatch at night to surround all the citizens who came out of the city.

"They came to surrender to us in response to our call." Cyric continued: "Now, the Soviets are scared."

The whole meeting room was filled with an atmosphere of joy. When Cyrek finally decided to use the thermobaric bomb to open the way, the fate of the Soviets was already doomed. At this moment, Reinhardt hurriedly walked in and said to Cyrek: "The Führer, our latest telegram intercepted. The Soviets decided to make Kuibyshev their temporary capital. All government agencies will Kuibyshev evacuated, including Stalin himself."

Not only are the citizens of Moscow planning to break through, but even Stalin, who vowed to stick to Moscow, decided to slap his **** and leave when Moscow was about to be bombed?

This does not conform to Stalin's style!

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