The Third Reich

Chapter 1597: Viper in the Heart

Could it be that what happened to the top Soviet leaders?

As in history, for a political system like the Soviet Union, it is difficult for an external intelligence system to infiltrate, and it is not easy to instigate high-level Soviet personnel. Therefore, the situation of the high-level Soviets can only be obtained by telegram. OK, plus own analysis.

The only intelligence personnel who got in would not take the initiative to contact for confidentiality.

In history, Stalin stuck to Moscow until it ushered in a turning point, but when Moscow was blown to ruins, it was meaningless to stick to Moscow.

From this point of view, it is not appropriate to stick to Moscow, but if you substitute Stalin's character, you know that this guy would rather die in Moscow, burn to death, than leave.

This is not in line with his character.

Is there turbulence in the top management?

"Pay close attention to the trend, and when necessary, dispatch special forces to kill Stalin on the road." Cyric said.

As an opponent, Cyric admires Stalin, and the best way to admire an opponent is to kill him.

"There is also news that we received an initiative to fly over in Kalinin." Reinhardt said: "After confirmation, we have confirmed that he is Leonid Khrushchev, a high-level Soviet Union. The political commissar of Stalingrad, the supervising army, the son of Khrushchev."

Taking the initiative to set up a plane to check in is even more valuable than Yakov. This is what the Soviet Red Army wants! After receiving this news, Reinhardt immediately communicated with the Minister of Propaganda, intending to conduct a large-scale propaganda before starting tomorrow.

Hearing this news, Cyric was also overjoyed. This second generation has not been a good thing since he was a child. Now he is justified when he is treason, and he is really a savvy fellow!

"Reinhardt, this guy can make good use of it. In the past, Khrushchev could even lie down and beg Stalin in order to keep his son alive. Now, this son is in trouble again, and he will be hurt, Khrushchev. If you are afraid of Stalin's liquidation, you might as well come to us."

Cyrek made it very simple, and Reinhardt's eyes lit up. Indeed, he had forgotten Khrushchev who was still in Stalingrad, and he could indeed make good use of it!

The eve of the German bombing of Moscow was destined to be restless. In addition to the chaotic movement in the city of Moscow, Stalingrad, thousands of miles away, was also fidgeting alone in the underground fortifications.

Khrushchev is a small man, short and fat, and his eyes are rolling, showing how smart his brain is.

When he had to come to Stalingrad, Khrushchev was also considered a black hand, and immediately shot Stalingrad's original commander of the garrison. It was a shame that he could not even beat the chicken!

Then, the Khrushchev military power regime grasped it with one hand, and when it was unable to obtain external assistance, it hurriedly drove out the native chicken army that had stormed into Stalingrad.

It was very simple. The supervising team was arranged behind, and all those who retreated were shot and killed. In order to defend the city named after the great leader Stalin, he also spared no effort.

Although it was difficult, he persisted. After the end of the War of Resistance, Khrushchev was also a great hero in saving the Soviets.

But I didn't expect that at this time, a huge bad news came.

At this time, his son actually jumped to the enemy! The evidence is conclusive. Leonid drove a fighter jet and flew to the German base. Then, Stalin's son went to chase him. As a result, he was shot down by a German fighter plane.

Khrushchev is like an ant on a hot pot, his head is already messed up.

Stalin's eldest son, Yakov, had already surrendered to the enemy. Stalin broke off his father-son relationship with him and wanted to kill him himself. Stalin's second son died on the battlefield again because of his son.

Well, doing so much now is meaningless. Even if Stalin doesn't bother himself for some reason now, he will definitely calculate the ledger in the future.

How to do?

If you break the jar, why don't you go to the enemy? It seems that the Soviets are afraid that there is no future.

This thought suddenly flashed in Khrushchev’s mind. Up to now, Khrushchev hasn’t fought against the regular German army, so even if he surrendered, his life would not be in danger. Maybe the Germans Need experienced politicians to help them maintain order in the Soviet Union?

Like a poisonous snake, he bit a hole in Khrushchev's heart, and the venom increased and spread all over Khrushchev's body.

Under Stalin's weight, no one dared to betray, but when the Soviets were about to end, how could there be no defectors?

An international airport near Moscow.

It used to be the largest airport in Moscow, and there are flights almost every day, transporting passengers to all parts of the world, especially the large passenger aircraft of Lufthansa, which is a good way for them to fly intercontinentally.

Many heads of state have also been received here, and even Cyrek has been to the Soviet Union several times and was welcomed at the airport here.

And now, all this is over.

German bombers visited here several times and completely destroyed the runway here. At the same time, because it is too conspicuous, the air force around Moscow cannot deploy fighter units here. They all need to find a secret place to arrange it~ This place is abandoned.

At this moment, in the hangar that had been blown up in half on the side, there was a roar of engines coming out.

A small Bo-2 biplane slowly slid out from inside.

The cockpit was open. At this time, the pilot inside did not wear a flight helmet or goggles. He was still wearing a Soviet Air Force uniform, and even the star on his shoulder was not taken off.

The Soviet aviation lieutenant general, Pavel Vasilyevich Rechagov, drove here secretly after a mess in Moscow.

No one knows that there is still a small plane that can take off, and no one knows that as a Soviet aviation lieutenant general, as the director of the air force, he will also leave here.

"Honey, how do I get up." At this moment, when he slipped out, a girl outside shouted.

This is a girl who is less than twenty years old. Youth is overflowing on her face. Her long flowing hair is wavy. Behind her head, she is entangled with a big red bow. Although she is now running for her life, she Still **** and beautiful.

A clerk's uniform was worn on her body, just showing her beautiful figure.

"Come on, I'll pull you." Pavel said, standing on the wing, pulling her up, and then letting her sit in the back cockpit.

"Now we're taking off." Pavel said, pushing the throttle stick. Although the runway in front is already in ruin, the Bo-2 plane can fly only a short distance.

After the death of his wife in his early years, Pavel thought his life would be as ordinary as water, but last month, after the female clerk came to be his secretary, Pavel felt that his life was rejuvenated.

For this girl, Pavel was willing to do anything.

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