The Third Reich

Chapter 1598: Kneel for Moscow 1

In the darkness, the small Bo-2 plane took off from the bumpy airport runway. As a lieutenant general in the air force, Pavel has been flying the plane for more than ten years, and flying this kind of small plane is even more enjoyable.

It's like being on the bed, the girl behind here is like a fish in water.

As a senior commander, it is too easy for him to want a woman. However, there has never been a woman who walks into his body, into his mind, like the girl behind, when the Soviet building will fall At that time, he also preferred to take the girl with him to the end, because the girl was still young and should not leave with the Soviets.

The Bo-2 plane does not have telegraph equipment. At the same time, because the wooden plane is too small, it will not be detected by radar. They fly at ultra-low altitude and fly at night, towards the south of Moscow, in the direction of Tula. Fly away.

The night wind blew the girl’s face, and the girl’s heart finally relaxed. Five years ago, when she was a 15-year-old girl, she went to Germany in an event organized by the school. As a result, she was taken The secret organization was bought, and she was also enthusiastically chasing Germany's footsteps. The German man named Reinhardt was her prince.

After that, she lurked in the Soviet Union for five years, and finally today, she completed her mission, taking a high-level Soviet military personnel to Germany.

When the Bo-2 plane landed on the open space outside Tula, they were quickly taken away by the coming defenders. Facing the coming army commander, the girl said in fluent German: "I It's the little white fox, please contact Reinhardt for me immediately."

Soon, a group of Gestapo came over and took the two on the plane.

The sky is already dark.

These days, Cyric has not slept well either, but at this time he is still young, in his forties, it is the best time for a middle-aged man, even if he hasn't closed his eyes for two days and two nights, just lie down. After a short rest, you will be radiant again.

Today is an important moment. After more than two months, the German army is finally about to completely solve Moscow.

In 1941, June 8, history will remember this day. Moscow will become a ruin, and the empire will step on the ruins of Moscow and step into new glory.

In the various bomber bases on the front line, more than 200 bombers have made all the preparations. As long as the base camp orders, the bombers will take off and go to bomb Moscow!

Somehow, when Cyric woke up in the morning, his eyelids began to beat constantly, and when the emperor called, the corpse was thousands of miles away, so emperors have always been short-lived ghosts.

Cyric didn't care. Although the killing was countless now, it was for more people to live happily in the future. If the whole world could be peaceful, then he could fully develop the economy and avoid internal fighting.

Looking at the future generations, you will know that the struggle between countries continues, how can the world progress? Well, I am fighting for the happiness of all mankind.

At this moment, an excited voice came from outside: "Head Cyric, Head Cyric, good news!"

What's the good news just now? Could it be that the troops sent to encircle the citizens of Moscow have successfully completed their mission?

"What's the matter?" Cyric asked.

"The Soviet Air Force Lieutenant General, Air Force Director Pavel, took refuge in us and he brought us the latest news from Moscow!"

Reinhardt was extremely excited. From the beginning of his cooperation with the Soviet Union, he continued to infiltrate the Soviet Union with spy organizations, but the gains were very small. Since most of the contacts were single-line contacts, the information he received was quite small. , And now, finally got a reward. A spy who had been hiding for several years successfully fooled the leader of the Soviet Air Force.

Hearing this, Cyric was also overjoyed: "Bring him in!"

So, the trembling Pavel walked in from the outside. He didn't rest much this night. He spent the whole time on the plane. First he set up his own plane, defected with his lover, and then was sent by the Germans. The fast plane has been sent here.

Why betray the Soviets?

Pavel knew that this situation would be more and more. When Moscow could not hold on to it and there was no hope of victory, someone would definitely choose to join Germany.

And he has no choice.

After Stalin got the news of Varisi’s sacrifice, he was so distraught that he fainted. When Stalin woke up, a large number of people would lose their heads. Other people would not say, at least he was shot to death. It's nailed down.

You know, Stalin loved this son very much, and now he was killed because of chasing the defected pilot. This is absolutely intolerable. I am afraid there will be a cleaning inside the air force. From that cruel cleaning, Pa Will was frightened.

And now, when he saw this man who provoked a world war with one hand, Pavel had a fear, but he still bit his head and knelt down: "Head Cyric, I only represent myself, I beg you Can let go of Moscow, this is an ancient city that should not be turned into ruins in the flames of war."

A lieutenant general of the Air Force is usually a high-ranking figure. Even if he is captured, he will be generous. However, Pavel chose to, he chose to kneel down for Cyric. Because he has one more thing that must be done by him.

Petition for Moscow, this city of great significance to the Russians should not be bombed into ruins by Germany, and those long-standing buildings will disappear forever.

Kneeling for Moscow, this is the meaning of Pavel defecting. He is not only for his own survival, but also for the city of Moscow. If he succeeds, he will become a hero of Russia. If he fails, there is no harm. .

"Spare Moscow? Does Moscow intend to surrender? This is the only condition to spare Moscow." Cyric said.

Cyric's words are not emotional, and the guards on the side are ready. If the head of Cyric is unhappy, the Soviet person will die ugly.

"Head of State Cyrik, if I can represent the Moscow government, I am willing to sign the surrender. I think, you don't care about this." Pavel said: "Now Moscow is an empty city, and there is no army in it. , There are no citizens, please let Moscow a way out!"

After speaking, Pavel's head hit the floor, once, twice...

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