The Third Reich

Chapter 1611: Escape submarine

"Boom boom, boom boom." The sound of the unique diesel engine made the surroundings look very noisy.

Stalin, who was sleeping, slowly woke up, and when his consciousness gradually recovered, he heard the sounds around him.

"Comrade Beria, I didn't expect you to still have this hand. You can successfully withdraw from Moscow this time. You have made a great contribution."

"Yeah, if you follow the military and civilians to break through, you will definitely be caught up by the Germans outside. It is a genius idea to take a submarine all the way down the Moskva River."

Withdraw from Moscow? Take a submarine?

Stalin opened his eyes and saw that the ceiling was very close to him. Suddenly, the dull brain reacted, what? Moscow has fallen?

So, in an instant, he was about to sit up, but his whole body was soft and he didn't have any strength.

"Comrade Stalin is awake, Comrade Stalin is awake!" At this moment, finally, a person sitting by the bed noticed that Stalin had opened his eyes and immediately shouted happily.

Stalin turned his head and saw a few familiar faces, Beria had already walked to his side, helped him up, and leaned against the side wall.

"What's going on?" Stalin's voice was hoarse, but the majesty in it was as usual.

As a result, several other people stopped talking, and were still slowly backing away. They looked at Beria with expectant eyes, hoping Beria could say all this.

Beria has lived up to expectations.

"Comrade Stalin, we are now in a baby-class submarine, and now we are about to exit the Moskva River and enter the Oka River." Beria said, "You just woke up, and you are still very weak. Rest first. Wait until the ancient times. Byshev, I will make a formal report to you."

On the submarine? Looking at everything around him, the dim light bulbs, the steel walls, and the rumble of the engine behind, Stalin knew that this was indeed a submarine.

A small Soviet submarine.

Throughout World War II, the Soviet navy did not shine. After all, the Soviet Union is a traditional land power. With limited capabilities, it will not put all its precious forces into the navy.

The same is true for the submarine force. Due to resource constraints, the Soviet Navy can only develop a few small submarines, the main ones being the infant class.

Compared with the German submarine, which is often thousands of tons, the displacement of the infant and the submarine is only 353 tons, and the maximum speed is 15 knots. It is absolutely small, medium and small.

At the same time, due to its small size, this submarine with a total length of only 50 meters can be transported by rail, which is also an advantage.

Beria was responsible for almost all the military production of the Soviets. Therefore, Beria took advantage of his own power and specially modified this infant-class submarine.

Although an ordinary baby-class submarine already has a staff of 28 people, the internal space of this small submarine is too limited and cannot be used for transportation at all.

The current submarine has all the torpedo bays in front of it removed, and the 45mm deck gun has also been removed, and it has almost no self-defense weapons.

At the same time, the torpedo cabin has been transformed into a simple cabin for five or six people. Now Stalin and others are in this cabin, away from the tail engine, which is the quietest place.

Because of its compact size, it can easily navigate in the inland river. At night, it can travel at high speed on the surface of the river in a floating state. During the day, if you want to avoid being spotted, you can raise the periscope to the snorkel. In the state, proceed along the river.

This is the escape equipment that Beria has built long ago. Even if Stalin decided to continue to guard Moscow, Beria was not very afraid, and kept following Stalin in Moscow, because Beria was already prepared.

Even if they wait until the German bombers fly over to Moscow, they only need to get on the submarine and drill under the Moskva River. No matter how violent the fire, it is impossible to evaporate the Moskva River. The oxygen will be consumed cleanly, but the submarine can already rely on internal equipment to provide oxygen.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, this is what Beria intends to take out at the last moment, and now it is the last moment.

Although it is in the snorkel state, the interior of the submarine is still humid, mixed with the smell of diesel, which makes people feel nauseous.

However, no one dared to say anything. They all admired Beria’s ability to survive. Now, whether it is on land or in the sky, it is not safe. Only by slipping down the Moskva River is the most Ok.

Beria is the smartest.

Now, don’t use Kwaberia, Stalin has woken up, and the first difficulty that everyone needs to overcome is Comrade Stalin’s reproach.

Everyone was trembling.

In fact, up to now, the Soviets have lost half of the country, lost industry, and lost the capital. It can be said that the Soviets have even failed.

However, everyone present knew that as long as Stalin was there, they would be able to persevere.

Stalin didn't speak, he looked at a person's face, and then a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Where is Zhukov?" Stalin asked.

For Stalin, he had the famous troika, but Zhukov was still the one he trusted the most.

Now, Stalin did not see Zhukov.

The submarine is too can not contain too many people, maybe Zhukov is on another submarine, or is on another road?

"Zhukov stayed in Moscow." Beria said: "As the highest commander in Moscow, he ordered the defenders and citizens in the city to retreat and gave up guarding Moscow. We can't contact him yet."

Beria didn't conceal what he should say. Stalin was furious and even wanted to kill him. If he accepted it calmly, it would be his fate.

Everyone knows what it means to stay in Moscow.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Stalin's body shook, and Beria, who was holding Stalin, clearly felt Stalin's body soften, and suddenly lost his energy.

So Beria put Stalin down, put it on the bed, and lay down again.

Stalin didn't close his eyes, so he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling in silence.

Zhukov stayed in Moscow, and there were many bad luck and bad luck. Can the army that Moscow withdrew come out? What's the use of Kuibyshev? At this moment, Stalin was already discouraged.

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