The Third Reich

Chapter 1612: Enter Moscow

The people under his men retreated from Moscow in disobedience of his orders. Now Stalin can definitely think that it is no longer possible to resist the loss of his Moscow.

Maybe, Moscow has disappeared from the earth now, right? Stalin's heart is extremely sad.

Blame these people? Of course Stalin would not do such a stupid thing.

Now, this small submarine has less than a hundred people in total. If he continues to be strong here, maybe these people will kill themselves and throw them into the river.

No one knows where he died. Instead of dying in enemy bombing, he died in his own hands. That is the most terrifying.

Stalin would not let himself fall into this situation. Stalin knew that he could not do without the support of these people at his hands. Although Moscow has been defeated now, these people still chose to protect themselves and have already used practical actions to stand in line.

Among them, Beria, in particular, has always won the trust of Stalin and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. If Stalin blames too much now, Beria may be changed, and Beria has enough ability to become a new one. The leader, because he is ruthless enough.

"Beria, you all did a good job." Stalin said: "Now, we retreat to Kuibyshev and accumulate strength. The Soviets have not yet failed. After the Germans occupied Moscow, the area ruled by them has become extremely large. The Germans are no longer able to push forward. Our country is so vast that it is not so easy to conquer. Just like Napoleon once, in winter, we have to obediently withdraw from Moscow."

Stalin finally expressed his stance, and his words made everyone happy. This means that Stalin will not pursue everyone's negligence in giving up Moscow. Stalin has bowed his head before the current situation.

This is the best way. Everyone will continue to support Stalin and lead the Soviet through the most difficult period. This can only be done by the most determined people, and steel Stalin is everyone’s hope.

The submarine continued to move forward in the Moscow River. Even if there were occasional planes flying in the sky, I would not notice that there were submarines in the river that should have appeared at sea. Following the river, they were advancing toward the depths of the Soviets.

After becoming a submarine, they severed contact with Moscow. Now no one knows what happened in Moscow. In their minds, Moscow might have become flat ground.

"Boom boom, boom boom." The mouse tank's aero engine was roaring, and its tracks were crunching the ground. Now, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

The setting sun shone the sun from the west, stretching the figures on the ground very long, and the barrel of the tank was extremely large. In the distance, the red sunset glow was burning.

The bombing was completed in the morning, but until now, the peripheral troops have officially entered the Moscow city area. After seven or eight hours, the depleted oxygen in the bombing area can be considered to be filled in by the surrounding air.

Therefore, when I was going to stick to it in Moscow, I wanted to use stored oxygen to escape the blow. It simply didn’t work. If a tank of oxygen was about the same, a few people would share the same tank, and eventually they would still be suffocated due to insufficient oxygen. The ending.

After the bombing, a piece of scorched earth, even in the urban area of ​​Moscow, the smell of barbecue in the air still can not dissipate for a long time.

Almost half of the surrounding troops have entered the city. Their mission is very important. They must go through Moscow thoroughly and find out any enemies that might be hidden.

The battle is still not over. The retreat of soldiers and civilians in downtown Moscow will definitely not be clean. They must ensure that the place is completely clean.

Because, in a few days, a grand military parade will be held in Moscow. German troops will pass the Red Square in Moscow and accept the review of the great leader. They must completely ensure safety.

If it was in the past, it was necessary to rely on street fighting to end the fighting in Moscow, then almost every street and every house would have left a large number of dead bodies.

Now everything is calm.

Next to the mouse tank, there are soldiers with assault rifles. The coordination of the tanks and tanks is the most common tactic in the German infantry. Almost all infantrymen have already mastered it.

Right now, the rat tank is rumbling, and the 128 mm main gun stands majestically. The strong and powerful barrel is the most powerful sign. No matter what the target is, it can be shot down.

Hans was sitting in the gondola of the turret, using his periscope to search the surroundings, building blocks of buildings appeared before his eyes, and they were not advancing fast.

"Sanlian, go!" The commander kept shouting behind him.

Every time they arrive at a building, troops will rush in, check the rooms one by one, and make sure that the entire house is safe.

Suddenly, the front suddenly opened up, and a wide street appeared in front of Hans.

"We have set foot on Tverskaya Street!" Hans shouted proudly on the radio: "The Red Square is in front, the Kremlin is in front, and the Cathedral of Varisy is in front."

Hans was quite excited. He hadn't been here before, just heard of the grand occasion.

What now?

The Red Square has been divided by barricades. The Soviets expected that this place would be the fiercest battle and the last glory of Soviet soldiers. Behind them is the Kremlin~www.wuxiaspot. com~ They must not take a step back.

But now, the envisaged battle has not occurred. The large-caliber anti-tank guns are still in place, and scattered ammunition, weapons, and food can even be seen in the fortifications, which shows how hasty the Soviets retreated.

"Rush, rush up!" Hans shouted excitedly.

Schmidt stepped on the accelerator, and amid the peculiar noise of the aircraft engine, the mouse tank slammed into the fortification and rumbling towards the red square.

For the nearly two-hundred-ton mouse tank, those fortifications are almost like paper, and they will open as soon as they hit.

Don't worry, it is impossible to bury anti-tank mines on the road. They will only bury them when they retreat here, otherwise they will definitely cause trouble for themselves.

The wide track, crushing the hard granite of the Red Square, the high barrel, like a sharp sword, can pierce any obstruction, and a puff of black smoke from the tail, with a powerful murderous intent, Rat tank, forward.

The last ray of sunlight shone on the flag of the Soviet Union flying high.

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