The Third Reich

Chapter 1614: Zoya and Shura

Last night was quite chaotic. The whole city was full of evacuated citizens. After all, there were only a small number of people travelling by car. Most of them were on bicycles and on foot. When they all left, Moscow became an empty city.

Taking this opportunity, a small group of people came to the heart of the capital, in front of the Kremlin.

In fact, when Moscow was gradually threatened, the evacuation began long ago. The tons of materials in the Kremlin and all kinds of treasures in the museum have been transferred to the rear in advance, and the gold in the treasury has also been transferred secretly. To the back.

The train kept moving, pulling reinforcements from the Far East, and then transporting these things to the East.

Otherwise, retreating overnight is absolutely empty talk, and even for keeping secret, they almost have to blow up the Kremlin themselves.

When Zoya came to the front of the Kremlin, although it was not the first time I saw him, she still sighed in her mouth: "It's so great!"

Zoya was holding an old-fashioned revolver in her hand, and two grenades were pinned to the armed belt in front.

"The German devils will definitely come here in the end, even if it is in ruins." Zoya said: "Let us hide in the building and wait for the last moment. Let's go to the basement first, and wait until the air strikes."

The huge Kremlin has no guards anymore. Anyway, it will eventually become a ruin. There is nothing valuable in the city. Therefore, although the gate of the Kremlin is locked, the windows next to it are empty. Cover up.

Several people jumped through the window and entered the Kremlin. If they had done this before, they would have been shot as a counter-revolutionary immediately, and they would not have the guts.

But now, for these seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenagers who are about to dedicate their lives to the Soviets and Moscow, what else are they afraid to do?

They are not afraid.

At this time, the eastern sky was completely bright, and the sun was softly spilling on the Great Kremlin, and the Moskva River next to it was sparkling.

Several people wandered around in the Great Kremlin for a long time, but did not find the basement. However, they found hundreds of oxygen cylinders in a corner room.

As a high-level member of the Red Empire, of course, he must be prepared to survive the thermobaric bomb attack. After discovering these oxygen cylinders, several people were even more excited.

They found a bathroom on the bottom floor, sealed the surrounding area, and waited for the thermobaric bomb to attack. Anyway, there was enough oxygen. As a result, after waiting for a long time, the interior of Moscow city was not attacked by German bombs, although the city soon In a state of hypoxia, but leaning on the oxygen cylinder, they persisted.

"I guess the Germans are coming up soon, we have to arrange it." Krainov said: "Even though we all have guns, we have not been trained, so it is impossible to sniper. I It is recommended that we stick to this building, and we mainly use hand grenades."

After the troops engaged in street fighting in the city retreated, some of their weapons remained. Several people found suitable weapons when they were along the way. Everyone had guns and grenades.

However, these minors, without strict training, it is impossible to strike the enemy at a long distance, so they can only stick to the building.

Others agreed with his plan, so they quickly arranged their defensive position, waiting for the Germans to arrive.

Inside the gate, a ring-shaped position is formed. As long as someone shows up, use a grenade to greet them with your gun! Especially Krainov, who is holding a handful of Bobosha in his hand, and just pour the bullet over.

Zoya and Shula were guarding the front. When a rumbling voice came from outside, Zoya had already pulled the cord of the grenade.

As soon as the door was kicked open, Zoya's fingers pulled the rope, and then threw the grenade out.

"Boom!" Hans kicked the door open, and before he strode in, he heard a voice from under his feet.

"Gurulu..." Hans looked down, his face suddenly changed.

This is actually a smoking grenade!

Is there someone inside? This thought flashed through Hans's mind, and then how to deal with it.

The surrounding area is empty, and there is no suitable shelter at all. You can't run away. If it explodes, you and the four or five people nearby will have to fly into the sky.

Squat down to pick it up? Hans didn't know if there was any time. As for bending down, holding down the grenade, and exchanging his own sacrifice for the lives of other soldiers around him, it was only the last choice, and it had not yet reached that point.

Almost with quick eyesight and quick hands, these thoughts flashed through Hans's mind, and he was already moving.

Throwing off his leg, he threw it back half a meter, and then, the leg moved forward, and Hans' boots hit the grenade.

"Boom!" When the boots made contact with the grenade, there was a clear sound, and then the grenade was kicked into flight by Hans.

The angle and strength must be appropriate. In his spare time in combat, Hans is also a football fan. Now, the posture of kicking and shooting is quite accurate.

The grenade traversed a beautiful arc and flew towards the direction it was flying. At the same time, Hans yelled.

"Quick, get out of the door!"

They just threw the grenade outside the They had no way to escape, but now, as Hans flew up and kicked the grenade in, all outside except the doorway was safe. Up.

Hans ignored the pain in his toes, stepped away from his thigh, and came to the door in two steps.

This is certainly not the same as kicking a ball. It's like kicking a rock. Don’t believe me, would you give it a try? In all likelihood, the bones of the front toe will have comminuted fractures.

There is a steel plate lining on the front of the military boots. This steel plate is quite hard and will not be deformed if it is crushed by a car. Therefore, the steel plate just touched the grenade. Even so, the foot still hurts from being hit.

The people next to them are also quite agile. When they dodge to the side, they exploded inside.


The grenade made a dull explosion inside, and countless fragments flew out from the open door, and part of it was minced meat.

"Special ammunition for Street Fight No. 1!" Hans shouted.

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