The Third Reich

Chapter 1615: Special Ammunition for Street Fighting No. 1

Industry specializing in surgery.

Street fighting is a fighting style with the greatest casualties, and Germany tries its best to avoid this kind of fighting.

If it is unavoidable, then we can only find other ways to solve it. This is of course the development of corresponding special weapons for street fighting.

One of the big killers is the use of bombers to drop large bombs by air, which directly blows up the entire city into ruins. Without the support of buildings, street fighting is impossible to talk about.

At the same time, this big killer can not only be used on airplanes, but it can also be miniaturized and used by ordinary infantry to attack fortifications.

This is the No. 1 street fighting ammunition. From the outside, this weapon is similar to the Iron Fist Rocket Launcher. It has a cylindrical shape with a grip and trigger underneath. The principle is also very similar, using rocket propulsion.

The principle of this weapon has been demonstrated for a long time, and there is no problem with miniaturization. However, in the past, Cyric did not encourage the development of this weapon. After all, its warhead is a thermobaric bomb. Once this weapon If it is used extensively on the battlefield, there is the possibility of leaking secrets. If it is learned by the enemy, it will be quite troublesome.

However, when the Soviets bombed the German city of Munich with thermobaric bombs, this scruples were finally eliminated.

Looking at it from another height, the Soviet Union’s use of thermobaric bombs only had a counterproductive effect. From then on, Germany no longer had to hesitate and greatly accelerated the demise of the Soviet Union.

The Soviets are digging their own graves.

If the Soviets succeeded in the bombing, their envisioned letting the Germans stand at the negotiating table would be a fantasy. It would only attract more fierce German counterattacks and usher in the demise of the Soviet Union.

Now, Germany has no scruples and can be used in large quantities on the battlefield.

As Hans yelled, almost everyone retreated quickly to both sides. When armed men appeared in the Great Kremlin, they dared not go to the open area anymore, but retreated along the wall roots to both sides.

Just behind the mouse tank, leaning on the mouse tank as a cover, a shooter carrying the No. 1 street fighting ammunition stood up. He showed his head, aimed and shot, almost in one go.

When the trigger was pulled, the solid rocket motor ignited, and a fiery flame emerged from the trumpet of the tail. With only a whistle, the warhead had flown out.

If it is an iron fist rocket launcher, the front is equipped with a piercing warhead. Because the energy accumulation effect is closely related to the caliber of the warhead, German engineers specially designed a super-caliber warhead to make the warhead larger than the diameter of the launch tube.

But the current thermobaric warhead does not need a large caliber. Therefore, it is just an ordinary warhead, driven by the rocket engine, and quickly headed towards the building in front.

The shooter's technique is quite superb, and the warhead almost penetrated directly through the gate just kicked by Hans.

From the head, it is about the size of a grenade.

"Boom!" After entering, the warhead exploded for the first time, and then the white smoke quickly dispersed.

At this time, these Soviet youths in the interior were already dumbfounded.

They thought about fighting and using their lives to defend the Soviets, but they had never fought, and even they were just children.

Zoya fought bravely, she threw out the first grenade, but then, after the terrible explosion, Zoya was blown to pieces.

"Pop!" Klubkov was holding the gun in his hand, before he poked his head out to aim, he felt something falling beside him, and when he turned his head, he was frightened instantly.

Arm, that is an arm, there is a watch on the arm, the dial of the watch flies away, but as long as you look at it, you will know that this is Zoya's arm.

The person who had just survived, instantly turned into pieces of meat, which made him feel his heart pounding and his eyes were black.

His body was also stained with blood.

Everyone is the same, their faces are pale, they have thought about fighting, and thought about not being afraid, but when the battle came, they knew that the battle was like this.

The fresh life would instantly turn into a cold corpse, which they could not bear.

At this moment, the terrible rocket had already penetrated in.

"Boom!" The bomb exploded in the hall at the entrance, and there were not too many fragments. Compared with the rocket, the movement was much smaller, but when it exploded, the terrible white mist quickly dispersed.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they seemed to realize what was about to happen.

"Boom!" A second explosion came, and instantly turned into a hot flame.

The flame occupies the entire space almost instantly, and it is impossible for everyone to escape. After the fire is ignited, it expands rapidly, bringing huge pressure and expanding toward the surroundings.

Wherever he goes, everything will be crushed under this terrible pressure.

The sturdy concrete staircase was shattered, the utility room behind the staircase was shattered, and the bricks on the back wall flew away with a bang. The fire found the catharsis and rushed outside.

Except for this side, the fire is expanding in all directions, front, back, left, right, up, down, and countless openings were blasted through the rapid gas expansion.

"It's so powerful!" Hiding far away under the wall, Hans looked up and watched the fire blast through the window and spray out quickly. It was five or six meters away, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The power of cloud bombs lies in the huge expansion force in a small space. The Kremlin at this time is like a balloon that has been burst.

When the fire burned for a second or two, it turned into white smoke, and in the thick smoke, there was a rattling noise.

The hall on the first floor has collapsed, and the floor on the second floor has also been smashed open. This Soviet palace's most dazzling palace has a big hole exploded from below.

If it were to hit an ordinary bungalow, this bomb would definitely destroy the whole bungalow completely. After the explosion, there would be nothing left. It would be more accurate to hit a bunker or something.

But this kind of single-soldier weapon wants to destroy the entire building in one shot, which is still a fantasy.

At this time, the sun had the last ray of sunlight shining on the Grand Kremlin. When the smoke cleared, the Grand Kremlin became an arch, just like the triumphal arch in Europe.

The bottom of the three-story house collapsed, and the bottom two floors collapsed from the middle, but the top is still there, and it has not been lifted off, forming an arched doorway. The two sides of the building are also intact.

There is no living room inside. Even if it hasn't been burnt to death or smashed to death, when the cloud bomb explodes, it will be shaken to death. Even if it is outside, you can feel the violent shock just now.

The cloud explosive bomb is the most suitable for use in a confined space, an absolute killer.

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