The Third Reich

Chapter 1616: Memorable moment

"Rush in!" Hans shouted loudly. He couldn't wait.

If it is a thermobaric bomb dropped by a bomber, it will be inaccessible within a few hours after the explosion. Because of the lack of oxygen, it will become a dead zone until the air is circulated to allow the oxygen here to recover. reenter.

But the thermobaric bombs for individual soldiers are no longer needed.

Originally, it was only destroying a fixed target. Even if the internal oxygen was consumed, it would quickly be replenished. Now the bottom has been blown down and it has become an arch, and the air can circulate in a short time.

do not be afraid.

Hans rushed inside and rushed in.

At this time, in the gap in the wall that was knocked open outside, a war correspondent with a camera on his back ran over.

In order to record the precious moments on the battlefield, there are a large number of war reporters in the army of any country. They take risks just to record what happened in this era.

Bullets are not long-sighted, and war correspondents will not be avoided because they did not have a gun. Countless war correspondents have also given their precious lives on the battlefield.

German war correspondents wear the same uniform as the German army, except that there are two stripes on the cuffs to distinguish them.

Wearing the same military boots, this war correspondent squatted on the ground. The Leica camera in his hand was snapping shots. In the light of the setting sun, the arch-like Kremlin and the rat tanks nearby formed a beautiful picture. Picture.

Suddenly the war reporter got excited. He looked around and finally squatted on the palace wall. From here, he could finally capture precious historical footage.

I saw a German soldier in armored uniform, climbed the high spherical roof, and stood under the flagpole above.

This banner was raised by a few students who had just died.

Originally, the Kremlin would not raise the flag for concealment, but at this last moment, the group of students decided to raise the flying Soviet flag, which is guiding the entire Soviet people and driving away the invaders. , Usher in the final liberation.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

The flag had now been lowered by Hans, and when it was taken down, Hans dropped the flag unceremoniously.

The shutter of the Leica camera was adjusted to the shortest time, and in the sound of clicking, the lens followed the flag of the Soviet Union to fall.

Then Hans solemnly hoisted his flag.

At this moment, the surroundings seemed to be quiet.

Another soldier also came up, holding the rope on the flagpole with his hand. Hans was holding the flag in his hand and slowly rising. When the flag was about to leave his hand, his right hand flicked hard and the flag was fully deployed. .

At this time, it was time to play music, although the band did not come, but the German singing rang.

"Germany, Germany, above everything, above all things in the world; ...unity, justice and freedom are the guarantee of our happiness. Bloom in the light of prosperity, bloom, our German motherland!"

Just as the last rays of the sun were about to set, the German flag was flying high.

All the German soldiers around stood at attention, saluting to this banner. The era of the Soviets was over, and Germany would be the master of the entire Eurasian continent.

The flag fluttered fiercely in the wind.

"What a pity!" The war reporter couldn't help but said, he only shot a few moments when the flag was raised, and the film was used up.

Only a few moments were recorded, which made him quite annoyed.

However, when he turned his head, he suddenly became excited. Not far behind him, one of his companions was carrying a TV camera on his shoulder. Behind him, an assistant of his , Carrying a heavy power pack.

This precious historical moment was not only recorded by the camera, but also recorded by the TV camera!

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and his companion waved to him: "Hey, today is a memorable day!"

For Germany, this day represents a great victory in the war against the Soviet Union. They have already occupied Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union. At any time, occupying the capital of the enemy means the destruction of the enemy. Those so-called governments in exile are at most a small Interlude only.

For them, today they recorded this great moment and it will become the pinnacle of their journalist career.

Due to the rotation of the earth, when Moscow was already dark, the setting sun was still hung on the west side of Wolf Den.

Sitting on the platform at the top of the wolf den and looking at the lush woods in the distance, Cyric was in a good mood.

When the conversation with the general who had surrendered to the Soviet Union was over, Cyrek let go of all the burdens. He sat here, facing the wind in the mountains, with his lover, and two children who had just been born.

Europe is all tall and mammoth, there is no tradition of confinement, and there is no saying that after being exposed to the wind, it will leave a life-long sequelae. Although Hannah is only shortly after giving birth, she has already started normal activities.

The twin boys, who had just finished their milk and hadn't gone to sleep, sat in the twin stroller dedicated to twins, and looked at the world.

Hannah cherishes the time now. Because Cyric has to consider so many national events, although the two of them are in the wolf den, they will not get tired of being together every day. Now, Hannah looks at the two children while Cyric looked at Yushu Linfeng.

Middle-aged mature men are more attractive. Hannah has fallen in love since she was a girl. She is lucky.

At this time she also worried that Hans, the eldest son, who was on the front line, would frequently do some dangerous things.

"The Führer, the latest battle report on the front line, our army has already set foot on the Kremlin, and our flag has been flying high above the Kremlin." At this moment, Scherner ran up excitedly, and then opened it. A TV in the corner of the terrace.

Televisions can already use radio to transmit signals. Although there is a relay halfway and the picture is not clear, the real-time performance is the best.

When the TV was turned on, Cyric was stunned: "This is the Kremlin?" This is clearly the Arc de Triomphe.

Hannah and Cyric care about differently. Although the picture is extremely vague, she still recognizes it at a glance: "The flag bearer who raised the flag is our son!"

At this time, Hannah was gritted her teeth. This disobedient child always made herself worry! How dangerous there is, what should I do if I fall down?

Also, Hans is an adult, so it's time to find him a daughter-in-law. If a man has a daughter-in-law, he should be careful?

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