The Third Reich

Chapter 1617: Rejection of interest groups

Children are the meat that falls from their mothers. Except for the kind of extinct humanity, ordinary mothers will spoil their children and hope that their children will be safe. This is the most basic blessing.

However, when the child went to the battlefield, it was different. Hannah tried his best to prevent Hans from going to the battlefield. In the end, it did not stop him. In the end, Hans went to the battle happily.

Since then, Hannah has been worrying about her son every day, even if she now has a pair of twin sons, Hannah has not been relaxed.

And now, seeing Hans standing tall, Hannah just gritted her teeth and didn't put her life in her heart at all. How could she give birth to such a son!

However, Cyric's view is different.

A good man has to go to the battlefield. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and the big waves wash the sand. Only after going through that **** storm can he become a real man. Your own son must go through this step.

Hans looked at his son as if he had seen him back then, starting from the beer hall, and now, nearly twenty years have passed!

In the past twenty years, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his son has finally grown up in the flames of war and has become a brave German soldier.

"Head of State Cyrik, I remember you said that whoever can step on the roof of the Kremlin first will become the new commander of the garrison of the new Moskovia." At this moment, Scherner continued. Speak.

As Scherner spoke, the other officers behind him all followed up and said, "Yes, that is, what I said the other day, I remember clearly."

Even Keitel nodded again and again: "Although the entire army was not notified at that time, we all fully agreed with this opinion."

Hearing this, Cyric shook his head firmly.

Of course I didn't say it, even if I joked like this before, I can't count it.

Because it was my son who kicked on first, I couldn't make mistakes.

The current army can no longer talk about the hereditary inheritance of the past. The country, let alone special, must not allow an interest group to collude with each other and pass it on from generation to generation. That way, it can only drive the reverse of history.

Look at the later Soviet Union. Although it won the Second World War and faced off with the United States during the Cold War, it looked aggressive. As a result, the Soviet Union did not have a hundred years from its establishment to its dissolution.


Of course, it is because of corruption. When cadres are appointed for life, everyone is thinking about their own interests. The entire country loses its motivation to move forward. When the ruling group has decayed and fallen, the entire country will collapse.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, everyone was clapping their hands for joy. Although they were crying a year later, at that time, everyone sang and danced and buried the Red Empire.

The high-level people can fix the benefits they have gained from the demise of the country, make a change, and continue to enjoy their wealth in the new country. Ordinary people think that they can live a life without worries like the West.

Although it only started during the Brezhnev period, the seeds of corruption have long been planted.

Now, as Germany gradually expands its territory outwards, Germany has grown into a powerful empire. The establishment of the empire is very difficult. Cyrenk will never let the empire decline rapidly after his death.

Among them, we must lead by example.

It can be said that Hans had a merit in this battle, but it would be against the tradition of military promotion to make him the commander of the new Moskovia garrison just by relying on this merit.

Once they set this precedent, other high-ranking officials in the military can find any reason to promote their children, and other officials in the government will do the same.

It will not take long for such interest groups to form, and the army will be corrupted and degenerated, and will eventually threaten the safety of the empire.

Such a situation can never happen, so Cyric is firmly opposed to it.

"Our business must not come in the slightest. Although we are standing on the top, we must be careful. Everyone, Rome was not built in a day, but it only takes one day to destroy it."

Cyric’s words made everyone present bow their heads. In fact, Scherner wasn’t flattering, he just saw Hans paying silently and fighting bravely on the front line. A fighter like him deserves promotion. But Cyric seemed to have deliberately hidden away, so he made Hans an ordinary tank soldier.

This made Scherner couldn't help but find Hans a chance to take the lead.

Now, Cyric said so, Scherner knew that this matter was going to be a waste, but Scherner would not give up.

"Publish the first batch of fighters who stepped into the Kremlin and call them back to the Wolf's Den to award the Iron Cross award, right?" Scherner said.

Cyric nodded, this is in line with tradition.

"Then, sending them to the military academy for advanced studies, as an additional reward for them, shouldn't be a violation?" Schelner continued.

It is very difficult for ordinary fighters to get promoted, but if they enter the military academy, it will be different.

This is completely in line with the regulations, there is no special care, as a meritorious fighter, this reward is normal.

So Cyric nodded again.

"This matter, put it aside first." Cyric said: "With the liberation of we should also be in Moscow for our military parade. Review our army to the world Announcing that the Soviet Union is dead!"

It was Cyric’s idea to go to the military parade in Moscow. Just before, Cyric took his lover and accepted the invitation of the Soviet Union to participate in the military parade in Moscow. At that time, he was only a guest, but now he is the owner. Up.

The Soviet Union is gone.

"After the military parade is over, we will formally announce to the whole world the Soviet Union's plan of division and occupation, especially the establishment of Moskovia."

The division and occupation of the Soviet Union was a firm decision. Now, after careful consideration, it is the optimal plan. Through the Moscow military parade, solemnly declare to the world that the Soviet Union has become history!

"Head Cyric, we seem to have forgotten an important thing." Keitel said: "After the occupation of Moscow, we have not yet begun to arrange the war!"

For the huge Barbarossa plan, all the ultimate goals are directed at Moscow. The strategy of the base camp was only formulated to conquer Moscow, and the Soviet Union's territory is too vast, and Cyric will decide how to fight in the future.

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