The Third Reich

Chapter 1645: Thought change

"The patient's leg was broken. We should amputate the patient."

Because it was already late at night, most of the doctors and nurses in the hospital had already left work, only the lights in the emergency room were on.

At this time, a construction worker was greeted in the emergency room. A few hours ago, the worker was accidentally hit by a hollow concrete pipe while working, and his legs were bloody.

After a brief look, a male doctor came to the conclusion that amputation is the simplest and most effective way to prevent wound infection.

"No, once his limb is amputated, he will spend the rest of his life on crutches. You see how young he is and he can't just lose his ability to work like this. We can clean his leg wounds and perform internal surgery at the same time. Try to keep his leg."

Aside, another female doctor said.

Her voice was very sweet, and it made people feel comfortable when she heard it. When she heard this voice, Lyudmila couldn't help it anymore, and she just walked to the door of the emergency room.

"Yelena, is that you?" Lyudmila said that when she was injured in Odessa, this female doctor performed her operation. At the same time, when she was ravaged by Romanians, everyone was together.

Lyudmila will not admit her mistake.

In particular, this awareness of saving the dead and healing the wounds is the characteristic of Yelena.

Hearing the sound, Yelena raised her head and saw Lyudmila, whose head was tied into rice dumplings, and only exposed her eyes, mouth and nose.

Yelena recognized it only by seeing her eyes, it was Lyudmila!

"Are you still alive? It's great!" Yelena said happily: "It's unfortunate, I'm going to have an operation. You can wait for me outside. When I'm out of the operation, we will have a good chat."

Yelena was extremely excited.

"I want to know your situation after we were separated, immediately, immediately." Lyudmila couldn't wait.

"I'm fine." Yelena knew that Lyudmila must have a lot of questions to ask at this time, but Yelena said, it is her duty to save the dead and heal the wounded, and she must operate on the patient first.

As a result, Lyudmila could only sit on the long chair outside, watching the lights in the operating room turn on, watching some people rush in, and then recalling Yelena's words.

I'm fine, what does this mean?

After the separation, the medical staff in the same car, the young girls, were not ravaged by the Germans, but were sent to the hospital?

This is too strange, right?

In Lyudmila's heart, there were always countless questions. Time passed by little by little. Just as the sky just turned bright, the lights in the operating room went out.

With tired eyes, Yelena came out.

"The patient's leg shouldn't be a big problem, as long as it doesn't get infected." Yelena asked a few words before walking towards Lyudmila: "Go, let's go to the cafeteria to eat something and talk while eating."

Lyudmila glanced behind her, and there were two German personnel accompanying her.

As if the other party had no objection, Yelena took Lyudmila's hand and went to the hospital cafeteria, and the two followed behind.

"Well, some porridge, muffins, and some hamburger steaks." When Yelena brought the food to the cafeteria table, Lyudmila's eyes widened: "The food in your hospital is really good!"

At the beginning, when I stood firm in Odessa, there were almost only potatoes and hard brown bread, and occasionally I could eat canned beef from the United States. It was simply delicious as never before.

Later, when I arrived in Moscow, I became an instructor at the sniper school. Their food was also rationed. The food was poor, and they needed to be given priority to the frontline army.

And now?

Just in such a hospital, the breakfast is so rich?

This made Lyudmila, who was accustomed to the simple and monotonous life, couldn't believe it, but now, this hamburger steak was so fragrant that it made Lyudmila feel that every roundworm in his stomach began to scream.

It smells so good!

"Yes, as long as you work hard, you will have income, at least there is no problem with eating. Under the rule of the empire, our living standards have been greatly improved."

Hearing the word empire, Lyudmila's face changed in an instant: "Yelena, have you forgotten our national hatred?"

When Lyudmila said this, he didn't care about the two Germans who watched her nearby. How long has it been since Odessa were separated? Within two months, Yelena had forgotten the Red Soviet, and now it is so natural to mention the Empire. This is simply a blasphemy against the sacrificed soldiers!

This makes Lyudmila feel bad.

"What should go, is going to go. Any country will rise and die. For ordinary people, it is better to cherish the life in front of us instead of holding on to the country that we left. Life now is better than before.” Yelena said: “European unification is an unstoppable trend, and we will all benefit from European unification.”

Speaking of this, Yelena started to drink porridge. She was indeed hungry. After a few sips, she continued to speak, which seemed to give Lyudmila time to think.

"The alternation of powers one by one, in history, there have been too many, are we going to bury the old power? In the past, we were all educated to the greatness of the Soviets, but those who died in the Great Purge Who understands the people of the people, those ordinary family members who are implicated by the 270 Military Regulations, their grievances? That government is a truly crazy government."

"The things we eat are all shipped from Western Europe by Germany. Is there a sense of irony? During the Soviet rule, we often had to go hungry. Now, under German rule, we I'm full, and I can choose what to eat." Yelena said, "I think I have figured it out during this period of time."

"What did you figured out?" Lyudmila asked.

After taking a bite of the hamburger steak, Yelena, who spoke sweetly and softly, suddenly said an swear word: "Let the thought of sacrificing the old system go to hell! I just want to live my current life well. Since this is the case. The global trend is unstoppable. What kind of savior do I have to stand in the wheel of history?"

This is not a person's irresponsibility. As a person, you must first be responsible for your own life and don't waste it meaninglessly.

If Germany's rule is entirely wool-cutting, so that the people are not as good as dead, then they will join the resistance team, but now it seems that it is not like that.

In the past, the government was seriously brainwashed. Those who had ideas were washed away. There can only be one voice in the entire country. Looking back now, that kind of life seems to be even more terrifying.

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