The Third Reich

Chapter 1646: Get in my car

For a government, it is of no use how loud the slogan is. It must make the people feel the tangible benefits.

For example, the Soviet Union, when it was just established, overthrew the rule of the Tsar and allowed the masses of the people to turn over and become masters. This of course won the support of the people and started a vigorous revolution and subsequent construction.

If the leaders of the Soviet Union can attach importance to the lives of the people below, instead of only caring about personal prestige, the Soviet Union may go further. The vigorous and vigorous purge campaign has already cut holes in the hearts of the people. Now, although the people are motivated by the Great Patriotic War, the terrible order not to take a step back and the successive failures have made the government lose confidence in the people.

Now, when Germany really came to rule, they discovered that life could be better under German rule.

For example, living materials are richer and food is better. As long as you work hard, you can get a much better return than in the Soviet Union. In this way, they will naturally gradually change their minds in their hearts.

Just like now.

When in Odessa, Yelena was still loyal to the Soviets, but when she came here, Yelena regained her life, and she has slowly fallen in love with her current life.

Yelena's changes made Lyudmila a little confused. Is the faith that has been firm in her heart wrong?

At this moment, a tall and handsome German male doctor also walked into the canteen. When the male doctor walked in, Lyudmila found that Yelena’s eyes had changed, and he became more tender, and all fell on. The male doctor.

"Yelena, staying up late again? Take care of your body." The male doctor said while holding the dinner plate and sat next to her, while Yelena leaned her head boldly and stuck it on the male doctor's body.

In an instant, Lyudmila was embarrassed.

What changed Yelena's heart was not only the surrounding life, but also the handsome German guys.

(I have always felt that the handsome guys in Germany are really good, no wonder there were so many broken backs at the time, and there are such handsome young men, better than women.)

Lyudmila lowered her head and ate her food in silence. Now, she is more interested in food.

"Is this your friend?" After being gentle, the German male doctor asked Yelena. There was still gauze wrapped around Liudmila's head. The male doctor just thought this was a patient in the hospital, and now he felt that he had made a mistake.

"Introduce, this is Lyudmila." Yelena said: "Well, it shouldn't be a secret. She is a female sniper known throughout the Soviet Union in Odessa."

Hearing this, the male doctor raised his head and looked at Lyudmila seriously. Although Lyudmila's head was wrapped, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"Now, the war is over." The male doctor said: "The past, let it pass. Our empire is tolerant. You are a sniper, with the best eyes and the most stable hands. If you take a scalpel, He must be an excellent surgeon. Would you like to come to our hospital to help?"

Looking at Lyudmila, the male doctor continued: "As a soldier, you live to kill, and you are a doctor to save people. Do you want to live a new life?"

For a time, Lyudmila was moved.

Although she studied history when she was in university, she is no longer interested in her major, and she does not want to review history.



The special train stopped on the platform in Moscow with black smoke.

The entire train was armored trains, various artillery, and machine guns, turning the train into a terrifying weapon platform like a hedgehog. At this time, when the doors of the central carriages opened, everyone on the platform was in awe.

Head Cyric, with a group of entourage, appeared in front of them.

Guderian, Manstein, Marshal von Bock, and the leader of the three-way army are all in Moscow waiting for Cyrek's arrival. Now, after seeing Cyrek, everyone raises to Cyrek. Up the right hand.

"The head of state, our three-way army has fulfilled our mission and completed the occupation of Moscow."

Cyric nodded: "This is a historic day. We finally conquered the Soviet Union and became the masters of this continent. We still have a lot of battles in the future. Now, we have just walked the most difficult road. We will continue to move forward and plant the German flag throughout the world."

Cyric did not hide the goal of Germany, which was to conquer the entire world.

"Head of State, please get in the car first." Guderian said: "We will go directly to the Red Square. The military parade will begin in an hour."

Originally, Cyric’s arrangement was to come to Moscow by plane, but now it’s changed to a train. The speed is much slower, so that after arriving in Moscow, the time for the military parade will come.

Cyrek nodded and was about to get in the car. Suddenly, he saw a short fat man in the back corner of the crowd, and he immediately became interested: "Well, Khrushchev, come over and get on mine. car."

This sound made Khrushchev flattered instantly.

In Stalingrad, after Khrushchev heard that his son had defected, he knew that there was no future with Stalin. Even if the war ended, he would be liquidated by Stalin. Stalin was the most able to settle accounts. Therefore, He simply took the entire Stalingrad military and civilians directly and turned to Germany.

Although there were various changes in the middle, I finally and got the support of German special forces in the middle, which is enough to show that I have succeeded in gaining the attention of the head of Cyrenk.

Fortunately to come to Moscow to participate in the common military parade, Khrushchev hopes to win the favor of Cyrek.

But now, the head of Cyric came to greet himself personally, which still made him overjoyed. After all, there are so many people, such as Lieutenant General Pavel Vasilyevich Rechagov. He was the first Moscow high-level who defected. Even at his request, Cyrek decided to let go of Moscow. .

It is said that Cyric should value Rechagov more, but now, it is great to greet himself personally.

Khrushchev ran over and bowed to Cyrek. If it weren't for his fat belly, he could almost fall to the ground.

"Get in the car." Cyrek patted Khrushchev on the shoulder, like an ordinary subordinate.

Where did Khrushchev dared to go up first, and quickly refused to open the door for Cyrek. After Cyrek got in the car, Khrushchev dared to climb in carefully. This special Mercedes-Benz bullet-proof car, the interior is really luxurious! If only you have one.

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