The Third Reich

Chapter 1647: Training

"Head Cyric, in the past, I did a lot of sorry to the empire because of my confusion. Thank the empire for giving me this opportunity to redeem my merits. I will spend the rest of my life wholeheartedly Contribute to the empire. Oh, your shoes are dirty."

After Khrushchev got into the car, he quickly started flattering. No one can compare to Khrushchev in terms of flattering ability.

As he was speaking, he saw some dirt on Führer Cyric's leather shoes, and he immediately knelt down.

Yes, just kneel down. This Mercedes Benz bulletproof car is elongated, and there is a lot of space behind. Anyway, there is a red carpet underneath. It is also very comfortable to kneel. Then, using his sleeves, he started to wipe Cyric leather shoes.

However, his move made Graf, the captain of the guard sitting on the other side of Cyric, a stunned. At this moment, Graf thought Khrushchev was going to do something against the head of Cyric.

Although Khrushchev's whole body was stripped and inspected, and he didn't even let it go in his butt, he was sure that there was no bomb in it, and that the fat man seemed to have little combat effectiveness, but Graf still stared at him closely.

Seeing that Khrushchev was moving, Graf immediately waved his right arm and slammed it on Khrushchev’s back. The force was too great, and Khrushchev screamed. Once, he immediately fell on the carpet.

Khrushchev endured the pain and looked at the shoes of the head of State Cyrek, right next to his mouth, so he immediately stuck out his tongue and took the initiative to lick the dirty things.

"Okay, okay, enough." This action made Cyric look numb. Graf on the side knew he had made a mistake just now, thinking that Khrushchev was going to attack, this guy, Isn't it too scary?

When Khrushchev sat back on his seat from below, his lips were black, and he continued flatteringly: "We will parade in a while, and our shoes should be clean. Well, it's all right now."

"How are you going to contribute to the empire?" Cyric asked.

Wiping your shoes is not a contribution. Any servant can do. Khrushchev is a sensible person, and of course he knows what Cyrek is talking about.

"Head of State Cyrek, as you know, when I was following the previous pseudo-Russian government, I was also an executive and was familiar with the entire Soviet Union. Therefore, I can continue to use my strengths and contribute to the future of Moscow. Executing all the orders from Berlin, just like at the Stalingrad tractor factory, there will be absolutely no delay."

Khrushchev's meaning is very simple. I wanted to be the leader of the Soviet Union before, and I have been moving towards this position. Now I have obeyed the empire, and I have given credit. Let me manage Moskovia! I can definitely be a loyal running dog in Germany, let me kill whoever I kill, absolutely nothing.

After Khrushchev said this, he looked at Cyrek with expectant eyes. At the same time, his heart was thumping. It seems that the head of Cyrek is in a good mood. If he can agree, then he will This is the host here. I will stay in Moscow and live in the Kremlin. This is my wish for many years!

However, he was disappointed. After he finished saying this, Cyric did not speak, but closed his eyes, as if he did not listen to what he had just said. Khrushchev's heart suddenly sank. He knew that this was his own proposal, and it was not approved by the head of Cyrek.

Hey, I made a mistake, Moskovia, that is the most important territory. The Germans must personally appoint important officials. They are actually going to fight for this position. Isn't this a death-seeking?

"Flap!" Khrushchev immediately slapped his mouth hard: "This mouth is just nonsense, it's time to fight! Head Sirek, just now, you just treat me as farting."

At this moment, Cyrik turned his head, glanced at Khrushchev, and continued to close his eyes.

As a result, Khrushchev's heart was even more up and down, and now he had no other choice but to frown and continue talking.

"Before, I have managed Ukraine and I am familiar with Ukraine. You can put me in Ukraine. No matter it is any job, even if it's just a small director, I will use all my talents and contribute to the empire. All my strength."

Khrushchev made his fortune from Ukraine. Now, instead of going to Moskovia, you can go to Ukraine! Moreover, he also lowered his posture, no matter what the position, he could do it.

At any rate, he is also a meritorious service. If Germany gives itself too small an official position, how can it show its strength? How to recruit more people to surrender.

Well, it's not bad in Ukraine. At this time, Khrushchev is already looking forward to life in Ukraine.

"Huh, Khrushchev, this is your loyalty to the empire?" Cyrek spoke at this moment. His voice was not loud and he did not bring any anger, but Khrushchev was frightened at this moment. .

Cyrek is dissatisfied with this. Khrushchev may even endanger his life. It is not a moment for Cyrek to kill a person!

Immediately, Khrushchev got down from his seat again, lay down under Cyrek's feet, and put his head against the carpet, with dense beads of sweat oozing out of it.

"Please make it clear from the head of state that I am too dull. I am a screw on the imperial machine. It is where I screw it." Khrushchev said.

"You are really stupid!" Cyrek took out the gloves on the side and hit Khrushchev on the head At this time, my heart was extremely happy, the joy of the traveler, That's it.

Teach Khrushchev, if he can travel back to later generations, but bragging capital, um, if he puts on that kind of costume, and whips him with a small whip, it would be more interesting.

This kind of thought flashed past, and Cyric continued to regain his identity as the head of state: "Your eyes are really so short? Can't you see that the empire has not caught Stalin until now? Because the empire has no people familiar with him!"

As soon as this was said, Khrushchev was about to collapse.

Stalin escaped and did not die in Moscow. No one knows how Stalin left. Beria must have done it. Now, it's his turn to wipe his ass!

Khrushchev has understood what Cyric meant. His task is to capture Stalin and bring all Stalingrad's troops.

As soon as he thought of this task, Khrushchev felt that his whole body was trembling, every part was trembling, and he had to surrender to Germany, but unexpectedly, the head of Cyrik was uneasy and kind. Fix yourself to death!

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