The Third Reich

Chapter 1656: 3 carriage

Under Stalin, the troika.

The first general was Zhukov. In Moscow, Zhukov fell and died under the guns of the Germans. Before he died, his feat of firing a grenade infected everyone.

The second member, Konev, was missing during the Battle of Moscow, and no one knew where he went, whether he had surrendered to the enemy or died in battle.

The third is Rokosovsky. Compared to the first two, Rokosovsky’s resume is not much. He only started to shine in the Great Patriotic War. In Kiev, because of Rokosov’s Vsky conjured a powerful Rokosovsky cluster out of thin air, and Stalin was delighted and praised his feat.

Then, Rokosovsky was transferred to Smolensk to participate in combat operations there. At the last minute, Rokosovsky was transferred away, and his men were killed in battle.

When he arrived in the Moscow Military District, Rokosovsky continued to play his role. As a dazzling new star, he would shine no matter where he went.

Moscow was occupied by the Germans, and Rokosovsky successfully retreated from the Moscow battlefield!

This skill is absolutely unprecedented, and there is no one to come after.

Stalin immediately stood up excitedly: "I knew that our Soviets would not sink like this. With Rokosovsky, we still have hope. We will defend the Ural Mountains and take advantage of the geographical advantages here. Anti-Japanese war, waiting for the time to counterattack!"

Stalin will never give in. Now, there is a member of the generals. He is very happy and seems to see hope again.

"Comrade Stalin, what about the American requirements?" Molotov asked.

"Promise them." Stalin said: "Although this is a high price, we have no choice. We now need the army, we need weapons, and we need food. If we lose the support of the United States, we can't do anything."

Even if the Soviets are all armed from sixteen to sixty, they must fight the Germans! Without industry, without agriculture, and relying solely on the support of the Americans, the Soviets can finally become a soldier.

There was enthusiasm in Stalin's eyes.

Beria on the side sighed deeply in her heart. If this goes on, what's the point of winning the war? When the last Soviet soldier stood on the ruins of Berlin, waving the flag of the sickle and the hammer, maybe the scene was more sad, right?

This is the sadness of all mankind.

But what choice does one have?

Beria knew that this problem was simply unsolvable.

With the end of the Battle of Moscow, the whole European continent was filled with optimism. The Russians had never been defeated before, even Napoleon, didn't he come back dingy?

Now Germany has created a miracle!

Originally, Cyric had made sufficient preparations, even if it was winter, he would take Moscow down. Now, it is summer, and Moscow has been in the hands of the Empire.

"Führer Cyric, our Zeppelin-class No. 12 ship is undergoing sea trials and is preparing for the take-off and landing operations of carrier aircraft."

In a building in the Kremlin, Cyric intends to stay here for a few days, take his wife, and enjoy the sights of Moscow. At the same time, he can also work here.

As the navy continues to riot, various warships are groundwater one after another. The current Earl Zeppelin has reached the twelfth ship. At the same time, on the slipway, there are four more outfitting ships. Launch in the near future.

Although battleships seem to be taller and mightier, after years of practice, the understanding in the navy has been completely unified. Indeed, only aircraft carriers can support future maritime hegemony. Without air dominance, there will be no sea dominance. When air-to-ship weapons After entering the era of precision guidance, this phenomenon became more obvious.

Germany has integrated the resources of the entire Europe, and the navy is in a state of rapid development. Up to now, it has completed the huge shipbuilding task of the Z plan, but in order to deal with the United States, the plan has been expanding.

Originally, the Zeppelin-class aircraft carrier planned to build about ten ships, but it has now been expanded to thirty.

Even in the history of the United States, only 26 attack aircraft carriers were built during World War II. Germany's current goal is 30, which is enough to maintain maritime hegemony. What's more, Germany still has a technological advantage.

In addition to this attack-type aircraft carrier, **** aircraft carriers, there are now about fifty ships, and will eventually expand to a hundred. This is the role of all-rounders on the battlefield, and will be more effective in future **** battles. Come.

The rest, in addition to various **** ships, are a large number of landing ships and various merchant ships.

"This aircraft carrier has not yet confirmed its name."

According to German practice, when in the shipyard, only the serial number is used. The official serial number will not be issued until after entering service. Except for the initial carrier named after the person's name, the following are all based on the place name, such as No. 3. The ship was named Munich.

What is the name of the current ship No. 12? Cyric rolled his eyes and said, "Just call the Moscow number!"

Moscow, the former capital of the Soviet Union, has now become the name of an aircraft carrier in the Empire. Of course, the significance is far-reaching. From then on, Moscow has been in the possession of Germany. The name of the aircraft carrier is instilling this idea to the world. Moscow is imperial!

Hearing Cyric's name, everyone nodded, the name is good!

"What project is the aircraft carrier testing at sea?" Cyric asked.

"The takeoff and landing of Sea Storm Bird on the aircraft carrier, if all goes well, starting from the 12th ship, our Navy will adopt Sea Storm Bird as our carrier-based carrier aircraft."

Hearing this, Cyric stood up immediately: "The project is proceeding very fast, and the carrier-based aircraft is going to be carried out? Well, I really want to go and see it!"

This is completely trans-epochal. When the fighter jet enters the jet era, it will kill the propeller aircraft, and if the aircraft carrier is equipped with a jet, it will be an invincible existence on the ocean.

In the past few months, Cyric has been setting his sights on land warfare. Unexpectedly, the Navy's progress is so fast!

It seems that Dr. Messerschmitt can finally breathe a sigh of relief. In this fighter contest, the F190 has been pressing his BF109 out of breath, and the navy is even more impressive. Now, he can finally get the favor of the navy. Up.

Yes, go take a look!

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