The Third Reich

Chapter 1657: Carrier jet

In the age of propellers, fighter jets took off and landed on aircraft carriers, and were no different from landing on land, relying entirely on the pilot’s own superb flying skills.

When taking off, the throttle is fully open and you just rush forward. The carrier will also turn to headwind and move forward at full speed, making the takeoff of carrier-based aircraft smoother. Some aircraft with good performance can be pulled up without even reaching the end of the deck.

The same is true for landing. Relying on the pilot's own technology, he can accurately slide down to the aircraft carrier to land. Therefore, the general navy pilots look down on the army or the air force pilots, and they think their skills are more superb.

After entering the jet age, relying on your own technology is completely impossible, because jets take off and land faster, and the small aircraft carrier deck can no longer meet the requirements.

At this time, innovation is needed.

For the corresponding technology, Cyric has already put forward guiding opinions. For example, when landing, use the tail light box to determine whether your glide line is correct. This has been installed on previous aircraft carriers. The ground improves the pilot’s landing safety, especially at night.

In the past, landing at night was almost impossible, but with this equipment, landing at night is very easy.

As for takeoff, it depends on the catapult.

Catapults have always existed in this era. In addition to aircraft carriers, other warships also need to carry seaplanes. These planes have no space to use for take-off, and they are completely ejected by catapults.

However, because it is a seaplane, the take-off speed required is very low. It is enough to rely on a low-performance hydraulic catapult, and the catapult jet must be an advanced steam catapult with full power.

Historically, in order to get jets on ships, many arduous explorations have been carried out. Even the British Navy tried to use the belly to land and make the deck as flexible as rubber. Unfortunately, it was nothing and no practical value.

With Cyric’s guidance, the German jets boarded the ship, so you don’t need to take these detours, as long as you follow the technical route established by Cyric and proceed steadily.

The wind and waves in the North Sea are not very big, and the wave height is only half a meter. On the sea, an aircraft carrier is braving black smoke, and is moving forward with full force against the wind.

Regardless of whether it is taking off or recovering a fighter, the aircraft carrier needs to go upwind at full speed. Take off can increase the speed, and landing can reduce the relative speed to facilitate takeoff and landing.

Although they are all called the Earl Zeppelin class, when the previous one was developed, the designers enlarged the carrier in order to operate the jet effectively.

The standard displacement has been enlarged to 40,000 tons, and the full-load displacement is about 55,000 tons. The first advantage of this is that the area of ​​the flight deck is greatly increased, making it easier to dispatch, take off and land.

The previous aircraft carrier was designed with full consideration of the jet’s boarding operations. At the same time, there was not much experience in the past. After several years of continuous operation, we have accumulated a wealth of experience before we can continue. Build such a large aircraft carrier.

The total length of the deck is close to 300 meters and the width is more than 50 meters, which is one-third larger than the previous deck area. In this way, the take-off and landing of the carrier-based aircraft is safer, and the deck transfer operation is also convenient and effective.

At the same time, the increase in displacement has also greatly increased the fuel carried by the aircraft carrier. Compared with the propeller aircraft, the fuel consumption of the jet aircraft is higher.

Therefore, although this aircraft carrier is still called the Earl Zeppelin class for the confusion of the intelligence system, in fact, it can be counted as a new class. Therefore, the warships after the first class are often referred to internally as the Moscow class. , Is a great irony.

At present, the aircraft carrier is in a state of sea trials. In addition to some naval officials, more shipyard employees, as well as a large number of technicians and engineers, operate the aircraft carrier.

In this test flight, Wolfgang Speter, a test pilot of Messerschmitt Aircraft Company, also completed it.

As an excellent test pilot, Wolfgang has been flying jets since the ME262. He has several years of flying experience. After the Stormbird was manufactured, Wolfgang became completely obsessed with this kind of aircraft. Up.

Fly like a swallow, this plane has done it. Compared with the previous propeller planes, the jet makes him feel what it is.

He flew many subjects, including the dangerous stall spin, and now he is also flying the take-off and landing test flights of carrier-based aircraft.

How dangerous is it to get a jet on board? It can be explained from a set of data that in 1949, the U.S. Navy began to try to board aircraft carriers on jets. As a result, the jets had poor low-altitude and low-speed maneuverability and were difficult to control. There were frequent accidents, and nearly 1,000 pilots died in two years-1953~ The US Navy lost more than 700 aircraft and 423 pilots died. In 1954, the US military lost 776 aircraft and 535 carrier-based pilots.

It was not until 1988 that the accident rate of the US Navy was reduced to the same as that of the Air Force.

The greater the speed of landing, it means that the pilot's operation adjustment time is shorter, and every mistaken operation will bring catastrophic effects.

"Moscow, Moscow, Asuka asks for a simulated landing." Wolfgang shouted from the radio in the cockpit of the fighter jet.

The first landing must be steady. Before the real landing, several simulated landings must be performed to visually check whether the aircraft's glide line is suitable and whether it is possible to successfully land.

"Received, you can simulate landing, please be careful."


Wolfgang turned his head and glanced at the wings on either side.

In order to improve the low-speed performance of the aircraft, this latest aircraft has automatic slats installed on the leading edge of the wings. The slats are fully automatically controlled and open or close according to the aerodynamic force received. When the slat slides forward and opens, it can accelerate the airflow speed flowing through the upper surface of the wing, which can increase lift and reduce the stall speed. At high speeds, it can be closed again to reduce drag.

Now that the automatic slats on both sides are in the open state, everything is normal. Wolfgang's heart is even more confident. He is driving this flexible fighter plane towards the distant aircraft carrier. , The aircraft carrier is like a leaf on the sea.

As he slowly approached, the aircraft carrier became larger and larger. Whether it could successfully land on the ship, it was determined from the distant downline.

If you want to enter the downline correctly, just look at the light box at the end. This idea is truly amazing!

Wolfgang's plane landed along the correct glide line, landing.

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