The Third Reich

Chapter 1666: Pre-research on underwater missile launch

This speed is very fast, but there is still a long way to go from Moore's Law in later generations, because there is no integrated circuit yet. Discrete circuits that rely solely on transistors will not progress very quickly. This is only the result of structural adjustments.

But when a system like von Neumann is established, the future computer road will be particularly smooth.

With a reliable computer, what are you afraid of?

Heisenberg nodded: "We can try."

"I look forward to your good news. Five of this new computer will be produced in batches for the first time, all for your use."

Give five units at once, and you can calculate at a higher speed. Through program design, let the five computers work in coordination, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

After sending Heisenberg away, Cyrek read the accident report again. It was really thrilling. Several people in the laboratory would lose their vitality after the exposure to nuclear radiation.

Nuclear weapons, this is indeed a Pandora's box, but because of its evil, wouldn't it be opened? This is like a war that kills people. Isn't there no war?

Of course not, war is the fastest way and the most effective way.

After the war, I have completed the integration of Europe. Looking at the future generations, Europe was united by agreement and became the European Union. What happened? Any country, of course, should take into account its own interests first. Once the situation is bad, it will immediately withdraw from the European Union. Everything is self-centered. This seems so funny.

Now, who dares to refuse to accept his rule? When the barriers of various countries are broken, the productive forces can be further liberated, the industry can develop by leaps and bounds, and the people can live a better life. Is it wrong to do this yourself?

The same is true for nuclear weapons. Once such weapons appear, they can further consolidate the status of the empire, become the most efficient weapon for ending wars, and become the cornerstone of imperial hegemony.

At the same time, the derived nuclear reactors will benefit mankind even more. Nuclear energy is a clean energy source, which is less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels.

Cyric didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. He would not have the so-called guilt of later scientists.

While looking at these plans, Navy Commander Raidel and Submarine Force Commander Dennitz came together to report to Cyric.

Deniz in this era is not as beautiful as later generations.

Historically, when the Bismarck battleship was sunk, Hitler lost confidence in the surface fleet and devoted himself to the development of underwater wolves. The initial effect was good, but with the improvement of the Allied anti-submarine level, in the end, the wolf tactics bankrupted.

It is absolutely impossible to rely solely on underwater power. Aircraft carriers are the eternal king. Now, Germany’s water formations are extremely large, and they are also the strongest of this era. Facing the United States, it is also the offensive side. The United States It is trembling and waiting to be landed across the sea.

Although the light of surface ships concealed the underwater forces, the submarine forces have been commendable in recent years, such as the sneak attack in Scarpa Bay, the wolves in the Far East, and the lonely hunting on the Arctic route. Hunter.

Today, Dunnitz's arrival is even more enthusiastic. He has a deep hunch that the submarine force will play a greater role!

"Head of State, we have completed the demonstration. It is theoretically feasible to use nuclear submarines to carry our ballistic missiles." Dunnitz said to Cyric: "We have organized a dedicated development team and are ready to complete the V- 2 The demonstration of the underwater launch of missiles is to transform a conventional submarine for launch experiments. At the same time, we plan to build a ballistic missile nuclear submarine in the next nuclear submarine construction."

Thinking of it, it was enough to excite him. Ballistic missiles are not only the patent of the No. 14 missile force, but also a big killer for their submarine force!

Due to the high speed when it falls, the ballistic missile is almost impossible to intercept at this stage, which means that the opponent will only be beaten and not fight back.

Every time the ballistic missile unit is put into actual combat, it will bring earth-shattering scenes of destruction to the enemy. The most recent one was the attack on the Atlantic coast of the United States. The effect was just right. The Americans will almost have all the industries on the coast here. Forced to transfer, we can see the deterrent effect on Americans.

Missiles are Cyric's killer weapon. Only the best troops can operate it. Now, the submarine troops also have this kind of killer. How can this make him unhappy?

Cyric took the report and looked seriously.

Yes, this is the advantage of submarines. The development of attack nuclear submarines is only the first step. In the later stage, of course, you must have missile nuclear submarines.

Although the V-2 missile is still a short-range missile, it only solves the problem of existence, but because of technical limitations, the first-generation ballistic missile submarine can only carry this missile, which reduces the difficulty. .

When the miniaturization of the nuclear warhead is completed, and it is installed on the missile, it will be an absolute big killer. This is also the triad nuclear force that Cyric has always prepared to possess.

Land-based, air-based, and sea-based, all three aspects have nuclear bombs. Even if the war is over when the development is completed, it is still an important weapon for guaranteeing German rule. Whoever dares to be disobedient, then Let who know how great!

In later generations, Americans have freedom and democracy with one hand and a big weapon with one hand. They want to fight whoever they want, and Germany will surpass the United States in this respect.

"Yes." Cyric said: "Attention, remind researchers that we must act in accordance with the laws of science. We can slow down the progress of development, but be careful not to have catastrophic events. For the empire, those smart brains More useful."

Cyric felt this. At the base in Libya, he almost raised a mushroom cloud and destroyed his entire base. In the experiment of launching missiles underwater, there will be many technical difficulties. Everything is zero. In the beginning, if there is an accident, maybe the entire submarine will crash and the experts inside will die.

What Cyric said that moved everyone present. This is the most respected head of state. No matter when, he always puts the lives of his subordinates first. Such a head of state is worth letting People go to die for him!

"Yes." Dunnitz replied happily.

When Dunnitz finished speaking, Raidel asked cautiously: "Führer Cyric, we launch missiles underwater, which is very technically difficult. You see, what if we launch missiles from surface ships first?" 8) For more exciting novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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