The Third Reich

Chapter 1667: X base

The idea of ​​using submarines to launch ballistic missiles was put forward by the head of State Cyrek. The subordinates only need to advance step by step, while surface ships launch missiles, which is an idea proposed by the Navy itself.

For example, the most suitable thing for us to modify is an aircraft carrier. Put some shelves on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and you can launch more than 20 missiles at a time. When countless missiles drag the flames and fly into the sky, the picture must be beautiful.

If hundreds of missiles fly to the opposite land together, they will definitely be maimed.

The advantage of the navy is that the range does not need to be too far. Launching on land, across the ocean, requires long-range missiles. With aircraft carrier formation, medium-range missiles are sufficient, and short-range missiles are no problem.

Some people have even proposed to manufacture such warships that launch ballistic missiles.

Hearing what Raidel said, Cyric immediately shook his head: "Naughty, the core of the surface fleet is based on carrier-based aircraft. What do you want ballistic missiles for?"

Of course Cyric was going to oppose it. Using surface ships to launch ballistic missiles, only Asan had done this, and finally nothing happened. This is simply not appropriate, it is a wicked way.

Needless to say, ballistic missiles. In later generations, the theory of missile omnipotence appeared. The use of anti-ship missiles and air defense missiles thought that it would be able to have both offensive and defensive capabilities. An all-purpose arsenal ship full of missiles could do all the work.

It's a pity that I was slapped by the facts again. For the navy formation, only the carrier-based aircraft had both offense and defense.

Don't do the work that the carrier-based aircraft needs to do, but run here to play missiles. How can it work?

Cyric immediately rejected Raidel's request. This is all nonsense.

Raidel's briefcase also carried the design sketch of this missile ship, and now he heard Cyric refuting the nonsense, he immediately recovered his mind.

"Yes, you are right. We must attach importance to carrier-based aircraft, and we won't think about these miscellaneous things anymore." Raidel humbly accepted, even if he doesn't understand it now, the facts will prove the correctness of the head of Cyric in the future. of.

At this moment, a voice rang from outside: "Head of State, there is an urgent telegram from Wolf's Den, from General Reinhardt."

Reinhardt? Did he find Stalin's position? After finding it, immediately dispatched the bomber and burned him directly!

With this thought, Cyric received the information, and when he opened the telegram, his brows were suddenly frowned.

The intelligence department of the empire is quite good. The Americans wanted to intercept Cyric’s flight to Moscow last time, just like they once intercepted Pheasant Fifty-Six. As a result, they were controlled by the intelligence department. Everything was set up for the Americans and let them get in. In the end, all the U.S. Air Force units were killed, and a bad breath came out.

But this time, the intelligence arrived very timely.

Operation code, brass fighter.

The plan of action was to dispatch a large number of bombers to conduct a thorough bombing of Base X and destroy everything in the base.

The intelligence is brief, but the amount of information is already huge.

The Americans want to bomb a certain base, but this base is a code name in all the intercepted intelligence, so it is very difficult to know which Americans are targeting.

The Soviets used the B-29 and carried the father of the bomb. There was too much content in it, and the high-level Soviet air force chief who had surrendered had already told the German side the inside story.

This is in exchange for bomb technology, that is to say, the Americans have also mastered thermobaric bomb technology.

Now, what are the Americans going to bomb?

The Americans are most afraid of the cross-sea landing in Germany. Then, what the Americans want to bomb must be the German fleet base!

Yes, that's it!

The Americans are very bold. From the time they dared to dispatch fighters to intercept their own landline, they knew that Roosevelt, the lame man, had no scruples. As long as the German offensive could be delayed, any method could be used.

Even they do not consider the possibility of success!

"Send all our fleets." Cyric said: "In our naval bases, don't leave large warships."

"Yes." Raidel replied immediately. He was also wondering why the head of state suddenly issued such an order? It must have something to do with the telegram just now, right?

But if the head of state did not say, he could not ask.

Cyric stood up, looked out the window, and said: "The previous wars were all on land. Now, we are finally going to truly engage in ocean warfare. Our navy is related to the future of the empire. accident."

"Yes, I understand." Raidel said: "Our fleet will always pay attention to defend its warships, and will not let the enemy have any loopholes. We are not an island nation."

The island navy was maimed.

In the last battle of Midway Island, the island nation achieved its strategic goal and occupied Midway Island. The base there could radiate the entire Pacific Ocean. However, the cost of this battle was that all four main aircraft carriers were ~ It can be said that the island navy has been disabled. Although there are still a few German-made **** aircraft carriers and the Yamato battleship, the main attack aircraft carrier has been lost. It can be said that it has lost the initiative on the battlefield.

The island navy’s mistakes must never appear on its own aircraft carrier formation. Even if the German base is thick, the construction of the aircraft carrier takes time, and we cannot afford to wait.

"Understood." Raidel knew very well that the navy had been holding back recently and was waiting for the opportunity. Now, with the victory of the European battlefield, the glorious era of the German navy is coming soon.

After he ordered Ryder, Cyric couldn't help but ponder: "This base X, shouldn't it be Midway Island?"

"What happened to our export contract with the islanders last time?" Cyric asked.

Last time, before the islanders hit Midway Island, Pheasant Fifty-Six personally came to Germany to seek help from Cyrenk. After repeated discussions, Germany decided to export high-horsepower aero engine technology and 100 ready-made BF109 fighter jets.

Unfortunately, due to the delivery of the fighter planes and the training of the pilots, I just missed the naval battle on Midway Island. As a result, when a large number of bombers came from an altitude of 10,000 meters, the islanders found that the zero warfare would have to go up. If there was BF109 at that time, maybe the island nation People will not fail so miserably.

Now, if the islanders get enough BF109, it will be no problem to defend Midway Island.

"Yes, all 100 were handed over to the islanders, but the islanders have not been able to take Australia. It seems that we have made a loss business."

Cyric breathed a sigh of relief as he listened to his assistant. Well, with this batch of fighters, even if the Americans really plan to attack Midway Island, the islanders should be able to take it down. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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