The Third Reich

Chapter 1675: Air split

When the fire was fired for the first time, the cannonball flew by almost rubbing Dex's body, less than one meter away. The air current when the cannonball passed by made him feel a scorching heat, as if death would come anytime. same.

With both hands, Dex could only hold the umbrella rope tightly, trying to change the direction of falling with difficulty. For his ordinary round umbrella, changing the direction is too difficult.

Now, the other party went around in a circle and came back. This time, the other party will definitely correct the ballistic. Can he survive?

Yes, of course! Don't give up hope at any time!

Dexter's hand touched the pistol on his waist. Just when he jumped off the plane, he fired three shots. Now, this self-defense M1911 pistol has a total of seven bullets, and there are still four in it. This is his only weapon.

Using a pistol to fire at an airplane is definitely a fantasy.

The effective range of a pistol is almost 100 meters at most, and if the pistol is aimed at a person to shoot, it will only be sure within 50 meters. This is still only hitting the body, and it is even more difficult to hit the head.

What if it is changed to the air? Without advance, the relative speed of the two sides is very high, it is absolutely impossible to shoot.

But now, Dex has only such a weapon, he has to do the final fight!

This time, be sure to get closer, get closer!

Saburo Okamoto drove the plane and slowly approached the opponent. Through the rotating propeller, the target in front got closer and closer, and then he pressed the cannon button again.

"Tom Tom Tom!"

The moment his cannon fired, suddenly, the target shook!

Air flow, this time it must be air flow, because a sudden convection in the air made the parachute sway, and as a result, the shells flew again!

At this time, Saburo Okamoto became angry.

Does he have to go around again?

Of course not. If he goes around one more time, he can't afford to lose this person. He misses two shots. It would be a joke to go back.

He did not pedal the rudder, so the fighter continued to rush towards the target.

Yes, it's an impact! He is going to knock him to death.

Of course, it was not a complete impact. He flew directly over. As long as the end of the propeller can have close contact with the person, then the propeller will stir that person into pieces of meat. This is definitely the most bloody. Zhang time!

As for the parachute rope wrapped around the propeller, Saburo Okamoto didn’t care. As long as he avoided it in time, he would be fine. Besides, he believed that his high-horsepower engine could break the parachute rope even if the parachute rope was entangled. .

In short, Saburo Okamoto is annoyed, and the consequences are very serious. It makes you wait obediently for being shelled, and you move in disorder. Now you are killed with a propeller!

The engine was rumbling, and the BF109 fighter continued to fly forward. Right in front of its flight path was the hapless one who was landing.

When he first attacked, the distance reached a terrifying 300 meters. Now, the fighter plane flies at a speed of 100 meters per second, which seems to be only a momentary matter. Saburo Okamoto made this decision without going through his brain. It was decided all at once.

At this time, in his retina, there were people under the parachute, and he could clearly see that the other party raised a pistol.

Just now, he really had to rely on a crosswind to save his life. Now, in the last few seconds of his life, Dex has completely calmed down. He breathed steadily, the parachute hung him, steadily The whereabouts is simply a perfect aiming platform.

His two hands stretched forward together, his right hand was holding the handle of the gun, his left hand was holding the front, and both hands were standing together in the most stable way of standing. His eyes looked at the flying fighter plane and the pilot in front. .

Aim at the opponent's head!

Dirks was originally a gunner, with sharp eyes, and he was silently calculating his lead, and at the same time, calmly calculating the distance.

Suddenly, his index finger moved.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding." Four shots in succession, Deckers moved his index finger four times in just one second, completing four firings. At the same time, every time he fired, Twist the gun body slightly to let the bullet continue to shoot in front of the opponent.

The distance is getting closer, and even Saburo Okamoto can see the flames from the muzzle. At this time, Saburo Okamoto opened his eyes wide.

On his retina, those bullets were coming towards him.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, as if it were slow motion, and he could see that the bullet was spinning and flying towards him.

Due to the height difference, the bullet almost flew over the edge of the propeller. Then, it flew over the edge of his windshield. The first bullet hit the backrest behind him, bullets and metal. The sound of the collision was so harsh.

The second bullet hit his scalp. At this moment, he wanted to lower his head and retract, but then, the third bullet came.

The bullet hit exactly between his eyebrows, leaving a bullet hole.

At this time, the distance between the two parties was already less than fifty meters.

That plane almost completely occupied Dex’s retina. Then a huge plane rushed towards Dex. The propeller stirred the air and made a whining sound. It seemed to be able to take him in the next moment. Crush it.

But then, he saw the pilot's eyebrows shot and saw the pilot collapse on the control stick.

Fortunately, it fell down.

If the opponent dies with his head on his back, Dex's life will also end, and now, the opponent is lying down and immediately pressing the lever.

The nose of the Bf109 fighter jet suddenly tilted downward and began to dive downward.

The propeller on the nose changed its direction just when Dex was about to cut off, and wiped Dex's feet, and then the fuselage went down with a beautiful arc.

No, there is also the vertical tail fin!

The vertical tail of any airplane is tall, it is related to the directional stability of the airplane's flight, and it turns when needed.

Now, the vertical tail is drawing towards Dex, this is the aluminum alloy frame, the aluminum alloy skinned guy, at the current speed, it is as fast as a knife!

At this moment, the knife's eye was about to hit Dex's body, so Dex had no choice but to stretch his legs vigorously. With this, the legs became straight.

It used to be upright, but now it's horizontal. In the sky, Dex has a big split in the air.

I saw the tail dart across Dex's legs, it was almost a cut. Dex felt a chill under his crotch, and when he looked down, his crotch had been cut and turned into crotch pants. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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