The Third Reich

Chapter 1676: Bombing failed

This is the benefit of training. If you didn't lift your legs just now, I'm afraid the two legs will be gone. Now, watching the fighter fall down, Dexter has a lingering fear.

The fighter jet fell and entered the sea. At the same time, Dex also quickly fell into the sea. He did not have the feeling of being left behind. For him, the danger has not passed, and the sea is everywhere. It is dangerous.

Deques untied the parachute, and there was no danger of entanglement of the parachute rope. This was the luckiest thing. Then, he looked at the vast sea around him and decided to find a rock that could rest his feet. There were still many islands and reefs nearby.

If it is not a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to go upstream to the island, because it is an area controlled by the island nation.

At this moment, suddenly, 10,000 meters high in the sky, a huge fireball broke out. Under the fireball, dozens of aircraft around were torn apart.

Brilliant fireworks. When he discovered this scene, Dex's eyes were moist. He knew that the entire bomber force was dead. The bomb carried by an airplane was destroyed, which brought such terrible results. .

This was still directly blown up. If you waited slowly for the liquid to dissipate and form a second explosion, the scene must be quite beautiful. Several fighter jets from the island nation were also unfortunately caught inside. They uttered a scream, and then the flames swallowed them.

The interception battle was over after five minutes.

The sky is empty, there are no traces of the war, only some wreckage scattered on the sea, it seems that something is still being told.

Thunder Island, Henderson Airport.

A BF109 fighter jet flew in from the sky in the distance. When they appeared in the field of vision of the airport personnel, the personnel on the ground made the sound of Ullah.

Some people lifted up something like a towel in their hands and waved to the sky, while others tied it to their heads. In short, everyone was very excited.

Victory and success. In the past, this terrible bomber would cause terrible damage to them at any time, but they could not pose an effective threat to this bomber.

But now, they can finally intercept this terrible bomber easily, and they blew up one after another at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

Pheasant Fifty-Six was also standing at the end of the runway, looking at these returning fighters, with a wavy heart.

"Our pilots are all good." Pheasant Fifty-Six said: "They are the best fighters in the empire. By the way, several ships of comfort personnel have recently been arranged to comfort our fighters."

"Yes." Next to him, Kondo Hsinchu replied, "We will arrange it immediately."

The soldiers of the empire are fighting everywhere, and there are physiological needs. In other places, this problem is solved well. On an isolated island, it is not easy to solve.

It can only be transported by ship.

That is also necessary.

"Commander, the Americans will definitely not be reconciled if they fail this time. They will bomb again. It is not safe. Will you leave here as soon as possible?" Kondo asked Shanji 56.

"Of course not." Pheasant Fifty-Six said: "As a warrior of the empire, how can you be afraid of enemy bombing? I will stay here for two days, and I will leave tomorrow tonight."

The words of Pheasant Fifty-Six made Kondo suddenly realize.

It’s not safe during the day. It’s too close to the American base. If you take off during the day, what if you are intercepted by a large number of American planes? Today’s bombing shows that the Americans have assembled a huge flying force and made this the focus.

The Americans must be in a hurry. After all, Germany has taken Moscow and has focused on the United States. Once the United States enters a state of war with Germany, it must sign a peace agreement with the island countries, and the fruits of victory can be consolidated.

Now is the most critical time, there must be no mistakes, um, how comfortable it is to sign a peace agreement here in the future.

Pheasant Fifty-Six was very excited when he thought of this.

His mind is very clear. Staying here for a day celebrates the pilots, especially waiting for the arrival of the comfort personnel. It is also considered as a welfare for the soldiers in the base. If you leave safely tomorrow night, you can't say that he is alive. Chicken Fifty-Six is ​​scared.

The bombing failed, and the Americans had to stop at least a few days.

Pheasant Fifty-Six didn't know. It was this decision that made his life be lost here, and there was no ash left.

Across the ocean, the United States, the White House.

Arnold hurried in and said to the president in the wheelchair: "Mr. President, our bombing failed."

Yes, the bombing mission failed.

Originally, they thought their strategy was perfect, but who could have imagined that a large number of BF109s appeared at the air base on Midway Island. After returning home, American fighter pilots scolded the intelligence department angrily. ? Don't know this?

They suffered heavy losses because of intelligence errors, and now, Arnold is also dissatisfied.

"Really?" Roosevelt was actually very calm. He took Arnold's report and looked at it carefully, one page after another, to the end.

Closing the report, Roosevelt said: "So, our bomber force, what do you think now?"

"The BF109 is a high-altitude fighter. For us, we are not completely sure to deal with We can only dispatch more **** fighters. Moreover, the islanders must have new radars that can spot us in advance. If we want to bomb again, we can only increase the number of planes, or..."

"Or what?" Roosevelt asked.

"Or, we use night bombing." There was a flash in Arnold's mind. In the past, I was so stupid, why didn't I think of this step?

During daytime bombing, it is easy to be intercepted by fighter jets, but it is different at night. Now there is no intelligence to show that the islanders have deployed night fighters there. The scale of that air base is just that big. There are so many BF109s, absolutely not. There will be more night fighters.

Generally speaking, night bombing is not easy, it is difficult to find the target, and the accuracy of the bombing is also difficult to guarantee, but if you are using the father of that kind of bomb, then you are not afraid.

In this case, the number of dispatches can also be greatly reduced, and dispatching another bomber brigade is enough!

Thinking of this, he was ready to move, and couldn't wait to find his dignity again.

Roosevelt nodded, then shook his head again: "Arnold, your horizons are still not wide enough. As a senior commander, you have to look at problems from a higher height."

Higher height? Arnold was puzzled, what did the president say?

"We suffered a loss on Midway Island during the day. The people of the island nations will definitely think we will continue to bomb, and the Germans will also think so. They will think that our main target is on the island nation and want to take advantage of the fact that Germany has not launched. Before the offensive, resolve the island nation’s issue and avoid fighting on two fronts.” Roosevelt said: “Now is the time when the Germans are paralyzed. We will fight on two fronts and simultaneously bomb Midway Island and Germany. What do you think?” 8)More Many wonderful novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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