The Third Reich

Chapter 1678: The hardness is enough, what to do if it melts

It does not even need to look like a warship. For example, as long as a piece of ice floes on the Arctic Ocean, coupled with a power system, and leveled on it, it is a good aircraft carrier platform.

The United States does not lack aircraft. The current P-51 Mustang is also being manufactured on a large scale. What the United States lacks is an aircraft carrier, which is a necessary platform for naval warfare.

However, ideals are full and reality is cruel.

Although ice cubes have the advantages just now, the shortcomings are also obvious. The strength of ice cubes is not high.

The climatic conditions on the Atlantic Ocean are very harsh. The ice cubes on the Atlantic Ocean will be knocked down by a wave at any time and become two halves, then three and four halves. Therefore, it is impossible to make aircraft carriers at all.

Roosevelt gave up, but Jeffrey did not give up. Now, when he reports to President Roosevelt, he certainly found a solution to the problem.

To increase the strength of ice cubes, it is necessary to change the internal structure of the ice cubes.

Following Jeffrey are two famous American scientists, Walter Hohenstein and Hermann Mark.

"Mr. President, after our research, we found that the ice cubes made by adding cotton and fiber into fresh water have good mechanical properties and high strength, which fully meets the needs of aircraft carrier construction." Walter said: "We can guarantee that it is completely Can withstand the wind and waves of the Atlantic."

"How do you prove it?" President Roosevelt asked.

His gaze was placed on a wooden box brought by the other party. At this time, Hermann was slowly opening the wooden box. Inside the box, there were layers of quilts. When opened, you could see There was a puff of white gas.

In fact, it did not come out of the inside, but because it was cold inside, when it was opened, the outside air was liquefied and white gas was formed, which is the same as the white gas breathed out in winter.

When both were opened, two ice cubes were revealed inside, one of which was ordinary ice, clear and transparent, while the other was a frozen muddy substance, which looked a bit like frozen cheese.

"We can do an experiment for you on the spot, and forgive our rudeness, can we ask your guard to shoot at it?" Jeffrey asked.

To prove whether something is hard or not, shooting it is the easiest way.

"Well, let's go to the outside garden." Roosevelt said.

It is inappropriate to shoot here.

So, Geoffrey pushed Roosevelt in the wheelchair, Walter and Herman each holding an ice cube, left the room and came to the open space in the garden outside.

Their actions attracted the attention of many people. When they came to the garden, Marshall and others also came to see it.

"No pistol, change a rifle." Marshall shouted to the captain of the guard, smoking a cigarette.

So Roosevelt’s captain of the guard changed into a standard rifle, stood about fifty meters away from the ice, and prepared to shoot.

Roosevelt was in the wheelchair, looking at him with hope. The small ice cube had placed too much hope on him.

"Bang!" The gunfire sounded, and as the gunfire sounded, a bullet spun and hit the small ice cube, and then the ice cube immediately dispersed, splashing everywhere.

The crystal clear ice turned into shards, and a beautiful flower blossomed.

This is an ordinary ice cube, which has no mechanical strength and is almost broken with one touch.

The captain of the guard slowly turned the muzzle and aimed at the second piece, which was the main thing. Everyone stared at the ice cube of the same size and thickness, and stared at the ice cube that was turbid because of its impurities.

"Bang!" The second gunshot sounded, and when the muzzle burst into flames, the bullets also flew onto the ice.

I saw the ice block was pushed back abruptly, and at the same time, the bullet was actually bounced away.

This thing is actually harder than steel, and it actually flew the bullet!

"Oh!" At this moment, Marshall yelled loudly, and then he bowed his head nervously. His military cap had already flown to the side.

Just after the bullet was bounced off, he actually rushed towards him, and the wise Marshall, Roosevelt's important staff, almost went to see God early because of this accident.

Marshall retracted his head, really frightened. Just now, the bullet hit his hat, and it also gave him a lot of impact. On his back, sweat swooped out.

However, when he saw everyone watching him, Marshall eased up immediately, he couldn't be ashamed in front of so many people!

So Marshall bent over, picked up his hat, patted the dirt, and put it on his head again, but there were two bullet holes left on it, which looked very funny.

Marshall strode forward and came to the ice cube to divert everyone's attention and focus on the key, this ice cube is really hard. "Marshall looked at the front of the ice block and left a shallow crater under the impact of the bullet. It can even be said that the crater was not caused by the impact. It should have been melted by the heat generated by the impact of the bullet.

This strength is absolutely high enough, and it is not inferior to steel plates of the same thickness.

"We put special cotton and fiber in it, but we have also done other experiments. If we want to further reduce the cost, we can only use the most common sawdust to add in. Just build it in a cold area and freeze it overnight. , It will be done.” Jeffrey said very lightly. From now on, the United States no longer has to worry about insufficient warships. They have the simplest and most economical plan.

"Let's go, let's go to the office and say." Roosevelt's eyes no longer had the excitement he had just received. At this time, his brows wrinkled, as if thinking of something.

Sure enough, when he returned to the office, Roosevelt spoke again: "Our first problem has been overcome. The ice has enough strength to be used as a material for building aircraft carriers. However, we still have new problems. When the temperature is high, it will melt. How can we overcome this problem?"

To build in a cold area, there is no need to consider how to freeze it into ice. For example, in Canada, there are many cold lakes, where you can directly use the local fresh water.

However, it is not only fighting in the alpine region. It is fighting in the Atlantic region. How to ensure that this warship does not melt in the sun?

If the mighty fleet goes out and melts in the middle, it will definitely become a joke of the whole world.

Roosevelt's concerns are very necessary. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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