The Third Reich

Chapter 1679: Clapper ice carrier

Hearing Roosevelt’s question, Jeffrey smiled: "Mr. President, we have already considered this question."

After speaking, Jeffrey took out a new design drawing, which is a design plan for a small boat.

"This is the model we intend to trial-produce. It is about 20 meters long. For our technical verification, we stuck wooden boards on the outside, bitumen on the inner bulkhead, and pipe-shaped vents on the hull. In this way, This ship spent the summer in peace."

Jeffrey was able to say something vigorously: "Then, we have more drawings. For example, after this experiment is completed, we can start building the warship. This is our 2 million ton aircraft carrier design. sketch."

2 million tons? When he heard this data, Roosevelt was shocked.

Now, how heavy is the largest warship? There is absolutely no more than 100,000 tons! The 200-ton class is already a terrible existence against the sky. It is no longer a warship at all, it is simply a floating military base!

"In our preliminary plan, this aircraft carrier is 900 meters long, 100 meters wide, and about 60 meters high. It uses 26 propellers. At the same time, it also has refrigerators inside. When our ship is damaged, As long as the refrigerator is activated, the damaged area can be repaired. At the same time, this aircraft carrier can not only take off and land ordinary fighters, but also take off bombers."

When the length of the aircraft carrier reaches 900 meters, of course, you can do something you want to do. Back then, the B-25 could take off from the small aircraft carrier deck. Now, it can be easily taken off and landed by expanding to this length. Even B-29 is not a dream.

If this kind of aircraft carrier were deployed, the United States would be able to attack Germany more flexibly. Thinking of this, Roosevelt felt that his heart was beating.

As a president, Roosevelt should be mature and stable, but it is different now. Over this period of time, pessimism has been spreading. After Germany conquered Moscow, it seemed that the ocean could not stop the German aggression.

Now, the appearance of the ice aircraft carrier once again gave them hope of victory.

"From Congress to funding, we will immediately find a suitable lake in Canada to build this experimental product. If there is no problem with the verification project, we will start manufacturing this ice aircraft carrier. This project has the highest priority."

Roosevelt was very excited. He seemed to have seen hundreds of these ice aircraft carriers, riding the wind and waves on the Atlantic Ocean and heading towards the European continent. There was no need to find a suitable land as a springboard. The floating ice aircraft carrier was a springboard.

Even if it moves slowly, it is a pretty good weapon platform.

Just when Roosevelt was excited about the ice carrier, Arnold had returned to his headquarters. Now, the big thing before them was this large-scale bombing operation.

The bombing of Midway Island was not difficult. Although the first bombing failed, the route and so on were already familiar. It was enough to change the daytime bombing to nighttime and send another bomber battalion.

The focus is how to bomb Europe.

When they made a plan with Roosevelt, it was very simple. They used civil aviation routes to pretend to be passenger planes. But now, they need to subdivide the plan, which route to choose, how many planes to dispatch, and where to target.

Moreover, they still have a very serious problem.

They don't have many planes.

The German bombing of Scapa Bay was a successful example. Although Junker-290 was used to pretend to be a civil aviation airliner, they were only the first wave. After that, there were a large number of aircraft, one after another. It flew, some took off from an aircraft carrier, a medium-range bomber, etc., completely blown up.

However, there are not many bombers they can use.

If you want to simulate a passenger plane, it is a single-line flight. The current range of the B-29 is definitely not enough to travel directly from the United States to Europe, only a single-line flight.

Therefore, if they want to complete this bombing mission, they must carefully plan their routes. For example, take off from the easternmost island of Newfoundland in Canada, fly first in high latitudes, and wait until they are close to Europe before flying on international routes. , And then pretended to be a civil aviation passenger plane, and bombed the ports of Britain, France, and Spain, focusing on their shipyards, and then heading north, returning to Greenland.

Even if this is the case, only the B-29 bomber has this capability, and until now, the total number of bombers they have mobilized will not exceed one hundred.

If you use that kind of special bomb, it should be able to achieve a good bombing effect, but Roosevelt has his own strategic considerations and will not use that kind of bomb, while ordinary bombs have poor effect and can play a harassing effect. But it may not be completely destroyed.

Moreover, there is only one chance, the next time Germans will definitely have higher attention.

"If we take off from Greenland, the medium-range bombers will be able to reach Britain and France. However, the Germans have already occupied Iceland and must have deployed long-range radars in Iceland. As long as they take off from Greenland, they will definitely be caught by the Germans. Detected."

The staff members were considering various considerations, and Arnold knew that time was running out and a decision had to be made.

"In two waves, the bomber that took off from Greenland flew at a very low altitude and escaped the Icelandic radar before climbing." Arnold said: "Use one hundred more B-25s, so, two hundred. The bombers can paralyze their shipyard for months."

A group of high-altitude flying, posing as civil aviation passenger aircraft, anyway, the radar of this era is backward, as long as it is a dense formation, only one spot is seen.

At the same time, another group of ultra-low-altitude flights could sneak attacks on nearby Britain and France.

The German air defenses are too tight, but they are absolutely impossible to guard all places strictly, right?

This is almost a copy of the sneak attack at Scarpa Bay. With Arnold's decision, the bomber unit of the US Army Air Force began to prepare intensively.

Germany is the enemy of the United States. Germany has launched many attacks on the United States. Now, finally, the American bomber force is about to bomb the German-controlled area!

At the same time, the 58th Bomber Wing stationed on the west coast of the United States has also begun to prepare for a new mission. They are going to avenge the islanders. This time, they must blow up Midway Island!

The 444th bomber group was the first B-29 bomber unit to complete night take-off and landing training. Now they are about to start taking off. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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