The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3406: Do you speak imperial!

After thinking about it, Song Shuqin became more and more relentless in her gaze towards Zhang Xiaofan, she didn't take it for granted, and her tone was a little impatient.

"Also, you don't care about your younger brother. The scholarship of 200,000 yuan won't even pay the 1,000 yuan commission!

Even if you do n’t want to pay this fee, you still open your mouth and dare to collide with her counselor, right? !! "

"Hehe ... this is no longer a simple violation of school rules and discipline, but it has not paid attention to me as a counselor at all. It is simply an incompetent person. The following offends!"

When Song Shuqin said these words, her upper and lower lips bumped up and down, like a "Gatling" agency qiāng, in front of Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Jianfei two people "burst." .. Sudden ... Sudden ... "Endless.

"Haha ... is it really like you said ?!"

Before waiting for Song Shuqin to beep a few words before Zhang Xiaofan's face, it was directly interrupted by Zhang Xiaofan's unwelcome direct shaking hands.

"If, as Teacher Song you said earlier, if you don't give you the so-called 1,000 yuan without honor, even if you hit it, I would like to ask you a word!"

When he said this, Zhang Xiaofan also took a step forward and looked straight at Song Shuqin, saying,.

"You ... what do you want to ask ?!"

Song Shuqin was also taken by Zhang Xiaofan's imposing momentum all at once. Her body was an uncontrolled step backward, unnatural, and Tao.

"I want to ask you, why do your teachers and your counselors have to obey what students say? Why can't they express their opinions?"

Having said that, Zhang Xiaofan did not wait for Song Shuqin to speak, and continued to question.

"Is that what you guys say as teachers is that the imperial edicts of the emperors did not work in the past? You have to let people obey you honestly and do what you want?"

"If you don't do what you say, it's the following offense, that's why you can't grow up without honor !!!!"

When Zhang Xiaofan said these words, although his tone was flat, his momentum was rising gradually, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

"You ... you ... what do you say ?!"

Obviously, he had previously shown a high position in front of Zhang Xiaofan, standing on the so-called moral high ground and constantly condemning Zhao Shufei's Song Shuqin.

At this time, she was like a discouraged ball. She "suggested" him in front of Zhang Xiaofan on the spot, but for a while she didn't know what to say.

But think about it, in her inherent impression of Song Shuqin, neither the students nor the parents of the students.

When these people saw themselves as a counselor, they were not tigers but also lie down in front of the teacher, and dragons had to be honest.

No one has ever dared to stand in front of herself and use this aggressive tone to turn over and ask her Song Shuqin, even if it is true, she is going to question the students and their parents !!

"Ha ha ... sorry, professional habits, professional habits ..."

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