The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3407: Sorry, forget you are mortal!

Seeing this, Song Shuqin, who was almost scared by the aggressive momentum on her body, collapsed on the spot. At this time, Zhang Xiaofan realized afterwards that it was only a mere mortal.

However, although the aura that I used before was not even a one-tenth of a imaginary that I used as a half-step foundation cultivator--

But even so, it was enough to scare this mortal who was no different from the ants.

After all, this situation is like a Northeast Tiger king of beasts straddling a ants' head that gnaws on the ground and eats soil all day long.

Although the king of beasts has no half interest in the ants that are gnawing on the ground, the deterrent power of this king of beasts is deeply implanted into the soul of that worm on the ground like a nightmare. ...

However, at this time, the relationship between Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Jianfei's counselor was similar to the relationship between the king of beasts and the gnat.

Although Zhang Xiaofan didn't intend to deal with Song Shuqin, even so Song Shuqin almost didn't directly scare him directly on the spot.

Of course, if Zhang Xiaofan really wants to target her Song Shuqin, then she might have gone to another world report now ...

Seeing the trembling in front of herself, Song Shuqin with soy bean-sized cold sweat permeating her forehead--

At this time Zhang Xiaofan realized that his previous momentum was a little stronger, and he could not help converging his momentum back into the body, and continued to speak.

"Previously, I heard my brother Jianfei tell me, what kind of first prize scholarship does your school receive? In addition to paying the normal 20% personal income tax, you have to pay you a 1,000 yuan benefit fee to receive this. Scholarship ?! "

"Is this true ?!"

"It's not a benefit fee, it's a commission fee, it's a scholarship withdrawal fee!"

Seeing what Zhang Xiaofan said when he closed his mouth was the "benefit fee", Song Shuqin's face couldn't help gloomy.

"Oh ... it's a commission!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Xiaofan also pretended to be in a sense of sudden realization on the face, and then the words turned and said again.

"Then I would like to ask you Song. Is your school's handling fee explicitly required to be paid by the State Administration of Taxation?"

"If it isn't, then what do you charge for this fee!"

"I think if your school here has our family Jianfei pay this fee, then we, as parents of students, always have the most basic right to know, do you mean Teacher Song ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan squinted his eyes, smiling, said.

"Handling fee ... Handling fee ..."

Song Shuqin never imagined that Zhao Jianfei's elder brother was so embarrassed that he had to put on a pair of casseroles to ask to the end and to investigate the stance in the end!

It is not the first time that Song Shuqin has deducted a 1,000 yuan commission fee for Zhao Jianfei's scholarship. Among the students in the previous classes, there are also many students who received this scholarship and were charged by her for renewal.

However, these students basically care about her identity as a counselor ...

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