The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5724: I'm not playing anymore


This matter, say a thousand, to ten thousand, after all, you still have to blame yourself.

Because of a bottle of water from the Tianhe River, he got into the thief ship of Brother Er.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan also couldn't help sighing sadly. After putting down the mobile phone, he returned home and began to meditate with his knees prepared for daily practice.

An hour and a half later.

"Om ..... Om ..... Om ....."

At this moment, the mobile phone in his pants pocket suddenly shakes when he finds it again.

After Zhang Xiaofan withdrew from the practice state, he slowly opened his eyes, subconsciously pulled the phone out of his trouser pocket, opened it, and the expression on his face suddenly became very exciting.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived!

Just now, Zhang Xiaofan was still thinking about Brother Er, and he didn't expect that the two brothers would send the news to themselves so soon.

Marshal Tengpeng: "Big brother, it's an old pig, Marshal Tupeng!"

"Big brother, I can't sit still. Tell me quickly, what's the situation with you now?"

After watching these two brothers like fried beans, "Crap ....." sent this series of messages to himself.

Zhang Xiaofan could not help but rubbing his temples, which were obviously swollen, and quickly tapped his fingers on the screen, and immediately responded to the four characters.

I'm Mengxin {张小凡} ": Don't expect it!"

After a while, the other end of the phone fell into silence for a few minutes.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wondered if the two brothers couldn't stand such a big blow, when they closed themselves directly on the spot.

I just saw a voice message pop up in the WeChat chat dialog box soon.

Marshal Tengpeng: "Big ..... big brother, you ..... what you said to the old pig just now, are you kidding me!"

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "It's true!"

Seeing the appearance of Second Brother, Zhang Xiaofan simply stopped going around with him anymore, and his fingers continued to tap on the screen quickly.

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "Tengpeng, I really want to talk about this, not because I haven't done my best."

"The current situation is simply that the Chang'e fairy has completely lost contact with me. No matter what I say or send a message, it is like a sinking sea, and the bird has no news ..."

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's detailed explanation, the second brother on the other end of the mobile phone could not help but fall into deep silence.

I'm Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "Marshal, there is no fragrant grass everywhere, and I think Siniang is also very good. I don't think you need to be too sad about this kind of thing."

Brother Zhang Xiaofan also opened the second brother Xie again and again, for fear that he would not think about it.

After all, looking at Zhang Xiaofan from the perspective of this matter, he really is more or less, and he has some sympathy for this true temperament "Second Brother".

At the same time, he felt much admiration for the "passionate affection" shown by Brother Er's treatment of Miss Chang'e.

"Brother, I want to understand now!"

Zhang Xiaofan was searching his intestines and scratching his belly, thinking in his heart what kind of words he should use to comfort himself, comforting his second brother ...

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